Beyonce and Jay-Z Show Support for Hillary Clinton

Posted: November 7, 2016 in Uncategorized


Again I ask the question: why are black people the only so-called racial minority being used to promote Hillary?

Yes, yes, I know the obvious answer is:

“Beyonce and Jay-Z will drive young black people to the polls for Hillary!”

However, using that logic, why aren’t Hispanic and white rock stars hosting rallies for Hillary to drive young Hispanics and whites to the polls for Hillary?

(If anyone has heard of this, please post the link here).

It just seems to me–and I could be wrong–that BLACK PEOPLE are always pushed out front to promote corrupt white politicians. Is this a subtle psychological attempt to LINK BLACK PEOPLE WITH WHITE CORRUPTION AND WRONG-DOING in the minds of white AND black people?

A sort of psycho slight of hand?

The Beyonce and Jay-Z Clinton Rally reminds me of the 2016 Summer Olympics when the corrupt then Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley trotted Oprah, Michelle and Barack Obama to Copenhagen in 2009 to woo the natives so they would pick Chicago for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Turns out, it was a failed strategy before it began. Not only did Daley lose face and his job as Mayor (he was forced to not run for re-election), Oprah’s show ended shortly after.


Oprah & the Obamas stomping for Daley


Michelle Obama, Oprah, & former Mayor Daley

“A stunned silence fell over the thousands of people gathered in downtown Chicago a few moments ago when the International Olympics Committee announced that the voting for the Summer 2016 games site had come down to Rio and Madrid. Chicago didn’t make it past the first round of votes, despite days of lobbying by Oprah Winfrey (shown here entering the Bella Center in Copenhagen this morning) and the Obamas.”

I remember thinking back then — WHY would Daley choose four black people (Michael Jordan refused to go) to represent Chicago instead of a MULTI-RACIAL group of celebrities to represent a MULTI-RACIAL event like the Olympics?


I had a sneaking suspicion that this was a sneaky, deceptive way of practicing racism/white supremacy while making it appear like something else.

And that there is something in the powerful white psyche that LOVES to showcase black people when they are UP TO NO GOOD.

A little background history on Daley:


Former Mayor Daley


Jon Burge

In 1982, then Cook County State’s Attorney Richard M. Daley and his first assistant, Richard Devine were specifically informed by Police Superintendent Richard Brzeczek that Andrew Wilson (a black male) had been tortured at Area 2 police headquarters by Jon Burge. Daley and Devine rejected Brezeczek’s request to investigate, and Daley chose instead to publicly commend Burge rather than to prosecute him. As a result, scores of additional African American men were tortured by Burge and his men during the next decade.

You can see it in EVERY news conference by a public official. There will always be that black male or black female standing RIGHT BEHIND the white politician as they lie and mislead the public.

Again, I must ask the same two questions:

If black voters do NOT determine the presidential election, why is the Clinton campaign constantly wooing black voters?


What is she going to do that will be so horrific it requires more black scapegoating?

This is something we need to seriously think about.

  1. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Beyonce Knowles who has NEVER harmed one cop, gets more hatred from pro police racists than white cop killers that actually kill cops. Hilary has yet to tell these racists to leave Beyonce Knowles alone. Even when racists attacked Beyonce for performing with the Dixie Chicks at CMA, silence from Hilary.

    Thankfully this will be over in 24 hours.

    • Mariama says:

      @ Chuquestaquenumber1:

      This is a great point. But what makes me resentful towards Beyonce and the other black celebrity ilk is how they co-sign this garbage. A couple of weeks ago, Mary J. Blige sang to Hillary Clinton. I cringed the whole time that I watched that. It doesn’t surprise me that Jay Z would endorse Hillary. So, none of this comes as a surprise to me anymore. I am just so sick and tired of seeing this. These entertainers are simply puppets following a script.

      And yes, you made another interesting point. These black people who support Hillary openly don’t get the support in return. I don’t follow sports so I don’t know anything about the Super Bowl, but I did hear that Beyonce got a lot of flack over it. Frankly I don’t trust any of them. They are all full of it.

      And Pam brought up an interesting point. White people “in power” parading rich black people around. Wow, I didn’t think of it like that. And when shi# hits the fan, the public can blame black people for supporting these crooked whites. There are so many angles to look at this from. When I sit down and really think about this all, it is just so bizarre, evil and diabolical.

      I cannot wait to see who our next President is going to be. God help America (sarcastic).

  2. Shanequa says:

    @ Trojan Pam

    Great post!!!!
    Europeans have always target black celebrities to be their scrapgoat because they carry influence & are look upon as role models in the community. Hilary use Beyoncé because she has a huge following fan base that she can bring the youth to the voting poll. Beyoncé & other black celebrities are docile when it comes down to white supremacy furthermore they are victims.

    P.S. I had to laugh at Beyoncé statement on the video clip especially at being inspire at a white woman whose the mother of white supremacy being the first female president. White women never have look after the interest of Black African women.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Shanequa

      Again, following the logic,

      why aren’t Hispanic and white rock stars hosting rallies for Hillary to drive young Hispanics and whites to the polls for Hillary?

      why are black people the only ones targeted? I don’t believe it’s about the black vote, I believe it’s about LINKING black people to corrupt white politicians so we will be blamed for what they do

      And there are hidden reasons that lie beneath the surface that are at the root of the white supremacist war against black people everywhere, but especially in the U.S.

      We need to be vigilant in the days ahead.

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Trojan Pam 100% agreed

      • Mariama says:


        Well, the die has been set. With Trump now as President elect, in my heart, I know that things will only get worse. People are so upset and can’t seem to conceive how this could happen. How can Trump be president? I was talking to my mother today in Africa and she told me that maybe this will be a wake up call for Africans who have become so comfortable in the Diaspora. Maybe this will show them that Trump represents most white folks views. And hopefully, they will be willing to go back to Africa and help rebuild their nation. I know that some are ready to go home, but I also know that some have become so comfortable in their Eurocentric midnight that they could not imagine going back to the land of their birth.

        I am listening to a podcast right now in which the host is talking about the white supremacist groups who are training and ready for the race war. They can’t wait to taste some blood and they are longing to bring back that Confederate flag in full force. Slavery all over again. I am not surprised that Trump won and I still don’t see how black folks are so upset over this Hillary nonsense.

        • the trumpetist says:

          You can always than Pam and her campaign against HC.

          • Trojan Pam says:

            @ the trumpetist

            I am not responsible for the outcome of this election.

            The Democrats did not give people MORE reasons to vote for them.

            They had EIGHT YEARS to do so

            Regardless, it should be clear that voting will not solve our problems

            Now it’s time to put on our thinking caps and get busy solving our problems

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ Mariama

          I believe things are going to get worse–PERIOD–regardless of who won the election.

          Have we forgotten what direction the white collective was moving in BEFORE Trump became president? All the white people arming up during the 8 years of Obama?

          I am not sorry Clinton lost. Not at all. I do not look to the vote to solve a single problem we have

          • Mariama says:


            In some strange way, I am happy that Trump won. Maybe black folks will really wake up and face the mirror. I hope that they realize that they have been having a one way love affair with these people. Blacks are showing all the love and forgiveness in the world to die hard white supremacists but are not getting so much as a handshake in return. I see a lot of black people as the obsessed stalker who can’t take no for an answer from a person who is not at all interested in them. It makes them look weak and desperate. And what is even more interesting is that these same black people would not forgive another black person for something that is far less significant.

    • epiphaney33 says:

      Well stated! I guess that people, for the most part, have forgotten about Women’s Suffrage and Women’s Lib, eh?


  3. Mariama says:


    Excuse the error. I meant to say Eurocentric mindset, and not midnight.

  4. Timothy says:

    @Sister Trojan Pam

    Hillary Clinton ran a poor campaign and she lost the Electoral College votes. Beyonce and Jay Z were used by Clinton to gain political power, but even now Beyonce and Jay Z will be used as scapegoats for Clinton’s lost. Black people, unfortunately, are history’s scapegoats when support for Trump was greater among Latinos than black people. Many black people stayed home since they didn’t want to support either major candidate. Some black people voted for a third party. Trump being selected President is a tragedy as both major parties have been complicit in the oppression of black Americans. Hillary Clinton (who supported militarism and disrespected black Americans and Africans) failed to show an adequate concern or respect for working class and poor Americans. Hillary Clinton is a white woman and ironically most white women voted for Trump than Hillary. This shows that white women are white people and white people (regardless of sex) will vote to support allegiance to their race beyond gender. This election shows to any black person on Earth that America is filled with white racism and that bigotry isn’t just found in the South. It’s found nationwide. Also, Donald Trump represent white supremacy just like Hillary does. Trump is a racist, a sexist, and an xenophobe. Trump uses vulgarity overtly just like Hillary. Trump is not my President. Therefore, these events should allow us as black people to work together more in solving our problems via self-determination. This is a wake up call. We are the first people on Earth and we have great power. We just have to use it to address poverty, education, the environment, and other issues. A true revolutionary addresses the environment, human rights, and advocates for black liberation.

    • Mariama says:


      I agree with you 1000%. And with Trump being the President elect, one thing that I noticed the media overlooking is the First Lady elect. A woman who is shown all over the internet half naked as if she is heading to a strip club. Not to mention that she has gotten so much plastic surgery that she looks like a clone. And this is the kind of person that will be leading this society. This American society has become such a joke and it is so laughable that we are embracing such debauchery. It is like a modern day Babylon. I am sure that we are the laughing stock of the world. I don’t think that any respectable nation can look at this country with a straight face.

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Mariama.

        I agree with you. This election is the wake up call for the skeptics in this nation who believed in the myth of a post racial society. There has been over 200 incidents of hate crimes alone since he or Trump was elected. Therefore, black folks ought to protect our communities and our vigilance should increase. American society has mistreated our people for centuries and acted in a hypocritical fashion. Hopefully, more black folks will wake up from their slumber. White racists have shown who they are for centuries and it is disturbing that some of our people still want to lay up with them and bow down before them. That is why the advocacy of black liberation is important, because it deals with growing our self-esteem, promoting real Black Unity, and viewing each other as allies in this fight for justice.

        • Mariama says:


          True! And not to get off topic, but please check this book out: “Truevine” by Beth Macy. This is a very very painful chapter in “Black” History. I am sure that you heard about this incident since you are from VA.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Mariama

            Thank you for showing information about the book. The book shows how vicious and evil racism is. Only an evil mind would kidnap black children and exploit them in that fashion. This is the first time of me hearing of this story too. The black mother in this story was heroic to fight to get her sons back in the racist Jim Crow South. She should be praised for her courage and for her doing what is right. This story is relevant in our time, because oppression against our people didn’t end decades ago. It continues today. People everywhere should read this book too.

      • Mariama says:


        Thank you for this! It really hurts to look at this soon to be First Lady. Frankly, she looks like a clone. And with all the wickedness going on in this country, I would not be surprised. I am not impressed with her or her husband at all. Expect the worst to come.

  5. anonymous says:

    [video src="" /]

    Thought I’d share this with all of you.

    • Timothy says:


      I saw the video. The person is the video is right that white supremacists view Trump as their leader in expressing their bigotry openly. Hillary is another person who has spewed bigotry too. Trump encouraged violence in rallies, scapegoated Muslims, and disrespected black people including immigrants. Many people need to understand that the system of racism continues to exist for centuries. He’s right that white people are taught the lies of white supremacy since birth. People in the rallies of Trump have said the N word. There are over 200 incidents of hate crimes since Trump was “elected” President. Many people have painted swastika in places nationwide including in the North. We have a serious problem of police brutality, sexism, racism, etc. White privilege is real and many whites want to maintain their privilege by any means necessary. The thing is that we (as black people) need to organize and to use strategies in building our economic and political power. I have no problem with specific boycotts that target entities that exploit us. I have no problem with group economics. We should always do what is morally right to help ourselves. The video is interesting and it shows words that the majority of white people won’t say openly in public. Black people are entitled to justice and liberation by birthright.

      Thank you for showing the video and Enjoy your Day.

      • anonymous says:

        Thanks Courtney and Timothy for your response. Ms. Courtney I think the veginator fiasco signaled the end of the swirling movement. Mr. Timothy I think with the new presidency and the rise in racism a lot of what you are saying will begin to come to past. Perhaps that is the one good thing that will come out of everything that is beginning to happen.

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Courtney

        Good Afternoon Sister.

        Also, I have to mention this. It’s in my spirit. The male Loving person was 18 when she dated a 12 year old girl. Therefore, the whole Loving story is based on a sexual predator and pedophile taking advantage of a little girl (who was a person of color). That is why I will never look at that new Loving film. We abhor pedophilia period. The video shows the truth about racists in IRs. The white racist is a coward and an evil person. So, I believe that this isn’t the first time that he said these racist words to the black woman. That white racist is weak and I can tell that he doesn’t know how to fight intellectually or physically. The white racist omits that he wasn’t the original inhabitant of America and that his ancestors stole lands and committed genocide in America. The white racist lied and said that President Obama incited riots when he has gone out of his way to outline moderate statements on race. Obama didn’t found the BLM, but 3 black women did.

        The white racist has no racist from me. Black people have the free speech right to expose white racism and to stand up for justice. The black woman in the relationship left. It is a fact that many white racists have sex with black people and still are racist. Not all men will impose sex on a woman. Not all women will impose sex on a man. Sex should exist in a voluntary fashion. The video of the white coward once again shows how white bigots target low self-esteem black people in order to further their agenda (of trying to control people). That is why we repudiate the myth that IRs are superior to Black Love. Black Love is the first human love and we cherish true Black Love. The election of Trump has shown the world once again that the nature of white racism is of Satan period. Racism is about oppression, anti-morality, violence unjustly, lies, deception, manipulation, and nefarious exploitation (which are all concepts against morality). Therefore, I hope more black people wake up, stop worshiping whiteness, and love blackness wholeheartedly (in word and in deed).

        Thank you for showing the video Sister.

        • Courtney H. says:

          j@ Brother Timothy and anonymous:

          I agree with both of your statements wholeheartedly, so I do not have to add to what you have said. Both of you are telling the absolute truth!

          May you all have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving holiday! 🙂

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Courtney

            Thank you for the kind words Sister. Enjoy your Weekend as well. 🙂

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Courtney

            Enjoy your Holiday Weekend too Sister. 🙂

            Thank you for showing the videos Sister.

            Richard Spencer is the face of white racism. I heard of him for years. He is a Islamophobe too. He is a liar. The truth is that America never belonged to white people. White racist terrorists centuries ago stole the land and exterminated Native Americans and enslaved black people. Spencer is a fascist and a liar. He lied about black people as black people have made complex civilizations for thousands of years. Black people lived in ancient Egypt, ancient Nubia, in Nok, in ancient Ghana, in Songhai, and in other places of Africa developing art, culture, and other aspects of civilization. The alt right movement is a movement of hate and it’s nothing more than the agenda of racism/white supremacy. White racists have committed crimes against humanity for a long time. Hitler, King Leopold, and other barbarians (who are savages and racists) prove that we must never compromise with evil. This is a war and we, as black people, must eradicate the disease of racism from the face of the Earth by any means necessary. Spencer being refuted on Newsone by Roland Martin is not surprising. An elementary school student can refute Spencer. The truth is that white racists exploited the labor of black people and used slavery against black people to expand the American Empire. Slave owners were reliant on black people. Also, black people in America fought back against slavery and racism for a long time. Also, white privilege is real as documented by studies and by the criminal justice system sentencing black people higher terms in prison than white people (even if everyone was convicted for the same exact crime). There is racial discrimination in the world.

            There has always been black inventors and scholars doing great work. Many people want to minimize the excellent contributions of black people as a means for some to excuse the wickedness of racism and economic oppression.

            White racists lack a compassionate soul. Black people will overcome injustice in the end. Trump is an enemy of humanity with his white supremacist allies and advisors. America was never originally white. Black liberation is the goal that we believe in. We honor our melanin and we love our Blackness.

            Bless you Sister Courtney 🙂

        • epiphaney33 says:

          Well stated, Brother Timothy. It is a fact that the hatred and prejudices deeply inculcated in this society, like cancer have threaded its way into the fabric of Amerikka. Many individuals, race included, are “like sheep” that do not use their own inductive and deductive logic. Just follow the leader without using any critical thinking skills. A good example would be this past election.

          The world HAS become a “me mentality” and a “us mentality.” Excellent post.

          • Timothy says:


            You’re right. This election have proven in essence what our black people have said for years. Our people have mentioned that the evils of racism, sexism, and prejudice are still in existence in American society (back centuries ago and today). This election isn’t new either. There have been racists elected as President like Washington and Andrew Johnson. There have been many Presidents who lost the popular vote, but won the electoral college. This time is another wake up call to the skeptics to wake up. Trump has shown the face of racist white people overtly. Also, Hillary is another white supremacist too. Her advocacy of militarism, the disrespect of Africans, and calling black youth “super predators” are repulsive. Many people have to use logic and focus on real priorities of solidarity, community development, and black liberation. Thank you for your words.

            • Courtney H. says:

              @ Everybody:

              I hope that you are all having a blessed holiday weekend! 🙂

              Here are good videos about these white supremacist devils:

              Warning — these videos contain profanity. Enjoy! 😀

  6. anonymous says:

    Richard Spencer mentioned that it was “the white man” who invented the railroad. He forgot something.

  7. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    Hello Sister. 🙂

    First, I will mention information about Britain then Fidel Castro.

    The British documentary shows information about the long history of interracial relationships and biracial or multiethnic children in British society. As we know, the system of racism/white supremacy oppresses black people and all people of color. Therefore, the biracial people and multiethnic people also are victims of racism and discrimination. There is nothing new under the sun, so IRs have existed in world history for centuries and thousands of years. The fundamental point is that we should advance black liberation and Black Love while acknowledging the Golden Rule. I won’t marry a white woman (I will always love black women forever), but I will not disrespect or curse out someone who is biracial or multiethnic. Also, the UK isn’t a racial utopia. We know that America certainly isn’t a racial Utopia. Therefore, we have to use vigilance to fight against bigotry and oppression continuously since true freedom is achieved by struggle and fighting evil. We demand change and we struggle for it.

    As for Fidel Castro’s passing.

    He lived a long time on this Earth. He passed away at 90 years old. First, I send prayers and condolences to Castro’s family, his friends, and for the Cuban people. Man people are celebrating his death or mourning his death. Fidel Castro did good and bad things. We shouldn’t sugarcoat the truth. First, Castro was right to improve literacy and health care in Cuba. He aided Africans in our black Africa liberation movement. He helped to safeguard Sister Assata Shakur. Cuba sent medical doctors to help the African victims of Ebola recently. Batista was a dictator and I’m glad that he was overthrown. Castro survived assassination attempts by the CIA for decades. Cuba aided the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. That should be acknowledged. Also, Castro made mistakes in terms of violating the civil liberties of many people in Cuba. Castro was wrong in executing many acts that violated many political freedoms. Also, the videos are right that the embargo should end. The videos are right that the revolution continues and we must reject Western imperialism. Many of the same people comparing Castro to Hitler have no problem with bad American policies of torture, Operation Phoenix, and other war crimes. America can have diplomatic relations with Vietnam, but refuse to have the same relations with Cuba until 2014. Therefore, the far right crowd is hypocritical to condemn Castro, but refuse to condemn U.S. imperialists. We are in a pan-African struggle for liberation.

    Enjoy your Day Sister Courtney. 🙂

    Bless you.

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Timothy

      Fidel Castro to Gaddafi were no different from any other racist Non BLACK Africans who disrespect & use BLACK Africans for their own benefits. “TO ALL BLACK AFRICAN PEOPLE WE HAVE NO FRIENDS.” Our people are brainwash & suffer from low self esteem to even allow Non Black African people to manipulate us.

      Here is a nice link of the arab king of Africa Gaddafi.

      “We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,” Col Gaddafi said in Rome.

      Colonel Gaddafi of Libya has continued in this tradition albeit masquerading as a Pan-Africanist amid his relentless attempts to Arabize Africa since the early 70s.

      Gaddafi has brutally deported thousands of Africans.

      During his Rome visit, Gaddafi asked the EU for 5 billion Euros to block Black Africans from Invading Europe and turning the continent into “another Africa”, which for him is a continent of starving and ignorant black barbarians.

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Shanequa

        You have shown accurate information about Gaddafi showing racism. Gaddafi’s racism is wrong and has no justification. His deportation of black Africans from Libya is reprehensible and wicked. I don’t believe in pan-Arabism. Also, another point is to be made. We shouldn’t prop up non-blacks as superior to us. Yet, African Americans must be united with people of black African descent globally. We should unite with Afro-French, Afro-Brazilians, black Africans, and others in the world without unfair xenophobia against foreign born black Africans. International pan-African liberation is superior than just about concerning with black people in the States. Black people must be liberated worldwide not just in one country. Part of this liberation is promoting working class rights and developing infrastructure. Castro is not perfect. I don’t justify his imperfections. Likewise, I do condemn apartheid, I support medical investments to help Africans to fight ebola, and I do endorse investments in black communities to help people. I reject asceticism and the only way to enact justice is by uncompromising struggle. Struggle is what our elders advocated to achieve justice from Steve Biko to Malcolm X. Also, it is important to also condemn racial imperialism, torture, unjust wars, and other evils.

        Thank you for your words Sister.

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Shanequa:

          Thank you. I didn’t know this about Gaddafi. And I agree with what both you and Brother Timothy have said.

  8. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    I have listened to the video about Black Friday. The information in the video from the Brother and the Sister are interesting. Both of them are correct that we should reject materialism and provide for our needs while rejecting greed and over consumption. The slave trade and the evil auction should never be forgotten. it is important to have a spirit of understanding and to realize that our enemy is vicious and they are never infallible. With the passing of Castro, we are more inspired to advocate real change in the world. We are also the original, indigenous humans on this Earth as black people. We are strong and we have the right to have our human rights maintained by any means necessary.

    Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  9. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    Thank you Sister for showing the videos from Greg Porter.

    He gave a fair appraisal about Fidel Castro’s life and legacy. The mainstream media neglects to mention that Batista was a brutal dictator that oppressed people during the 1950’s. They also ignore how the U.S. Military occupied Cuba during the early 20th century and enforced Jim Crow policies in Cuba too. Therefore, Fidel Castro wasn’t perfect, but Castro is not equivalent to Hitler or Stalin. Many positive things happened in Cuba like health care development, improvements in literacy, and the end of the Batista regime. Castro allowed Assata Shakur safe haven and he supported the Angolan freedom fighters in Africa. He opposed apartheid in South Africa. I also don’t agree with human rights abuses in Cuba. I also don’t agree with the human rights abuses going on in America today. Police brutality in America is a human rights abuse. Racism and discrimination are human rights abuses. Operation Phoenix done by the U.S. was a war crime. Therefore, many people want to condemn Castro alone while refusing to call out U.S. imperialism. Thank you Sister for showing both videos. 🙂

    • Renee Dennis says:

      @ Brother Timothy:

      Thank you, and you are welcome!

      Thank you for watching the videos and commenting. The videos were very informative, and Greg Porter is very thorough in his assessments.

      May you have a blessed week, Brother. 🙂

  10. Well unfortunately it didn’t work, but at least I got to see another Beyonce concert. Love queen bee.

  11. Shanequa says:

    Beyoncé & Jay-Z are nothing more then “Showcase Blacks” who are high-profile blacks that are constantly paraded before the public. Showcase Blacks are used to put a “black face” on unpopular government and corporate policies. Whenever a white politician or policy maker appears before the cameras, Showcase Blacks are always standing in the background to give the impression that black are conspiring with corrupt white officials to deceive and defraud the public. In reality, these black bobbing heads have no power to agree or disagree with anything. In reality, showcase blacks in high profile positions and occupations actually increase envy and resentment among whites, not acceptance, by creating false illusion that blacks are getting more attention (help) then whites when, in reality neither group is getting the help they need which is why these shows were created. Showcase Blacks who have no real power are the perfect scapegoats and lighting rods for white fear, frustration, and rage. Since showcase blacks are rarely accessible to the public, this resentment and anger is often directed at everyday blacks in the form of increased racism, discrimination and violence.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      Enjoy your Day Sister. 🙂

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Courtney H
      In 2017 we will gradually see Beyoncé star fall. I don’t wish the sister any failure but when our talented black stars rise to mainstream crossover appeal they take a hard downfall prime example Janet Jackson. Janet Jackson was still on top but the Super Bowl incident which was a accident have been down hill for her ever since. White America is tired of Beyoncé because they don’t have a white female star that can reach her level of success. White America tried with Brittany Spears, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift but none of them compare to Beyoncé. Just look at the hate she is receiving 2017 Grammy nominations she’s in lead that didn’t sit well with white people especially since she’s nominated for a rock category. White folks were piss since she song at the country music awards. Keep your eyes open white folks about to shut off the switch on Beyoncé

      • epiphaney33 says:

        @ Shanequa:

        In on this LATE, but dam you spoke the truth! Before these sub-humans shut off the switch on Beyonce, hopefully she can garner all the money that her hands can hold and like other brothas and sistas, attempt to help her people in some way.

        • Shanequa says:


          Europeans have something plan for Beyoncé also she’s going against the great white hope Adele for nominations at the grammy awards this year.

    • epiphaney33 says:

      @ Shanequa:

      I agree also, just “Barbie and Ken” posing for the cameras. Business as usual…

  12. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    Good Afternoon to you Sister. 🙂

    The Brother in the video is right that “black on black crime” has been used by white racists in order for them to scapegoat black people. The reality is that crime is crime regardless of skin color. Most crime in America is intraracial. In other words, most crimes in the white community are committed by whites and most crimes in the black community are committed by black people. Crime is heavily influenced by socioeconomic factors, very close vicinity, and other factors. The police prosecute black criminals more harshly than white criminals even if they are convicted of the same crime. That is why you see a disproportionate amount of black people in prison. That is not because of black inferiority, which is a myth. That comes about, because the court system convicts more black people in a higher rate than white people who commits a crime. The criminal injustice system is heavily racist, especially in the War on Drugs. Black people and white people in America use drugs in the same rate, but more black people are convicted for drug offenses than whites because of discriminatory actions. Stop and frisk should be banned.

    I’m not surprised that Kanye West visited Donald Trump, but I’m disappointed that Jim Brown met with a racist, sexist, and a xenophobe Donald Trump. He’s right that Europeans formed the modern American nation by theft, slavery, genocide, and other atrocities against innocent people. There is crime in the black community and it is a tragedy, but to solve these problems, people need job opportunities, investments, infrastructure development without anti-black scapegoating. We should stop poor scapegoating. He’s right that black on black crime in essence is a myth, because crime is crime. Also, it is important to build in our community and oppose police brutality. Not to mention that many white serial killers and other criminals are either not sentenced fairly or they receive lesser sentences as compared to black people. One example of this is that Slager murdered an unarmed black man and he wasn’t convicted at all. So, crime is done by many people and black genetics has nothing to do with crime period. These crime numbers are taken out of context by racists too. We want change and black liberation.

    Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  13. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    The video talks about Russia and Turkey. Turkey is a nation filled with a nationalist leader. Right now, Turkey and Russia have a better relationship as they are opposed to ISIS. Turkey also disagrees with the Kurdish PKK. Once, Turkey and Russia disagreed with each other a lot in terms on how to handle Syria (a Turkish plane shot down a Russian aircraft). Now, they agree more and diplomatic relations have improved in both nations. The shooter is said to be a cop from Ankara. We see massive anti-Russian sentiment among many in U.S. intelligence. This shooting comes just before Russian and Turkish leaders will met to talk about the ceasefire and the evacuation of civilians from Aleppo. So, believe that the shooting was an act of provocation in order to promote tensions among Turkey and Russia. The Syrian war is a complex war. You have Assad forces vs. rebels (many rebels are outright terrorists). You have Kurdish forces vs. ISIS. You have Assad forces vs. ISIS too. Therefore, the Syrian civil war is multifaceted and complicated. Now, Iran, Russia, and Turkey are uniting more. The gunman could want to end the peace talks among those 3 nations. The Sister in the video has the right to ask questions about the attack. The video is certainly disturbing. Websites linked to Al Nusra (which is a terrorist group) has praised the killing. Time will tell what truly happened and why it occured.

    Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  14. Renee Dennis says:

    @ Brother Timothy:

    Thank you for responding to the video. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, either, but I agree with you that we have to question these things. There is a saying, “Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.” Several commenters said they believe thst Mossad and/or CIA was behind it. AfriSynergy hints at that, too.

    We will find one way or another what happened. You gave really g [d info about Syria, Russia, and Turkey. To tell you the truth, I haven’t really been paying attention to the Syrian Civil War. Thanks for the info and comments.

    May you have a blessed day! 🙂

  15. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    I have listened to the video.

    Here are my thoughts about Slager. Slager is a murderer and a coward. He murdered an innocent black man. Dorsey Montgomery II is the juror foreman and he sugarcoated the evil murder of Walter Scott. When you have even white jurors wanting to convict that murderer and this black male trying to sugarcoat the brutality of the murder of an unarmed black man, then we have a serious problem of self hatred in the world. Dorsey can use all of the words that he wants. Yet, we still don’t have justice right now involving this case. Montgomery was on the juror despite issues with his criminal history. It is easy to see that the prosecutor and the defense team allowed that juror to exist in order for the case to be sabotaged. Montgomery claimed that the white jurors who refused to convict because of sincere reasons. I disagree. The juror refused to do so, because of their selfishness and racist bigotry in my view. Michael Slager blatantly used lies and perjury involving his actions. Montgomery is blatantly lying since there is clear evidence of guilt on the part of Slager.

    The police institution has massive immunity. Crooked cops are rarely prosecuted fairly for their evil actions. The law involving the police was never written to punish evil cops primarily. Laws are readily used to suppress dissent and enforce the rule of the one percent of the world. Police murder is an epidemic in the world. Many DAs are not actively prosecuting cops and the video is right is to mention that many DAs are using blatantly sophisticated ways to throw cases. Many potential jurors are not used if they will convict corrupt cops. Montgomery was told what to say and what to not say by the DA. I disagree with narrator’s views on single mothers. Many single parents have jobs and are doing what is right. So, the narrator’s views on black women are wrong and they are views that I disagree with the narrator on. I disagree with the narrator’s name calling at times too. Also, black mothers and black fathers are capable of teaching black children on how to fight white supremacy. I reject the narrator’s misogynoir. The jurors from this trial has never been shown except one person.

    The narrator’s words on Walter Scott’s mother is disgraceful and cowardly. The narrator is a coward to criticizing a black man’s mother like that. Walter Scott’s mother is a grieving mother and she desires justice. She is deserving of respect too. Also, tons of black women are standing up against white racism. So, the beginning of the video exposed the evil actions of a murderer and the criminal injustice system. The rest of the video shows a slander of single black mothers, black women in general, and Walter Scott’s mother. The narrator should be ashamed of himself for disrespecting Walter Scott’s mother in that way. There is no question that Dorsey is a male that I don’t admire at all. We believe in justice not compromise.

    Thank you for showing the video Sister Courtney. 🙂

    Blessings to you. 🙂

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Brother Timothy:

      Thank you so much for watching that long video and responding. I’m not going to add much, because I agree with everything that you said.

      What I would like to add, is what you said about PBT’s misogyny. You mentioned earlier that a lot of so-called conscious brothers are not really conscious, since they attack Black women. I’m glad that you also brought what PBT said about Walter Scott’s mother. His comments about her were really ugly, as well as his generalization of Black gays and lesbians and “biracial” people. He is ignoring the fact that there are many Black men, straight Black people, and “fully” Black people who backstab other Blacks as well. All kinds of people “coon” (excuse me for using that word). One commenter on this video stated PBT may be an agent since he is so divisive. I agree with that statement. What do you think?

      May you have a blessed evening, Brother. 🙂

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Courtney

        Thank you for your words Sister. 🙂

        I certainly agree with you that his words about Walter Scott’s mother are totally out of line and disrespectful. The Sister is a grieving mother. Many males who claim to be “conscious” are not conscious. They just want to use a platform to express hatred against black women and other black people. It wouldn’t surprise me if PBT is an agent. I believe that PBT’s rhetoric mixes some truth with error. There can be no mixture of good and evil. We believe in consistency and truth. One great Brother with great research about black history is Solomon Comissiong. I read one of his books and it’s great. He has worked to help black people in real life too. There are also tons of black women doing what is right as well.

        Enjoy your Day too Sister. 🙂

  16. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    I have listened to the video from the Sister, who believes that black people are the descendants from ancient Hebrews. She is sincere in her beliefs and she has the right to believe in what she wants to. She is right that a certain faction in the world (who call themselves “Hebrew Israelites”) are vulgar, curse constantly, promote forced polygamy against black women, slander black women, slander Africans, etc. They are found in YouTube harassing people and cursing more than even a sailor at times. Her major point is that those, who promote spiritual deception, are just plain wrong. I agree with her on that point. She was emotional, because she is sadden by many women who are the victims of physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse by male religious deceivers. Fundamentally, we want black people to be spiritually strong, to love their identity, and to reject the heinous abuse that religious deceivers advance. She is quick to point out that the extremists are not representative of all black people who believe that they are Hebrews. She believes in Yah. I believe in God, because of many reasons from DNA, fractals in the Universe, the complexities of the cells of the world and the complexities of atoms, natural laws in the Universe, my belief in that something caused the Universe to exist (as Nothing times nothing is nothing), spiritual reasons, and other reasons. So, I feel for the Sister and I wish the best for her. There are signs of the time and we witness many people waking up. Also, it is important to stand up for righteousness and to be humble in our walks.

    Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  17. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    Have you heard about this? This is crazy!

    Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have listened to the video from the 2 very intelligent black women.

      Here are my thoughts. First, it is important to recognize that we are at war. This war isn’t just a physical war or a genetic one. It is a psychological war since the media psychologically in the mainstream level has consistently shown degrading images of black people for decades. From Birth of a Nation to the “reality TV shows” today, the powers that be have a long history of showing anti-black slander. They made many great points. A&E’s docuseries on the Klan is similar to the old school documentary of the Klan during the 1960’s. That new documentary blatantly is a show that I won’t look at all. We have to call the Klan what they are. The Klan are a group of terrorists, rapists, and murderers. They were invented in 1866 as a white supremacist, terrorist organization. Trump is the representation of white supremacy in action. Trump speaks in public what many white people say in private. Trump hypocritically claims to be an outsider, but many of his advisers and proposed cabinet members are billionaire oligarchs & warhawks. Today, many white people are increasingly showing their racist views in public. The show “Generation KKK” (which sanitizes the evil of the Klan) blatantly will give a platform to these white terrorists and it sugarcoats the vicious history of the Klan (many of them are cops too even today). I don’t dialogue with unrepentant racist terrorists period. The Klan murdered, raped, and terrorized black people for more than 150 years.

      Also, many shows in general are racist, so Generation KKK is not the only show spewing poison in society. TV has been used as a propaganda tool to indoctrinate people and to spread certain propaganda (that desires conformity instead of true, intellectual liberation). Both black women in the video are right in saying that we must promote an independent black media, so our views are fairly represented in society. Many black people are definitely regulated in what they say or not say in the mainstream level. I like how the Sisters quoted Sister Pam’s book too. Sister Pam has worked hard for black people and we honor her work and her literature. I’m not glad of that documentary and I oppose Trump’s agenda completely. Both Sisters made great points on many issues throughout the video (especially on the evil music calling black women every name under the sun). We have to fight back. Fighting back entails many things not just one action. We have to fight by reading, understanding what the system of racism/white supremacy is, promoting STEM fields, advancing education, fighting poverty, fighting misogynoir, give the poor investments, using self-defense when necessary, build our economic power, grow our political power, boycott, and develop our infrastructure in an independent fashion. Each one of us have gifts that the Most High has given us and we have the right to use our gifts to benefit our people. We want black families to flourish, we honor Black Love, and we believe in justice.

      Happy Thursday to you Sister. 🙂

      You’re a great human being.

  18. Mariama says:


    I watched this weeks ago. I think that he has maybe been mind-controlled or bought off. Or both. I could be wrong. I was sick when I saw this. This has become so standard. I could be wrong, but my spirit tells me that something is not right at all. You can almost see it in his eyes and body language. There are so many blacks like him that can be bought off if the price is right.

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Sister Mariama:

      Thank you for watching the video and commenting. I agree that that guy was bought off. How else can someone get on a jury with a criminal record?!? He was put on that jury to throw the case. I agree that this happens a lot nowadays. Again, thank you for watching and commenting.

  19. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    Thank you for showing both videos. It is true that juries in America are heavily represented by white people, even in places where the population is mostly African American. We have seen how juries have unfairly convicted innocent people for years and centuries worldwide. That is why we need change. When a jury can’t even convict a murderer like Slager, then this reality outlines a serious problem in the judicial system. Tons of cops are getting away with corruption and murder literally. We abhor police brutality. We want justice.

    I agree with the other video by the Sister too. The Sister in talking about trolls was very intelligent, witty, and concise to expose the evil and cowardly nature of trolls in the Internet. It was funny too.

    Happy Holidays to you Sister Courtney. 🙂

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Brother Timothy:

      Happy holidays to you, too, Brother. 🙂 You’re a great human being, too. 😉

      Thank you for watching the videos. I agree that the A&E documentary series about the KKK is making light of their terrorism and violence like the old-time videos about the Klan. It’s a mockery, really. I agree with everything you said about that series. Those two very intelligent sisters broke it down very well.

      The video about the juries was right on point, too. There is so much corruption in the judicial system in this country that it can’t be ignored anymore. Many changes need to be made for us to attain justice.

      Thank you for your comments about the trolls video. I thought that it was so hilarious that I had to share it. Sometimes the best way to deal with bullies (because that’s what trolls are) is to mock them, because they are a joke.

      Again, Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas, Brother. 😀

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Courtney H & Timothy

        This video is very interesting which also shows the actor Lance Gross is colorstruck & misguided black women will degrade her self in the process.

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Shanequa (and everybody):

          First off, I would like to say that I hope that you are having a blessed and wonderful season.

          Thank you for showing the video. The Sister is telling the truth about that photo and how Black women are viewed and treated in society. She broke it down very well, and I agree with her. Again, thanks for the video.

          • Shanequa says:

            @ Courtney H
            The dark skin woman on Lance Gross photo done really mess up. Now the self hating black male coons will use that photo making memes of black women single with no man or black men are better off with non black women
            She came out to defend the picture when people were complaining. The comments must have gotten under her skin because she was the only one defending the picture while her non black female counter parts in the photo were silent. Lance Gross spoke out just saying they do jokes like this every year while his dark skin cousin telling people the people on the photo are black & defending the picture.

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Shanequa

          Hello Sister. I have listened to the video and here are my thoughts.

          I agree with the Sister who is the narrator of the video. Lance Gross is a male who is not taking a lot of real stands on issues and he doesn’t overtly advocate for black liberation. He is a person receiving a check (with his ignorant mentality) and how dare he disrespect his family with that photograph. I would never joke in a picture in dealing with my family. I agree with you that Lance is color struck. The common lie is that black women lack attraction. Black women are heavily attractive and possess great intellectual curiosity. Also, black women are bashed in mainstream society. Malcolm X was right to say that the black woman is the most disrespected person on the Earth. This is a serious problem in our community. The truth is that black women are heavily married and most black women are married to black men. We have a serious issue with income inequality in the black community, so many black people marry later. Black women should be respected and I feel like we have a serious problem with the mistreatment of dark skinned women especially. Lee Daniels is a coward. He is known to disrespect black women verbally (with his welfare comment), he said that he will allow white people to call him the N word, and he admitted that he is a sellout in public.

          Daniels also was intimidated by Sean Penn. Therefore, this is a psychological fight for our black liberation. The dark skinned black woman in the photo is being exploited and disrespected and she is minimizing how black women in general face many evils from the system of racism constantly. Black beauty is diverse, but we reject colorism 100 percent. There are very talented dark skinned Sisters like Carmelita Jeter, Kelly Rowland, and millions of Sisters worldwide. It is better to offend people who are evil than to compromise. Black women have every right to control their own spaces and their own images. There are tons of black women who are educated, involved in STEM fields, are great writers, etc. I don’t believe in negative, false stereotypes at all. The Sister, who is the narrator, made many excellent points.

          Thank you for showing the video Sister.

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Courtney

        That article from the Root shows what the truth is. We believe in the same goal of justice and we reject misogynoir (which is embraced by that Hotep crowd. There is a difference between true black consciousness and Hotepism. You can’t be pro-black and disrespect black women. Many folks who claim to be “pro-black” are really anti-black by their reprehensible language against black women).

        Happy New Years to you Sister. 🙂

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Brother Timothy:

          Thank you for reading “The Root” article. It is telling the truth. I agree with everything that you said — you can’t be “pro-black” while bashing Black women at the same time. It’s kind of schizophrenic, to tell you the truth. Again, thank you for reading the article and commenting.

          Again, may you all have a blessed New Year! 🙂

  20. Courtney H. says:


    These videos are VERY interesting!!!

    Enjoy! 😀

    • Courtney H. says:

      Here’s another interesting video> It shows that a lot of mixed-race people have identity issue:

      Enjoy! 😀

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Courtney

        Many biracial people do have identity issues. They experience racism and disrespect from many in society. There is the wider white society promoting the lie that non-whites are inferior. Some internalize their insecurities by believing that they are less than. The biracial people’s stories in the video are very honest and open. Many biracial people experience diverse experiences. This video is certainly excellent since it goes through the complex realities that those who are biracial go through. Biracial people are human beings who should be treated with dignity and with respect just like black people. The video is interesting.

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Courtney H

        Interracial dating & procreating with non black Africans only lead to more confusion among black communities.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      Happy New Year Sister. 🙂

      I never made a social commentary on the Internet about Serena Williams and her new white fiance until now. First, it is important to think strategically about this. The Williams family in general have been subject to threats, disrespect, and slander by white racists for a long time. Serena Williams has dated black and white men for a while. Now, she is dating a white man. Most black people that I have seen don’t care about her dating choices either way. Some people are exploiting this development as an excuse for them to bash black love and to bash sincere black conscious human beings. Serena Williams is the greatest tennis player in history. She has made the decision to date a leader of Reddit, which is the same media platform that has allowed white racists to disrespect and call Serena every name under the sun. I disagree with the first video in saying that most black women want some flashy, thuggish person. Tons of black women love a progressive black man and vice versa. If a black person dates outside of their race and disrespects the black community, then that black person should be criticized period. My view is that regardless of who Serena dates or marry, our enemy ultimately isn’t Serena.

      Our enemy is white racism and we should promote Black Love and Black Liberation without apology. I won’t date or marry a white woman. I will date black women. I don’t agree with IRs are solutions to every problem in the black community. Most black people honor Serena’s accomplishments. Many black people are not hateful of Serena too. The second video is very rare. Sometimes, the truth is shown in rare videos. The documentary shows the truth that many IRs are a product of lust, fetishes, and exploitation. Many white racists (both males and females) were involved in imperialism and had sex with black people not out of love, but out of power grabs and human exploitation. There are countless stories when white people call their black spouses racial slurs and abuse them in relationships. Therefore, any relationship in general should be based on trust, respect, and honor.

      Thank you for the videos Sister. 🙂

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Timothy & Courtney H.

        Serena Williams, is a talented sistah that has made a major impact world of tennis. Serena is the only female professional tennis player that I have seen that is physical in shape. Lets be real, out of all of those non black female professional tennis players , Serena’s body is the most beautiful in shape. One thing that hurts me the most is that the Williams sister’s have been criticize by their own people & by non black Africans for their physical appearance. I have seen on social media since Serena announce she’s engage to a white man, negative comments from black people especially black men. We have black men stating that they held Serena’s beauty up in mainstream media while white men call her degrading names. Lets be real I’m 32 years old, an I remember when the Williams sister’s were wearing braids & beads our own black people & non blacks were calling them ugly. The Williams sister’s are beautiful women and they represent “BLACK WOMANHOOD.” I’m tired of people in general disrespecting black womanhood stating black women are least desire & manly looking.

        Serena is not of black consciousness just like other black celebrities who are nothing more then entertainers. Also just because we seen her with Drake, Common and other men in the media that claim that she dated could be a publicity stunt. Black men & women really get entertain as well down one another about who non black people consider most or least attractive among black men or women. Serena being engage to a white man is just another distraction of what’s about to come among our people

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Shanequa

          It is certainly a sick pasttime when some of our own people (not all as I know many black people who praise black beauty) disrespect black people based on physical appearance. Serena and Venus Williams are 2 beautiful black women. They have experienced disrespect including the rest of their family. That is wrong, deplorable, and it should be always condemned. Both of the Williams sisters represent not only black Beauty, but Black Excellence. They performed at a magnificent fashion and won great awards by their own merit. That is why many people are jealous. They are jealous at their accomplishments, at their physiques, and at their strength. White racists have degraded Serena Williams for decades. Many black people have done the same. Any black person who has disrespected the Williams Sisters based on their color or physical appearance is wrong. Also, the greatest supporters of the Williams Sisters are black people. Black people have a massive amount of empathy. It is the myth that white people have shown more sympathy towards Serena than black people. For centuries, white mistreatment of black people have been horrendous. Black people in total should never be scapegoated for the mistreatment of the Williams Sister. There are some black males who slandered Serena and that’s wrong. Also, there are many black men and many black women who have cheered the Williams Sisters for decades. Serena’s father have been in the corner of her children for a long time cheering her. That is why both Williams Sisters have praised their father, who is a real man.

          We shouldn’t get sidetracked and advance on what’s real. What is real is how we should fight against colorism and racism. Serena Williams is the greatest woman athlete of the 21st century and the best woman tennis player of all time. The pictures that you have shown describe the beauty of both black women. Our eyes must be at the prize.

          Thank you for your words Sister.

  21. Shanequa says:

    @ Everybody

    This is my first time I seen Dr. Umar Johnson getting gangsta on youtube with Sara Suten Seti. Every word that came out of Dr. Umar Johnson & Sara Suten Seti mouth was a curse word especially the use of the n word. The con-artist community is a joke.
    Dr Umar Johnson diss Sara Suten Seti

    Sara Suten Seti diss Dr. Umar Johnson

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Shanequa

      Here are my thoughts on this issue. The old school Black Panthers described some people as pork chop nationalists. Pork chop nationalists are those who exploit African culture as an excuse for them to promote reactionary views or distractions. Umar Johnson and Sara Suten seti act as pork chop nationalists since they claim to be about black consciousness, but they do the oppose of black consciousness. Both men use the N word, disrespect each other, go out to express selfishness, outline contradictions, and have a narcissistic personality. This story shows about how black people should not act. If we have disagreements, we can agree to disagree in a progressive way without usage of profanity. We can can debate, research, and analyze information without immaturity and without debased behavior. The N word is a disgusting word. Sara suten seti (who in my opinion is a little scared of Umar after Umar’s initial video) refuses to apologize for his disgusting profanity and usage of the N word. Umar continues to promote his agenda (when he has gained tons of money from his followers and then he criticized them in an offensive way as calling them “trifling black folk” when he refuses to give explicit details about his school’s curriculum, advisers, allocation of resources, etc).

      Therefore, we should not be dismayed by this development. We should not follow the paths of those 2 males (who revel in xenophobia, profanity, misogyny, and distractions). We should follow true Africana scholarship, respect black people, and to promote black liberation. We believe in Black Love too. People are more shocked at Umar since Sara suten seti always uses profanity for years. Umar acted out of his element. I make a distinction between Hoteps and real black conscious people.

      Thank you for showing the videos Sister.

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Timothy
        Thank you brother for both of your responses & I agree. Con-artist like Sara Suten Seti, Dr Umar Johnson, Professor Griff, Zaza Ali & countless others are dangerous to our communities. These clowns use our people weakness for their benefits. Our people are looking for a savior above the sky to save them but not looking within themselves.

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Shanequa

          You’re Welcome Sister and I totally agree with you. We should look in our own talents to find leadership within us as black human beings. One lesson about this situation is that discernment is key in any endeavor that we pursue. We can learn about our identity without con artists and without deceivers. I appreciate your commentaries on these issues. God gave us a mind for a reason. We should use it. The struggle continues and our cause is just and right.

          • Shanequa says:

            @ Timothy

            The year 2017, is going to be a evil more rude awaken for our people. Playtime is over with for us, it’s all about survival of our race even though we will lose the weak in the process. My tolerance for backward thinking sellout “BLACK AFRICANS” have reach an all time high. In 2017 I’m breaking tides with a lot of our people, some them are so mentally gone they can’t be redeem so rest in peace to them.

            • Courtney H. says:

              @ Sister Shanequa and Brother Timothy:

              Sister Shanequa thank you for providing these videos. I could only watch a part of each video. These two males (because they are not real men) are showing their true colors.

              Sister Shanequa and Brother Timothy, I agree with everything you have said about these videos and these fools beefing with each other. All of that profanity (especially using the N-word) it absolutely unnecessary! They are behaving like kids on the playground, with all the name-calling and cursing. I watched the video that Phillip (The Advise Show) did about Dr. Umar being a hotep hustler and calling people who didn’t contribute to his videos “trifling a– negroes”, and threatening violence against anyone who disagreed with him about running his school. I have heard of the other Mr. Seti, but not much.

              We need a lot of these fake hoteps behind. They are keeping us back with all of this divisiveness. PBT and TBA are no better, with their petty name-calling and Black-woman bashing. RWS#Exposed has also criticized Zaza Ali and Dr. Griff (who have had a beef and no longer do videos together) for being mean and nasty, too.

              I agree that we need to stop looking for a savior in our community and learn how to do for ourselves with like-minded people that we know within our community. Self-appointed saviors are always going to let us down, since they are human. What’s bad about these folks that we are discussing is that they set themselves up like they are the only ones who know anything, and have such a deep-seated hatred against anyone who disagrees with them. That is not leadership!

              Again, thank you so much for exposing these frauds and your commentaries.

              May you have a blessed evening! 🙂

              • Shanequa says:

                @ Courtney H

                Another youtuber downfall which will be coming soon is Superboy Harvey. I have seen in his comment section responding to black women calling them “BITCH” when they disagree with him. Superboy Harvey has a problem with black women, some of his videos he states he doesn’t but he does. Also he thinks some black women doesn’t have a clue about racism and black men kept warning black women about racism. Also he have it bad calling biracial women black and non black women of color ethic or have black ancestry at the end of the day they aren’t from the full BLACK AFRICAN FAMILY TREE.

              • Timothy says:

                @Sister Courtney

                Good Afternoon Sister.

                You have made great points too. Many of these self appointed “conscious leaders” have a superiority complex, can’t stand those who disagree with them, and constantly use profanity. They also have a condescending attitude and some of them mock the poor black person struggling in a job (in claiming that their get rich schemes will make them rich very quickly when the system is set up to make many people poor while allowing a select few to be super wealthy. Many black folks are poor by no fault of their own). We need black institutions and black economic power (in making more stable communities and expanding our generational wealth), but not at the expense of mocking or slandering poor people. You’re right to classify the divisiveness as a detriment to real social progress. Those Hotep types are so apt to attack each other instead of attacking white racism, environmental injustices, imperialism, misogynoir, and other evils in a consistent basis. Therefore, we don’t worship idols. We believe in self determination and the growth of our human consciousness. We reject the cult of personality. We honor the cooperative spirit and the cooperative social ethos that has been executed by people of black African descent for thousands of years. It is better that we work together than to embrace a totally selfish, individualist agenda. It is also important to use discernment and to follow what is true while not following what is false. This fight for black liberation is our just cause.

                Thank you for your words Sister. 🙂

                @Sister Shanequa

                I have heard Superboy Harvey call Kim Kardashian as not white, which is false. Kim Kardashian is Armenian. Armenians are Caucasians who speak an Indo-European language too.

  22. Courtney H. says:

    @ Sister Shanequa and Brother Timothy:

    First, thank you for your comments and compliments, and please excuse the typos in my most recent comment post.

    I agree with both of you about these hoteps. And I am starting to get sick of Harvey, too. It’s not just the profanity. He is referring to Black women as b—–es and that is highly disrespectful. Men who respect women don’t call women those kinds of names. Harvey does have the habit of calling women who disagree with him b—-es, and acts like Black men can only tell Black women about racism, and that Black women don’t notice it, which is nonsense. Both my parents — may they rest in peace — taught my siblings and I about racism all the time.

    He also recently made a comment that he didn’t feel sorry for victims of domestic violence, since they stay in those relationships. Women stay in these relationships out of fear, and statistics have shown that women are more likely to get killed when they finally have the courage to leave their abusive partners. In other videos, Harvey has claimed that he doesn’t condone domestic violence, but he also says he understands why Black male YouTubers bash Black women. It’s like he’s talking out of both sides of his mouth. That is someone who is confused.

    These hoteps are so full of themselves, it’s embarassing, since they can’t even see it. They do have a superiority complex, and are condescending toward people who are poor and do not agree with them. Like I said earlier, they need to be left behind — really.

    I believe that we need to start weaning ourselves from these folks. They’re toxic.

    Anyway, may you all have a blessed evening! 🙂

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Courtney H
      100% agreed!!!!!! Harvey will be next in line to be put on blast. 2017 is the year more hotep youtubers will be called out by others & they will expose their true colors of who they really are as a person. Harvey spread misinformation that he doesn’t research the facts himself that has too many misguided followers believing him. I’m glad our people are awaken up to see who these frauds really are.

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Courtney H

      I forgot to mention I remember talking to a black man who claim to be hotep, but was just like Harvey, had a problem with black women. Furthermore he was a Tommy Sotomayor follower and like putting blame toward black women for the black community problems. I had to cut him loose, once I did this he kept calling my phone leaving disrespectful voice messages & texts which lasted close to 3 months. These type of black men with this mentality does more harm to the community then help. I also notice with these type of black men that they take there frustration & rejection out on all black women. Black men like this will not find happiness but misery in their lives.

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Shanequa:

        I agree with everything that you said 100%! These Black males take all their frustrations out on Black women! People like that are cowards!

        I remember that you told us about the hotep guy before. That’s scary! Thanks again for reminding us!

  23. Courtney H. says:

    I know that this is OT, but here is a feel-good story from last year:

    Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have looked at the link and it showed another story of a great educator in the world. Sister Betty Campbell is a light in the world. Not only does she want great education to be made manifest in the world. She wants accurate Black History to be learned by people of Wales and by others throughout the world. Her wit, her intellectual power, and her due diligence has caused her not only to achieve awards and accolades. Her work has motivated even more trailblazing, powerful educators to do their part in educating the masses of the people. Both of us in real life have educated children and this story shows the wonder and the excitement of the educational field. Children need not only discipline, structure, and necessary STEM skills. Children need to be educated on the beauty of Blackness and to honor Black History forever. This story of an unsung legend outlines the necessity for black children to be taught black history, STEM fields, building enterprises, and other skills that are needed for us to flourish in the 21st century and beyond. So, I send well wishes to Sister Betty Campbell.

      Thank you Sister for showing this story. 🙂

  24. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    Here is a really good documentary. It’s about an hour and a half long.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney.

      It is certainly a very emotional documentary about Wanda Jean. The documentary talks about laws, the state of Oklahoma, and the complex nature of the criminal justice system. It also gives voices to the victims’ families as the victims’ families have the right to be heard too. It describes Wanda Jean’s family too. Wanda Jean lost the clemency hearing, so she was executed in early 2001. The documentary deals with a lot of subjects.

      Thank you for showing the video. 🙂

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Brother Timothy:

        Your are welcome.

        Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and commenting. I agree that it is a very emotional video. It’s a sad story all around. The video did discuss a lot of subjects.

        I watched this doc years ago for the first time on HBO.

        Again, thank you for watching and commenting. 🙂

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Courtney H
      I watch the documentary on Wanda Jean but this mentally ill woman was a threat to society. She killed her first girlfriend back in 1981 then her second one in 1988. I do have sympathy for her struggling poverty childhood an that’s about it.

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Sister Shanequa:

        Thank you for watching the video and commenting. I agree that this was a very complex and sad story. I agree that Wanda Jean Allen was mentally ill but at the same time was violent. She had stresses due to her poverty and upbringing and mental disability, but she knew what she was doing when she killed both her her girlfriends. Maybe if she had gotten the help that she need as an adolescent, Wanda Jean probably wouldn’t have murdered those two women in the first place.

        It was bad enough that she was only given a manslaughter sentence for killing her first girlfriend and only served two years of a four-year sentence (which is too short for a manslaughter sentence, in my opinion). She killed two women and took them away from their families. No sentence is going to bring them back.

        There are other people who have grown up in dysfunctional families and with mental illnesses who did not end up killing people. I don’t believe in the death penalty, but we need to stop making excuses for people committing crimes. However, like I stated earlier, Wanda Jean’s story is a very sad one (for everyone involved).

        P.S.: I know that Wikepedia is not the best source, but here is their article about Wanda Jean Allen:

        Here’s an article about the documentary:

        Again, Sister Shanequa, thank you for watching the documentary and commenting.

  25. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    What do you think of this? It’s an interesting story.

    Enjoy! 😀

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Courtney H
      Her white privilege helped her get the $15,000 many of the donations came from her own people.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have listened to the video. Here are my thoughts. This story is not new. For years and decades, many white families have disowned children who have dated a black human being or non-white person. The white young female claimed that her parents are racists because she is dating a black person. Her family of course will deny it, because many white folks will tolerate being called many names. Yet, tons of white folks will always hate being labeled as a racist. My view is that the parents of the young female felt a certain type of a way for their daughter dating a black man. It is what it is. Ironically, tons of whites paid her money in her Go Fund Me campaign to pay for her tuition. The young white female felt entitled for money and also she broke code. The code among white supremacists is to never snitch or tell about the secrets of white racists. She verbally told on her parents about their racism. Her statements reveal the reality of white racism, white privilege, and how far we have to go in creating a real system of justice in the world. The white female receiving tons of money in a short span of time is really a testament to white privilege. The real world is filled with racism and bigotry. The parents are angry because they were caught and called on it. Also, the young white woman wants to promote her interests too. She is a beneficiary of the system of racism/white supremacy not just her parents. So, she should never be placed on a pedestal. She is not suffering police brutality, massive discrimination based on race, and other injustices that black people have experienced for decades and centuries. Therefore, our job is to promote black liberation.

      Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Brother Timothy:

        Thank you for watching the video and commenting. I agree with everything that you said. This White girl is benefiting from white privilege because she’s White. She should not be held up as a heroine because of that. Her Black boyfriend should realize that as well, and should not be fooled because his White girlfriend called out her racist parents. Her struggles are nothing compared to his. And the fact that she raised so much money in a short period is an indicating of that white privilege, just like you and Sister Shanequa said.

        Thank you so much for both of your excellent comments! 🙂

  26. Courtney H. says:


    I don’t know if I can watch this video. My sister and I are planning to go see “Hidden Figures” tomorrow. What do you think?

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Courtney H
      I’m tired of black women getting blame because “Birth of A Nation” flop. On top of that most the majority of people went to see this movie were black women. Also why aren’t black men not getting blame for this movie not failing. Also he’s going on “Hidden Figures” but “Birth of A Nation” made sure to show black women & children being lynch but didn’t show any white women & children being killed. I have seen several of his videos an he has a problem with black women as well just like Harvey. He put a lot blame on black women. “Hidden Figures” & “Birth of A Nation” both haves a white production team back them up so white Hollywood can break or make a movie.

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Sister Shanequa:

        Thank you SO MUCH for watching this video! 😀 I just could not stomach it, especially after his video in which he blamed Black single mothers for that Black gay foreperson on the Michael Slager jury for the hung jury (when it was a White jury who was just determined to find Slager not guilty). It seems like this guy will use every opportunity to condemn Black women, even if Black men and women have nothing to do with his videos’ topics.

        Harvey is another one who has blamed Black feminists and lesbians for the failure of “Birth of a Nation.” What about the Black men who didn’t supported the movie? Kimberly Fraizer has also stated that you didn’t see White women and children being killed, and hinted that that may have had something to do with Nate Parker having a White wife (I won’t comment on that, though I understand her point. She dogged out Blacks in general for not supporting the movie).

        Taurean Reign said that “Birth of a Nation” did better than expected, and he did a video recently praising “Hidden Figures”.

        I also agree that the powers that be did not want “Birth of a Nation” to be successful because it dealt with a slave rebellion — which scares a lot of White people. So they should get the blame, since like you said, Hollywood can make or break a movie.

        Here is a movie from the 70s that ends with a slave rebellion. I posted it last year.

        Warning — this movie contains foul language, graphic violence, and sex and nudity. Enjoy! 😀

        • Shanequa says:

          @ Courtney H
          Superboy Harvey, Jason Black, Tariq Nasheed, & many others like them are dangerous to weak minded black people especially when they are using social media to gain followers and spread mis-information without giving accurate facts. One thing about the men I mention in this post as well as the man in the recent video you post all have in common hatred toward black people especially black women. All they do is take actual news clip from news media or other sources and retell them on youtube.

          • Courtney H. says:

            @ Sister Shanequa:

            I agree with you. You are absolutely. How can you be pro-Black when you hate Black women? Btw, the video that I posted is by Professor Black Truth.

            I agree with everything that you said. Thanks for your comments.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Shanequa

            It is a shame that Superboy Harvey, Jason Black, Tariq Nasheed, & many others would act in that fashion. One common theme about them is that they refuse to show actual African history in our current generation, the actual contributions of great black women in a great level, and in depth solutions to our problems (like investments in communities, self-determination, tools for STEM fields and technological development in our communities, the advancement of pan-Africanism, the promotion of economic justice, the ending of misogynoir, etc.). They issue a lot of complaining about black women instead of opposing white racist injustice geared to motivate and inspire black people to make more change. We want change not stagnation. Also, it is important to show many sociological studies to refute anti-black propaganda including the wisdom from our elders. Analysis is key in any mode of outlining true wisdom. I agree with you Sister.

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Shanequa:

          Here is Taurean Reign’s review of the movie that I told you about:

          He really liked it! Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have listened to the video about Hidden Figures and Birth of a Nation. The male in the video loves to complain about the wrong things on many occasion. The box office results of the movie has nothing to do with every black person in the world. Black women shouldn’t be scapegoated for the results of the Birth of a Nation, because many black men also didn’t want to see the movie for numerous reasons. Not to mention that black women have the right to watch any movie that they want. It is a common pastime for numerous misogynists and faux conscious people to blame black people collectively for everything under the sun. That is why more and more black people of tired of it and speaking up about it. Slave rebellions must be know about by our people without question from the Nat Turner rebellion to the Stono Rebellion of South Carolina. Many people falsely believe that no slaves rebelled, but slaves rebelled in Africa, in the ships, in the Americas, and in other places worldwide (There were black slaves in Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other places too). Slavery still exists in many places today. Hidden Figures is about NASA black women researchers who helped John Glenn orbit around the Earth. I believe that Hidden Figures should be used to inspire black folks who support STEM Fields in a higher level. Anyone, who has a gift in STEM fields, should be encouraged and motivated to pursue their gift.

      Ultimately, Hollywood (which is controlled by mostly older white males not black people) controls the influence of films that they allow in their screens. Jason Black has some type of complex in ignoring that the most disrespected group of people on Earth are black women as Malcolm X has said decades ago. White privilege is real and male privilege is real. I have not seen any human being scapegoated and mistreated in the world as much as black women. His refusal to acknowledge that certainly outlines his hatred of black women self-determination. In the final analysis, we want black men and black women to have freedom and liberation. We want black people to be truly free without maligning the character of black women. Black people are entitled to justice by birthright.

      Thank you Sister for showing the video. 🙂

      • Shanequa says:

        @ timothy & Courtney H

        I would like to hear your opinion on this video link.

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Shanequa

          There is no question that people of black African descent traveled the world as history and genetics document. So, black people have lived in ancient Asia for thousands of years. The video is interesting. It is an older video and this video might have inspired other people to proclaim information about the African presence in Asia. Like always, we should embrace facts based information on truth and facts. It is also a documentary that exposes the brutality of the Maafa. The Maafa involved kidnappings, rapes, murder, branding, and other atrocities. We have not received reparations either. The video is right to say that black people’s body parts were cut unjustly by white terrorists. The viciousness of white racism is horrendous. We shouldn’t forget the atrocities that our ancestors experienced. White racists are an anti-progressive group of people. Much of the video believes in eastern mysticism and kundalini mixed with the ideal that black people must embrace a true understanding of spirituality in order to reach enlightenment. It has many new age teachings too. I don’t believe that my works alone save me. I do believe in doing good works and God alone save human lives. I don’t believe in doing what I want. I do believe in morality and fighting against injustice at the same time. It is an interesting video. Also, it is important to find that whites have a high level of Neanderthal DNA. Neanderthals aren’t human beings. Neanderthal DNA is linked to a host of genetic and mental diseases (according to a 2012 study) like depression, myocardial infarction, and blood disorders. Therefore, we know that white superiority is a myth. Black liberation is our goal.

          Enjoy your Day Sister.

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Brother Timothy, Sister Shanequa, and everybody:

        what do you think of this?

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Courtney

          I was read the link about Umar Johnson. Here are my thoughts.

          He definitely could have done much better in his life. His mistakes have no justification and his refusal to show adequate transparency about how he is using economic resources from tons of black people is totally unjust and evil. He wants to create a school, but doesn’t go into detail about its curriculum, allocation of resources, Board of Directors, and other forms of infrastructure needed in educational situations. Both of us have experience in education and for Umar to drop the ball in this way is disgraceful especially when he disrespects people who gave him their money. Umar Johnson refuses to express remorse and many of Frederick Douglas’ descendants discount his claim that Frederick Douglas is related to him. The link further documents about how many people who claim to be “conscious” seek narcissism, self importance, a bigger ego, and selfishness.

          He or Umar is from Philadelphia (which is a city with a lot of black soul and inspirational black history) and he should know better than this. It is a shame that so many people got their hard earned money taken by this male Umar. Financial exploitation of hurting people is one of the lowest things that anybody can do. I remembered when Umar totally disrespected the black woman Khym Ringgold (who is a beautiful woman). Umar Johnson played on the legitimate opposition to racism that black people had and used that opposition to his own advantage. Now, things have changed and more people know about Umar’s conniving ways. The lesson here is that detailed plans are key in any endeavor for massive social change and discernment is always a necessity. Also, we must continue in the work to help our neighbors and to advance pan-African unity. There are over one billion black people worldwide. We need more unity based on solidarity, integrity, honor, and a fight for justice.

          Thank you for showing the link as Kushite Prince is a very smart Brother.

          Bless you Sister. 🙂

  27. Courtney H. says:

    @ Brother Timothy:

    Thank you for watching the video and commenting. I agree with everything that you said. Here is more sickness, from 2012:


  28. Shanequa says:

    @ Courtney H, @ Timothy, & Everybody

    I think these two videos clips was very interesting & on point. Congress woman Maxine Water stated she’s not attending the presidential inauguration. This is going to be a big problem especially when black politican we voted in office to represent our refuse to talk too Trump. Trump going to give them a chance to talk with him then he’ll eveutally shut them out.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Shanequa

      The videos are interesting. Both videos certainly show the need for the black community to continue to advance strategy and consciousness in order for us to get to real freedom. I don’t support Trump. Black people have suffered greatly because in part because of the Great Recession and the system of white supremacy. The Great Recession was caused by oligarchs who recklessly speculated money in the stock market. Today, Trump’s cabinet are made up of theocrats, billionaires, racists, and other extremists. The first video is right in saying that we should never view intelligence agencies as infallible. I don’t agree with Putin’s right wing nationalism, but even I know that there has been no smoking gun evidence that he personally used illegal methods to manipulate election results. We know how the CIA committed war crimes in Operation Phoenix. We know who the FBI illegally monitored political activists in Operation COINTELPRO. Hoover is known for his hatred of Dr. King, the Black Panthers, and Malcolm X. We know that the Electoral College is anti-democratic, so Presidents are selected by the Electoral College not directly voted on by the majority of people. We don’t have to ally with Hillary to Trump. We can ally with our people. We are in for tough times and also, we must continue to stand up for our human rights.

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Courtney H & Timothy
        Thank you for both of your responses. I don’t know how true this story is but rumor has it that Beyoncé might perform at the “Anti-Trump Women’s March.” I really don’t see why black women would want to perform or attend this rally when most of the women that voted for Trump were “WHITE WOMEN” and this event is only for support of white women. The white women who are attending this event are Hilary Clinton supporters who are hurt they lost their chance at having a white woman for president and upset that a black (mulatto) man became president before a white woman. The white elite are using Beyonce’ especially trying to manipulate black women in the process to fight white women’s battle.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have looked at the video from 1LVZ about Rep. Waters too.

  29. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    What do you think of this?

    Phillip’s commentary is very good. Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      Hello Sister.

      Here are my thoughts.

      Phillip’s commentaries on this issue is very detailed and interesting. First, these protests are the largest post-Inaugural protests in American history. No crowds have been this large on that weekend since the anti-Iraq war protests back in the early 2000’s. So, it was huge. Most of the police didn’t use militarized weapons since as Phillip has stated, these protesters are no threat to the cops. Most of the protesters were peaceful. People have the right to vote or not. The vast majority of the protesters are peaceful. Also, broken windows are not worst than innocent lives being lost via police brutality or innocent lives being lost via imperialism. I’m more concerned with innocent human life and protecting the environment than some broken windows.

      I don’t agree with damaging innocent property, but we are in a struggle for liberation. He is right that Bernie Sanders can fill stadiums and Hillary Clinton struggled to have equivalent crowds. Wikileaks exposed the DNC using shady ways in the primary. Donald Trump is an extremist. With Trump, it is proof positive of how white intellectual mediocrity and bigotry are constantly awarded in society while Black Excellence is readily omitted in mainstream society. Trump supporters are in for a rude awakening. Black people are constantly attacked by white racists regardless if we set up our own autonomous communities and infrastructure. He said that Spencer (or the neo-Nazi) was punched in the face. I heard of Spencer for years. He’s a racist and an Islamophobe too. Phillip made an excellent point about how the system not wanting true equality since the system by default is based on discrimination and oppression. The fundamental point is that we need to organize, use strategies, and fight for our human rights as black people.

      Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  30. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    This news certainly makes me angry. We already knew that the white woman was lying, which led to the death of Emmett Till. Carolyn Bryant is not only a liar, but in my view an accessory to murder. Emmett Till’s mother was brave to show strength in the midst of white barbarism. Massive racism still exist today beyond the 1950’s too. Back then and today, many white murderers are acquitted of their heinous crimes. This story shows how white racists can’t be trusted. People should know the truth that white racism didn’t end in the 1960’s. It still exists. Carolyn Bryant should be arrested and charged in my view. The 2 men involved in Till’s murder were never convicted. Emmett Till suffered a brutal beating, body disfigurement, and death via murder. The videos show many black people showing legitimate outrage and anger at the murder at a young child. Emmett Till and her mother deserve justice. Emmett Till’s murder influenced the growth of the modern civil rights movement too. The civil rights movement involved Rosa Parks, who was inspired by Emmett Till’s murder to refuse to sit in the back of the bus. Rosa Parks was already a social activist by the 1950’s. Vernon Johns and other leaders were involved in the civil rights movement too. Also, evil oppression against our people still transpire in our time from discrimination to police brutality. In our time, we continuously believe in freedom for our black people.

    Thank you for showing the videos Sister.

    Enjoy your Weekend. 🙂

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Timothy & Courtney H

      Carolyn Bryant must be on her death & want forgiveness from Emmitt Tills family & the black community. This white female gorilla have a motive of why she’s coming out years later especially, after the passing of Emmitt Tills mother to confess she lied. All the major people that had something to do with Emmitt Tills death are dead beside Carolyn.

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Shanequa

        I agree with you Sister. That liar for decades has exploited the death of Emmett Till for her own benefit (in the midst of her white privilege). She is only coming out now, because she is near death.

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Brother Timothy:

          I agree.

        • Shanequa says:

          @ Timothy & Courtney H
          White devils live in fear, especially having the fear of death. These devils have been taught for so long that the world is there’s with no repercussion or consequences. These animals have cheated, manipulate, & deceived their way through life but can’t do that with death. Their conscious know they have a lot to answer up too especially the wrong doing they have done to BLACK AFRICANS.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Shanequa

            You’re right Sister. These racists have no soul. That racist white woman did nothing but be silent for decades and got away with her lies. Now, she wants to talk for no other reason than to try to gain sympathy. She deserves no sympathy. She contributed to the death of an innocent black child. She gave no apology and she gave no remorse. She is a deceiver and a con-artist in my eyes. Yes, these devils (white racists) do fear death and they know about their crimes against people of Black African descent. Certainly, they will reap what they sow.

            Excellent words Sister.

  31. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    Good Afternoon Sister.

    First, thank you for the warning. LOL. 🙂

    These videos talk about many issues. First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with promoting black interests. We are black people and we have the right to legitimately develop our own power whether political, social, economic, spiritual, or otherwise. That is why there is nothing wrong with black people promoting our own jobs, our own power bases, and fighting for black liberation. The point is that the ban is an extension of the policies of the system of racism/white supremacy. Second, people from all sides view the executive order as sloppy, not executed properly, and it was filled with chaos. Many innocent people (with no ties to terror) aren’t allowed to come into America. The ban is based on the lie that refugees aren’t vetted properly when refugees wait 1-2 years before they travel into America, but Syrian refugees are banned from coming into America. Many legal scholars view the ban as illegal or unconstitutional. It is blatantly immoral in my mind.

    It is hypocritical since the ban doesn’t extend to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, etc. because of U.S. corporate ties to those nations. Second, xenophobia is common among the Hotep and white supremacist crowd. The fact is that undocumented workers have declined their travel into America numerically and Obama deported more immigrants than any President in U.S. history. That fact is what the xenophobes omit. Therefore, multinational corporations and elitists (not immigrants) are responsible for many black people experiencing lax wages and other economic complications. I agree with the Brother (not PBT) who disagrees with Trump. He made great points. An overt white supremacist Steve Bannon on the National Security Council represents a clear threat against black people. Trump’s federal job freeze, his advocacy of ID laws involving voting, and his support of Justices like Scalia represent his extremism. So, we should never be anyone’s mules, but we realize that we want black people to be free globally not just in America.

    The large corporations play people against each other for profit and for creating tensions while workers including the poor suffer. That is the sick game that these oligarchs play. Also, that ban effects black people as black people do live in Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, etc. So, when the Hotep scapegoats immigrants and Muslims (The late Malcolm X was a Muslim), then they are also anti-black refugees and anti-black immigrants which makes these Hoteps anti-black by definition. In other words, Black and Muslim are not mutually exclusive. Black and Christian are not mutually exclusive. Black and refugee aren’t mutually exclusive. Black and immigrant aren’t mutually exclusive either. I reject xenophobia and Islamophobia. When we care for our Brothers and Sisters internationally, then we care for ourselves as black Americans.

    If we want black liberation, then we are in favor of the human rights of black refugees and black immigrants. The building of a wall is asinine, because it is geographically impossible to do throughout the Southern border, it’s unnecessary, it wastes money, and it doesn’t work (since people can travel into the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean to come into America. People can also travel from the Canadian border too, which doesn’t have a wall, so that wall policy is hypocritical). Therefore, Trump is a right wing nationalist and the face of white supremacy. Real solutions include investments to build black infrastructure, self-determination, fighting for social justice, improving our families, educating the youth, and fighting for economic justice.

    Thank you for showing the videos Sister. 🙂

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Brother Timothy:

      Thank you for taking the time to watch the videos. I watched the one by The True Royal Family and the first one by New Possibilities; I just couldn’t watch the one by PBT. 😉

      Anyway, I read your comments and I agree with what you said. You made some really good points. I agree that we have to support ourselves and one another as Black people, and that hoteps and white supremacists are both haters (only Whites can be racists, though — let’s keep that straight). People who hate tend to scapegoat those who are not like them, especially when they are less fortunate, when they should be blaming the higher-ups who are running and manipulating everything.

      I agree that since other groups don’t support us, we should support ourselves. However, this self-support shouldn’t turn to hatred against others.

      Again, thank you for watching the videos. You made great comments! 🙂

      Have a good evening, Brother. 🙂

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      The video from the narrator PBT shows the callous, racist attitude of Donald Trump. His disrespect of Black History Month shows what he is all about. He speaks of Frederick Douglas as if he is alive. He has allied with many black reactionaries around him. Donald Trump is the face of white supremacy and he has limited intellect not only about black history (which spans thousands of years as it’s found worldwide not just in America), but about political issues in general. The truth is that black people have made magnificent accomplishments throughout human history. Many in the white media want to make people compromise and go out to limit the blatant racist, xenophobic attitude of Trump and his allies. White supremacists use slick tactics in the camera and outside of the camera in order for them to attack black liberation activists and to prevent black people from being truly free & independent.

      White supremacists want to hold onto their power, which was gotten via theft, murder, genocide, discrimination, and other forms of oppression. Those, in the corporate media, want power. Richard Spencer is a white supremacist and I heard of his racism and Islamphobia for years. It is true that the CNP, the Manhattan Institute, and the CIA used money to fund think tanks to promote the agenda of the establishment. The Manhattan Institute is known for its far right extremism and promotion of the lie that cops are near infallible. There are double standards. FOX News didn’t call the incident of UC Berkeley a riot, but they called events in Baltimore and Ferguson as a riot.

      The video is right to say that white racists use coded language to not give the term of thug to white criminals while they use thug to degrade black people in code. We know that racism and economic oppression are serious problems back then and today in early 2017. White privilege is real and many whites have paranoia about their privileges too. The video made many great points. Donald Trump should not even talk about black history with his promotion of housing discrimination and promoting the death penalty against the Central Park Five. Black empowerment is a necessity in the world. I believe in self-defense too. We must not only criticize Trump (which we must do). We must build up our own economy and our own political power. We must create our infrastructure into the next level with group empowerment in our communities. PBT is right in this video about black people developing our own power and on NBC. I disagree with his views on black women. He’s right on exposing Trump as a racist extremist.

      Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  32. Shanequa says:

    @ Timothy & @ Courtney H
    “Amerikkka Mad Donald Trump treating Non-Blacks like Niggas”

    It’s about damn time. These non black people of color have stole, rape, & benefited from our Black African culture with no questions ask. I don’t feel sorry for non black people of color because this is what happen when you put all your trust in white people. White people put in their minds that non black people of color are better then Black Africans. I remember during the times when George Bush was president ,Non BLACK Hispanics were making statements saying Hispanics are taking jobs African American don’t want, & African Americans are lazy. White people allow them to come in this country illegally and many hispanics think they are better then African Americans. Well white people no longer need Hispanics services and now they giving them the boot.

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Timothy & Courtney H
      I would have respect the Hispanic man even more if he would have stood his ground & kept true to his words that, “Hispanics are above blacks.” The other Hispanic man came out acting offended to the other hispanic man comment because he knew with this immigration bill Trump trying to put in place that Hispanics will need to manipulate African Americans to fight their battles when white people turn against them.

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Shanequa

        Obviously, any Hispanic person who uses anti-black racism is wrong. We shouldn’t worship non black people of color. We all condemn racism and oppression. We believe in black liberation. Likewise, black people don’t just live in America. Afro-French, Afro-Brazilians, Africans, Afro-Mexicans, Afro-Caribbeans, etc. are my Brothers and my Sisters. I want them to be free just like I want African Americans to be free. Many people in the African Diaspora have collaborated with black Americans in movements too for freedom and justice. Trump is a right wing fascist who honors Scalia (who voted to gut the VRA), who honors Bannon (who is a white supremacist), and who believes in the lie that millions of undocumented workers made him lose the popular vote. He is a male who represents white supremacy. I don’t worship a white man. So, I don’t respect Trump for his bigotry, sexism, vulgarity, and extremism. We should promote our interests as African Americans. We want our infrastructure to grow, we don’t want racist hate speech being spread by racist Hispanic people, and we want to build in our communities. Part of that building is growing pan-African unity as international black freedom is very important.

        Thank you for your information Sister.

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Sister Shanequa:

      Here is a sister who is speaking what you’re saying:

      Enjoy! 😀

    • Epi says:

      @ Shanequa:

      In on this LATE, however I agree with you. Having skills in Labor Studies, I observed not only illegal aliens deluging BLACK locales and neighborhoods, but also being hired over competent blacks that hold skill-sets as well as being educated. A lot of the hiring of illegal aliens has come from racist whites that would rather see the advancement of an illegal alien than that of a legal black citizen tied in with Hispanics that only hire Hispanics, even in low-level jobs. This is why I STRESS to others to “get something behind your name.”

      BUT? It is NOT what others call us. “It is what WE answer to.” And I am teaching this to the ones behind me. And to not be “emotionally driven” but to be self-motivated. Thank you.

  33. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    What do you think of this?

    Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have listened to the video. First, the American Enterprise Institute or the AEI promotes neo conservative foreign policy which includes aggression against Iran. The AEI supports far right wing Israelis and Western war mongers. It is obvious that Trump is a far right nationalist and he is allied with far right black people. Many conservatives love Trump since Trump is a xenophobe, loves free market capitalism, and believes in militarist aggression overseas. The alt right and the ankh right (including black reactionaries) are in unison ideologically on many issues. Today is Black History Month. It is important to recognize progressive black heroes like Fred Hampton, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Ella Baker, Claudia Jones, etc. Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon and doesn’t have extensive experience in housing department infrastructure. Therefore, I don’t believe that he should be the head of HUD.

      Trump invokes Dr. King, but Dr. King believed in democratic socialism, in reparations, in strong voting rights, and he opposed imperialism by his words and by his actions. There has been many black people who are allied with white racists. This is not new. Many black people allied with Nixon and George W. Bush. The narrator made great points about Trump’s agenda and his actions. Trump’s black supporters don’t represent us. Black people are diverse and the black community is very large. FOX News is known for its anti-black propaganda and many of Trump’s black Trump supporters on FOX News have been fired. The vast majority of black people didn’t vote for Trump. Black women opposed Trump in the highest percentage and black people opposed Trump more so than any other ethnic group in America (to our credit as black people). The narrator made a great point about Trump saying nothing on investing in HBCUs. I disagree with the narrator in saying about cutting out their tongues. Even black reactionaries can wake up. I wish for the black far right conservatives to wake up.

      In the final analysis, we want terrorist cops to be jailed and imprisoned. We want a federal living wage. We want Medicare for all or universal health care. We want education to be affordable, we want an end to imperialism, we desire pan-African unity, the end to the mass incarceration state (as advanced by Cynthia McKinney), we reject xenophobia, and we believe in justice. Therefore, the billionaires and corporate puppets in Trump’s cabinet proves how Trump is ally with the capitalist oligarchy. We want revolutionary change.

      Thank you for showing the video Sister. 🙂

  34. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    Here’s a good Black History story:

    Enjoy! 😀

  35. Timothy says:

    @Sister Courtney

    This person is named Oshay Duke Jackson. He is a misogynist and a Hotep despite his disagreements with Umar Johnson (who should be exposed). First, in his first video, he slandered Pan-African movement. Pan African unity is about economic, social, and political unity among people of black African descent. Many people then and now have created organizations to help black people globally. Pan-Africanism is not about scamming people or manipulating people at all. Therefore, I have no respect for his disrespect of pan-Africanism. Also, his words on Marcus Garvey shows to what he is. MOre and more people want to slander Marcus Garvey and we have to set the record straight. Marcus Garvey is not someone who is similar to Umar Johnson. Garvey created newspapers, helped families, and organized many programs that helped millions of black people worldwide.

    The intelligence community harassed Garvey and the UNIA. Famous pan-Africanists include WEB DuBois, Kwame Ture, Kwame Nkrumah, and other people. Garvey wasn’t perfect, but no human is perfect. Garvey was a victim of white supremacist system. His other videos about black women settling, which is ludicrous. A black woman has the right to her autonomy and freedom. Black women have the right to date who she desires voluntarily. Oshay has no right to dictate to anyone who to date.

    His other videos where he wants no black man to date a woman over 30 and he wants no black people to criticize Donald Trump (who is an overt white supremacist). He’s a deceiver and covert agent in my view. He has another video saying that a black person who dates IR is more black than you. He shams the black community in the new slur called “Blackistan” which is a classist term since it’s used to disrespect poor black people especially. So, Oshay is obviously not pro-black, but a Hotep who uses anti-black women rhetoric (he uses slurs to describe black women too) as a means to promote a chauvinist agenda. He is a pseudo pro-black person. The new agent tactic in our generation is to slander pro-black people as equivalent to frauds like Umar Johnson and others. Then, he promoted the lie that Malcolm X would support Donald Trump when Malcolm X was against racism and against xenophobia. He supported the rights of black Muslims and black people internationally. Malcolm X wanted black people to register as Independents in his Ballot or the Bullet speech. Oshay (who has personal insecurities by his tone and his videos) wants black people to be conservative, but black people have the right of have political independence. In the final analysis, we want black liberation. We want black men and black women to exist in their highest human potential and to experience joy, peace, and tranquility.

    Thank you for showing the videos Sister. 🙂

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Brother Timothy:

      Thank you for watching all of the videos. There are some really f*cked-up Brothers and Sisters out there! We really need to get our act together! You made some really great point about this Oshay fool.

      Here is another video about Black men and Black women:

      And here is another video about a Sister from history:

      Enjoy! 😀 Good evening, Brother. 🙂

  36. Courtney H. says:

    Here’s another interesting article:

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      Good Afternoon to you.

      First, today is Frederick Douglas’ Birthday. He was a passionate, legendary man. I have looked at both links. Here are my thoughts. First, both links shows how many events of the past continue in the present. Debates about immigration and rights in general persisted back then and continue to be debated too. Second, we are opposed to xenophobia period. While, we reject the views of any person of color non-black individual who is racist (we don’t want non-black POC running our stores and running our infrastructure), we know that white supremacists are xenophobic specifically for racist, evil reasons. The white supremacists/racists want to dehumanize and degrade anyone who isn’t white. We can promote black liberation and black institutions while rejecting xenophobia at the same time. We are revolutionaries not anti-immigrant fascists. Xenophobia is a cousin to fascism. Fascism is not just about being anti-black. Fascism is also about being anti-neighbor and the Golden Rule is an eternal precept that I will forever believe in.

      Also, many black immigrants exist in the world and we believe in the individual freedom of black people (regardless if a black person is an immigrant or not). Now, the Chinese Exclusion Act was racist and it was advanced by white racists who believed in the lie that white people alone are representative of true “Americans” when whites are not the original Americans. The first inhabitants of America didn’t speak English and they didn’t came from Europe originally. The first people of the Americas were non-whites who created large civilizations in both continents from the Mound civilizations to the Olmec civilization. Frederick Douglas is right to oppose the Chinese Exclusion Act, because it harmed the lives of innocent people and it was blatantly racist. The Filipinos do experience economic exploitation in the cruise industry. That story about cruises once against prove that multinational corporations (not every immigrant) should be blamed for worldwide financial issues in our communities. It is the capitalists in those corporations who promote division, hatred, and economically destructive policies for the masses of black people. Workers internationally should be treated with respect. Black people are owed justice completely. I always enjoy your views.

      Thank you for showing both links Sister.

      Happy Valentines Day to you as well.

      Blessings to you Friend. 🙂

  37. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    Here’s an interesting documentary.

    Enjoy! 😀

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