The War Against Black Male/Black Female Relationships – Part 1

Posted: February 19, 2017 in Uncategorized

Anyone who watches television or movies or reads magazines should know exactly what this post is about

When did black male and black female couples become obsolete?


(State Farm commercial of a black male proposing to a white female)

I have NEVER ONCE seen a commercial for a jewelry company of a black male proposing to a black female


I have watched with increasing dismay the landslide of advertising over the last two years that depicts either one of the following:

  1. A dark or brown-skinned black male with a white female (with or without children)
  2. A dark or brown-skinned black male with a racially ambiguous or bi-racial female with light skin and curly hair (with or without children)
  3. A bi-racial male and female couple
  4. A dark or brown-skinned black male alone with children who are obviously bi-racial with light skin and curly hair.
  5. Black males who are isolated from other black people and are “best buddies” with white males and females
  6. A black female (often a bi-racial female) with a white male


(A white male with a bi-racial female)

Now, some might say, “Hey, this is racial progress! It’s about ‘diversity.'”

BUT if that was true why wouldn’t there be as many black male/black female couples as there are mixed and white couples?

Why is it so rare to see a brown or dark-skinned black male with a brown or dark-skinned black female paired in a commercial AS A COUPLE with children who look black?

And why are the vast majority of the “black females” in TV commercials bi-racial?

In fact, it is rare to see a brown or dark-skinned black female on TV at all — unless she is overweight and portrayed as someone who is sexually undesirable.


(A dark-skinned black male proposing to a bi-racial, light-skinned curly-haired female)

Over 95% of “black children” in TV commercials are bi-racial when the VAST MAJORITY of black children are brown-skinned.


(The bi-racial “granddaughter of a white couple)


(A USAA Insurance commercial)

Yet, there is NO SHORTAGE of white couples in love and white parents with their children.





Yet, in spite of all the “integrated” commercials promoting interracial love, overt racism, black unemployment, murder by police of unarmed black males AND females is on the rise.

Are we really that foolish as a people to measure our “progress” (or lack of it) by the number of interracial couples and bi-racial children we see in TV commercials and TV programs? I would like to believe NOT.

An even more important question:

What are the odds that all these different and diverse companies and advertisers from insurance to jewelry retailers to mattresses manufacturers and food companies ALL promote the same IMAGES of the bi-racial person as the “new and improved  black” while deliberately excluding the image of black males and black females loving each other and reproducing with each other?

That alone should tell us that there is a very insidious and dangerous agenda at work.


I came to the conclusion years ago that there is no independent media, entertainment industry OR corporate entity in the U.S.

They are all controlled by the hidden hands and their combined willingness to promote images that run counter to the collective interests of black males and females by making it seem UNNATURAL to be together along with the promotion of black homosexuality MUST BE part of a collective secret agenda which serves ONLY ONE PURPOSE:

To reduce our ability COLLECTIVELY to love, respect, desire and REPRODUCE BLACK CHILDREN WITH EACH OTHER.

It also attacks our collective self-esteem by reinforcing our black genetic “inferiority,” a curse that can only be removed by breeding with (superior) white and non-black people to produce smarter and more attractive “black people.”

It also increases the hostility of black females toward black males collectively for their highly visible “betrayal” — even though this betrayal is largely manufactured by the advertising and media industry.

And it increases the level of despair and dysfunction with the black female population many of who will never marry BUT who will at the same time raise the NEXT BLACK GENERATION.

If the mother of a nation is not protected and respected so she can pass that self-esteem along to her children, that nation is doomed for EXTINCTION. (which, perhaps, is the end goal?)

It is easy to see the massive self-esteem damage in the way some of our sisters reject their beautiful, God-given hair and bodies in order to imitate that which they see as more beautiful on the TV and movie screen. And how many have given up the fight to have a respectful relationship with a man because they do not believe (deep down) that they deserve one.

This self-contempt and deep-seated anger often evolves into contempt — even hatred — for her mirror images:


Who then become her competition for a shrinking supply of black males able and willing to commit to an “inferior” black female.

One thing that is often overlooked:

the disgust and resentment of the white collective in response to these images, both white males AND white females. Make no mistake. Contrary to all the media propaganda, the majority of white people do NOT approve of interracial relationships between blacks and whites and MAY take out this resentment in the form of more police abuse, more unjust jury trial outcomes, more black unemployment, and more discrimination against blacks, in particular, the black male.


Another FACT:

The white birth rate worldwide is in a serious decline to such an extent that there is a worldwide panic that whites will soon be extinct.

But, unlike black people collectively, when whites collectively see something that threatens their survival


Regardless of how cruel or unethical their methods might be.


As I have explained in detail in all my books, by programming the highly melanated black male to breed with white females instead of other equally melanated black females, he will create bi-racial children who for the most part will:

  1. will look nothing like him or his family members
  2. will not be part of the black struggle against white supremacy
  3. who will in all likelihood be greatly white identified
  4. will divorce themselves from their “black side”causing a fracture in the continuation of the black family (whereas whites work hard to maintain a family legacy that continues for GENERATIONS)
  5. and will in all likelihood marry and breed with a white person until the third generation will look and function as white people, effectively wiping out any connection to their “black side” WHILE INCREASING THE WHITE POPULATION WITH MORE GENETICALLY MELANATED (FERTILE) ‘WHITE PEOPLE.’
  6. And one of the most important points of all is WHY THE DARKEST-SKINNED BLACK MALE IS USUALLY THE ONE WHO IS PORTRAYED WITH A WHITE FEMALE:  BECAUSE OF HIS MELANIN. By impregnating the white female, the dark-skinned, highly melanated black male is actually INCREASING the fertility of future white generations because there is a great likelihood that his bi-racial children will MARRY AND BREED WITH A WHITE PERSON.

In essence, the black male who breeds with a white female (and the black female who breeds with a white male) will BUILD NOTHING THAT CONTRIBUTES TO FUTURE BLACK GENERATIONS.

Not a power base.

Not an economic base.

NOTHING that will help to eliminate the system of white supremacy.

And are promoting their own genetic self-genocide.

This has been MY experience based on many years of observation. Others might disagree.

Now, the only question that must be asked is what is the END GOAL of their agenda toward the most melanated people on this planet?

And what should be our intelligent, self-respecting response?

Do we CONTINUE to financially support the advertisers who so disrespectfully promote our own demise?

Do we CONTINUE to let the television babysit (program) our brown and dark-skinned children and watch programs and commercials that make them obsolete?

Or do we start challenging these images by TALKING ABOUT THEM with other black people and come up with an action plan that hits them in their POCKETS and lets them know that we are not the brain-dead, remote-controlled black robots they take us for?

I will end here so all can digest what has been written as food for thought.

One more thing:

Please share this link with others.

We must stop being armchair quarterbacks OR accept the dire consequences of our apathy and our share of the blame for what happens to us as a people.

  1. Melanie Velencia Herring says:

    I agree 100%. I thought that I was the only one that noticed.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Melanie

      I assure you, sister, you are not.
      Please share the link

    • Yes they are trying to decimate the real black family. Water us down. I am so tired of seeing white men with black women and black men with white women. I want to see black men and black women. STOP PLAYING GAMES.

    • Victor Palmer says:

      Race is racism
      The concept of race is false!
      The only purpose of being a member of a race is to practice racism.

      Racism is white supremacy, and white supremacy is racism.
      One more thing there are three types of people in the known universe under the system of white supremacy racism.

      1) Non-white people

      2) White people

      3) White Supremacists (Racists).

      Please keep in mind that all of these categories are political categories. The word race was created by the practitioners of racism.

      The political category of white people is just another creation of the system of white supremacy racism, as a result all these political categories and racial classifications are false.

      The racists have classified themselves under the political category of so called white people. Just to show how powerful they are.

      They classify everyone. The racists are not dumb, but they are not wise!

      You can’t keep billions of people confused, miseducated and dominated, as a consequence and be dumb.

      We need to get smart!

      We need to become smarter than them.

      We are ignorant, feebleminded, silly, stupid, naive, and primitive people, but we can Change by studying and reading everything, we need to get smart.

      We need to tell the racists that, so they understand that we are no longer delusional and bragging about the material gains some black people get, when they mortgage their children’s future for their own selfish personal gains, at the demise of people who look like them.

      We need to see that we are weak, in order for us to become strong, because we presently are not!

      This is our true reality, we as a people lack the deep understanding and the practicing of deep self-respect, which is required for the behaviours of self-preservation on especially when we continue to deny reality, and lie to ourselves.

      Black people don’t understand and practice deep self-respect, this is a very serious indication of the deficits in knowledge, that we need to address as a people. We are miseducated and confused people, probably the most confused people on the planet, that includes other non-white people.

      Self- respect is the only true respect, in the known universe.

      Black people have never been members of a race. They were told so by the racists.

      The only reason for being a member of a race is to practising racism.

      Race is racism. Racism is white supremacy. White supremacy is racism!

      • We can cut the second category out completely.

        There are only 2 categories:

        1. Non-White people
        2. White Supremacists

        White Supremacists are White people.

        I use Mr. Fuller’s logic. But that business about whites babies and a white senile person is nonsense.

        • Victor Palmer says:

          If you understood Compensatory logic, you than understand why there would have to be three categories. Someone who is just born or has gone senile wouldn’t be able to practice racism. The logic of cause and effect isn’t Mr. Fuller’s..

          • Greetings Victor! I personally think that is not logical. Don’t get me wrong I agree 99.8 % of what Mr. Fuller says, I have a great respect for Mr. Fuller that goes beyond comprehension of words. However, on this point I do not agree. I am a Victim of Racism and I am a prisoner of war, I exist in a continuous state that moves from battlefield to prison. I do not care about a white baby not being able to practice Racism. My common sense tells me that at some point very soon they will be able to practice Racism and sooner than later. My common sense tells me that you cannot have Racist Man or Racist Woman without a White Racist Baby. As soon as a white child can practice Racism, they move immediately into the Racist Man or Racist Woman category. A white person with a mental illness in an exception to the rule. For one thing, a white person who is senile does not mean that the white person has not already practiced Racism. Secondly, it is not a fact that a white person that is senile cannot practice Racism. My Attempted mother was in the nursing home and my Attempted father is one now. And I have witnessed senile Race Soldiers using racial epithets and being very nasty and rude to the black help. Furthermore, as a war vet, that is still engaged with the enemy everyday, I simply do not care, it is insignificant to me in the greater scheme of things if I know that the White Racist baby will develop into my tormentor and whether the Racist Senile White person remembers if they have practiced Racism.

            In slavery people classified as black, especially black females had to nurse and care for Whites babies, who eventually grew up to Rape them, sell them, beat them and just generally cause all out havoc in their lives. Likewise in formal slavery, blacks were made to take care White Supremacist who had grown old but who had a long list of white supremacist terrorist acts attributed to them over their lifetime. This type of behavior and thinking should be abandoned immediately by black people if not sooner.

            White = Racist White Supremacist I don’t care what there physical status is. This has been a very long ongoing war that black people are losing very badly. Can you explain the constructive value in telling a black person a white baby cannot practice Racism? Can you vouch for the white baby that it will not turn into a White Supremacist? What should it mean to me that an enemy of black people can no longer practice Racism? Does this mean all is forgiven and they cannot be prosecuted for their war crimes because they don’t remember? Of course this is my VGQ, but I think the whole white baby and white senile person is malarkey. The White Supremacists practice Racism against black babies and black senile people. What is the constructive value in your opinion for the pass to a historical and scientific enemy? What is the cause and effect of a white baby produced by White Supremacist but to be a white Supremacist.

          • Studying Compensatory Counter Racist Logic for sometime, I feel confident in saying, that 3 category deal does not make logical sense to me. In other words it is meaningless. If Counter Racism is about thoughts, speech and actions, what exactly should I be doing with that concept? In my opinion this is causing confusion, suggesting that a white baby may not be a White Supremacist. Will a white baby stay a baby forever? If not what is the significance of telling a Victim of Racism, that a white baby cannot practice Racism?

      • Randy Rowe says:

        An interesting read. The only thing that I took away from it is : you’re calling the kettle black. 2 is you are trying to save your race from disappearing. That is hypocrisy. 3 you are showing everyone who reads your column that you are as racist as any white person with the same view. It’s not ok because you’re black. 4 white people aren’t trying to turn black. What ever you may think. Some girls may prefer black men but it’s usually because they are ugly. 4. Some dark skinned black girls are beautiful but they don’t socialize with white men. Different circles. People always think there’s an agenda. We’ll absolutely in the political world. Most white folks, at least 75% are at middle class or below. They generally vote democratic and try to help folks like them in the same boat. I hate when black people think every white family comes from money and are Republicans. Do some research.human race. You make racism live by believing in such hatred. Get off your ass and quit thinking that way. Take advantage of the programs and educational avenues that are available. Marry the man you decide to produce children with. The change starts with women really. Quit fucking thugs, that ain’t going to father them kids. Excuses are like ass holes. Everybody has one. Generation after generation of kids without daddies is the biggest problem the black community faces. Quit blaming the real men. The working fathers.

    • Kim Jones says:

      We notice but don’t say nothing.

  2. Providence says:


    We need to start our own African-centered educational institutions, from preschool to high schools. This is our knowledge, education and community base, and it will also promote self love and build mutual admiration for the opposite sex at an early age. I called this psyop in the media years ago, it’s time to get rid of cable anyway, and instill nation building in our children and a love for learning…

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Providence

      I agree. We also need to TAKE CONTROL of the things our children are allowed to watch, listen to and participate in. I know that is a tall order especially for parents who work or who are single. Get in the habit of not leaving the TV on. Turn on music, read a book, let your children see you reading, give them constructive toys that teach motor skills and use their imagination.

      And be aware of our OWN behavior in front of them, using excessive profanity, bad mouthing other black people, showing contempt and disrespect for other black people, being dishonest in front of them, NOT teaching lessons on morality and kindness and decency

      We have to establish a base of RESPECT for our children so they will respect what we tell them.

      again, it is a tall order but at some point we will have to take control of our children’s psychological environment if we want them survive as sane, self-respecting BLACK PEOPLE.

  3. blackempowerment1 says:

    Pam this message is right on time, I will share this with as many people as possible. This is absolutely psychological warfare, where whites win by breeding us out or whites win by making the general white population take their frustrations out on the general black population, as they say a win-win for the white team. Thanks for taking the time to share this thought provoking information.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ blackempowerment1

      you’re absolutely right, it’s a win win for the white team. We need to understand this and get our heads out of the sand about gaining equality VIA THE BEDROOM. It doesn’t work and it never has.

      I hope you’ll share this link because many who come here will not take even a second to do so.

      but sadly will spend hours on Facebook, liking and sharing nonsense with dozens or hundreds of other people.

    • Victor Palmer says:

      It is not an empowerment that we need.

      It is self-respect and the behaviours of self-preservation, and the courage to talk about the white people who practice racism, and who believe in the religion of white supremacy and global white power!

      We don’t want strong black people in the system that is based on mistreating them and subjugating them, and treating them like criminals, because of the colour of their skin. We are wearing the battle colours of war!

      We want black people who are awakened to the reality of their lives and who don’t lie to themselves

      About truth about of their true existence and the conditions of their lives.

      We want black people who are willing to die and stand up to the white people who practice racism and who are mistreating and subjugating them.

      We want those black people to have the courage to speak their mind, and to be truthful about the mistreatment that they’re experiencing everyday.

      We don’t want black people who deny racism and are in a dreamworld or in a fantasy world who deny reality!

      • blackempowerment1 says:

        I agree with your overall comment, I’m not sure in what context you mean “It is not an empowerment that we need” I believe having control over your own thoughts is empowering in itself. That’s not to say that black people are in a powerful position, we are NOT, that is to say despite the weak pitiful position we are in, having black self respect and self preservation behaviors in the system of racism white supremacy is an empowering act, an empowering act for who, one might ask, the answer is, an empowering act for the victim of racism white supremacy. My thought process is in a system of racism white supremacy you are not supposed to have black Self Respect, you are supposed to be confused about white people. However, if black people decide for themselves that they are going to deal with the system of white supremacy for what it is and not what they want it to be, decide for themselves they are going to study white people and learn as much as possible about the religion of white supremacy, then that is a step forward for replacing the system of racism white supremacy with a system of justice. You can’t replace what you do not understand or know that it even exists. Essentially I think we are saying the same thing black people and non-whites in general MUST codify their behavior and response to the system of racism white supremacy, that is black empowerment and I think just that crucial act alone would do a great deal of damage to the system of racism white supremacy.

        • Victor Palmer says:

          How do you codify your thoughts, speech and actions?

          • blackempowerment1 says:

            By practicing and testing my Counter Racist theories, what works and what does not work, and asking myself questions (is this thought, speech or actions constructive?) it’s a continual action. Words are tools so practicing using the best words that reveal Truth (that which is) is a starting point. Neely Fuller Jr’s word guide is a excellent resource for this activity. Obviously this activity has not been mastered by any non white people on the planet as the system of racism white supremacy still exists.

            • “My thought process is in a system of racism white supremacy you are not supposed to have black Self Respect, you are supposed to be confused about white people.”

              Your comments are very focus and based on clarity. Thank you so much very your comments. I am becoming less confused and miseducated everyday, but because the global business of white supremacy/ racism still exist. I am still silly, primitive, confused, ignorant, pitful, and miseducated, but I am a work in progress.

              The non-white people of the world need to wake up, maybe our codified thoughts, speech and actions will persuade the non-white people the world to wake up.

              It is not suppose be black self respect. It is just suppose be just self-respect. Self respect basicallly means to tell yourself the truth, even when it hurts and to share this declaration with the people around you.


              • blackempowerment1 says:

                I can take your comments and apply them to myself, I’m still a work in progress and working everyday to become less confused about the system of racism white supremacy. I had come in contact with Mr. Fuller’s work and Dr. Frances’ work some 15 years ago but really didn’t have a breakthrough in my confusion until about a year ago. I realized although I had read the works and agreed and understood, I was NOT, internalizing the works which I have discovered is much more difficult. When I did this I witness for my own self the power of just adopting a couple of Codes, never mind the whole book I just started with a couple and I witnessed the transformation in myself and quality of life. As a victim of racism I have participated in all the self destructive behaviors that non whites and whites particularly participate in and encourage us to participate in. I heard Dr. Welsing was talking about black self respect and although I heard that before it did not register in my brain computer. As I started thinking about that, I said wow Dr. Welsing and Mr. Fuller are really on to something and it’s so simple that I think it does not register with most non white people but it’s powerful. The 10 Stops it’s great power in that, because the system of white supremacy thrives on Confusion, majority of non white people are confused, self included. But just ceasing to curse, or deciding not to consume alcohol, having patience with other victims, refusing to name call. Questioning my actions and thoughts, which is a real difficult one because it requires that you be honest with yourself, know one else knows but you, you are asking yourself the question “is this constructive?” And being honest and truthful which most victims are not encouraged to do, I had to answer that question, no it’s not constructive,this helped me to become more serious about counter racism. I still have a very long way to go and being truthful is very hard but because I have personally witnessed what Black Self Respect can do it has given me motivation to continue my efforts. I am still working to improve my behavior and Codification around non whites.

              • Victor Palmer says:

                I know the discussions are about
                the war against black male and black female relationships, but in reality under the global business system of white supremacy/racism.

                Black People don’t have relationships. We have arrangements. It has been this way since chattel slavery. In my opinion nothing has changed in over a hundred and fifty years. The war is more than just against our interactions between each other.
                The war is between the people who believe in racism and the ones who don’t believe in racism. Many people will say they are against racism, but don’t really understand what that really means.

                Many black People that are live today have a great difficulty in understanding what white supremacy is, and how it works. White supremacy is racism, and racism is white supremacy.

                Race is racism. The only purpose for being members of a race is to practice racism. Anyone who is a member of a race is a racist. Black People have never been members of a race. They were told so by the white People who practice racism.

                The only race is the white race. The white People who practice racism created a global business system of white supremacy to mistreat and subjugate non-white people.

                In the context of so called black male and black female arrangements. A black male cannot promise a black female anything, because a black male is subject to white supremacy, which therefore makes a black male a boy. True men are not subjects to an evil system. No black female is a woman, and no black male is a man under the system of white supremacy.

                This is why our priorities should only be replacing racism with justice. Since no justice has ever existed in the time that everyone who is live now.

                In the political activity of politics, which our interactions with each other will not be as their suppose be.

                As black males and black females, we need to spend time understanding what that really means.

                The white People who practice racism wage war against us in all areas of people activity which includes: politics, sex, entertainment, education, economics, war, law, religion, and labour.

                What I am trying to make you all be aware is that the war against us is waged directly and indirectly, not just violence, which would be considered directly, but the deception through the use of words as tools. I was not aware that when someone deceives you and you incur losses that is indirect violence.

                The white People who practice racism main tool against non-white People is deception through the usage of words.

                I never realized how powerful words can be in directing people’s minds.

                Here is an example in the 60s. The feminists so called movement began. Feminism which really is a form of white supremacy, which is functional racism.

                Deceived black females against black males. The deception was to make black females think that the fight for women’s right was also for black females, but that was a lie.

                We can commandeer this language to serve our purposes.

                We need to codify our thoughts, speech and action with compensatory logic!

                I don’t mean to be negative. I am just being honest!
                I am not exactly optimistic that we can do that, because we have a habit of becoming sidetracked, and being easily distracted by the racists.

                They know us so well. We are very predictable people.

                They have been studying us for thousands of years. We haven’t been studying the racists who are our enemy.

                The racists know how to make us laugh and they know how we think.

                We spend so much time looking at each other, and no time looking at the enemy.

                We are behind the ball!

                The substantial problem that I see currently is when black people use the incorrect words to describe their 24/7 mistreatment and subjugation under the system of white supremacy racism.

                The incorrect usage of words creates confusion in the minds of the victims of the system of white supremacy racism.

      • Man, you people are so easily fooled. Taking the bait.

  4. Joy says:

    I noticed it when my son was in middle school and a big Nicloden / Disney . They had several shows with Black children (mostly brown or light skinned and possibly had a white patent) with a “crush” on a white member of the opposite sex. Almost all of the Black young adults in our mostly white community ignore each othe and date white????? They call us racist if we bring the topic up.

    • blackempowerment1 says:

      I live in the suburbs and it’s the same thing. Black parents are not instilling any type of racial consciousness within their children. It’s hard to witness, we talk to our children about white supremacy everyday. The te-Lie-Vision and media plays a big part in the social engineering of our people and definitely needs to be censored with young black children.

      • Trojan Pam says:

        @ blackempowerment1

        you are absolutely on point. The vast majority of black parents that I know do not instill any black consciousness other than the most patently FALSE TYPE of black pride like:

        1. black celebrities and entertainers
        2. our first black (bi-racial) president who IN FACT pretty much ignored and demonized black people during his eight year terms.
        3. black people who get awards from white people

        NONE OF THE ABOVE BUILDS TRUE OR LASTING BLACK SELF-ESTEEM OR SELF-RESPECT nor does it educate our children about the most formidable and dangerous obstacle they will ever face in life

        the system of racism/white supremacy

        and for those who are offended by my statement about former president Obama, I want them to tell me ONE THING HE DID FOR BLACK PEOPLE DURING THE EIGHT YEARS HE WAS IN OFFICE

        Otherwise, let’s move on….

        • blackempowerment1 says:

          @ Trojan Pam You are absolutely right it’s a disturbing thing that attempted black parents face because a lot of the black children are not being taught anything about the world that they have to exist in. So you wonder will your children find any like minded individuals?? The chances are very slim, my observation is the white supremacist’s education and degrees has served to further confuse us, we are not taking the education and building off of it we are being indoctrinated by it.

          The other observation I have made being in the suburbs is other blacks go out there way to avoid eye contact and speaking. My wife and myself are happy to see other black people and will engage, even if it’s just the acknowledgment that hey that’s another black person but the blacks we encounter are trying so hard to be accepted by white people they seem like they are scare to speak to you for the fear that the white supremacist will realize they are black, new flash they already hate us and don’t want us around.

          Then there are the blacks that want to compete with you, I agree with Mr. Fuller there is no such thing as a black middle-class, and I do not enjoy pretending like things are great when I know that the vast majority of black people are struggling myself and family included. Then there are the black people who think white Peoples plantation positions should define your self worth. This is very dangerous to black mental health and black self respect.

          White people can take their plantation positions and titles just as fast as they gave them. As a victim of racism, I am very patient with other blacks, I try to show as much black self respect as possible by not arguing and name calling other blacks, but I must say it can be very frustrating dealing with our people who seem to be allergic to reading or having constructive conversations.

          I agree with you, it just seems that most blacks do not want to see white people for what they are, it’s great to have this space with other like minded individuals, attempted counter racism is a lonely road, I really appreciate being able to share my thoughts here. I will continue to share this thought provoking classic counter racist article with as many black people as possible. Also your books have been great tools in cutting down on my own confusion about white people as well as excellent tools for teaching my two children.

          • Trojan Pam says:

            @ blackempowerment1

            I have experienced the same thing of blacks not wanting to make eye contact and in my case it is usually a black male. I’m sure black males run into this problem with black females

            We have become a denatured people with ZERO instincts for survival

            I fear the outcome of how this insanity will lead us to the slaughter.

          • Mariama says:

            I just want to say that I respect and appreciate your post and your desire to be around and acknowledge other like-minded black folk. Your post is uplifting and encouraging. I wish that there were more like you.

            • blackempowerment1 says:

              Likewise your post is also uplifting, spaces such as this one are often times the only glimpse of sanity, in a world dominated by white supremacy and confusion.

        • Victor Palmer says:

          The substantial problem that I see currently is when black people use the incorrect words to describe their 24/7 mistreatment and subjugation under the system of white supremacy racism.

          The incorrect usage of words creates confusion in the minds of the victims of the system of white supremacy racism.
          The following words created confusion in the minds of the victims of white supremacy:

          Words like biracial, diversity, light or dark skinned, half Black or half white, interracial, segregation multiculturalism and colorism.

          The biracial implies more than one race. Mr. Fuller’s Compensatory logic says, that on this planet the only race is the white race.

          Black People have never been members of a race.

          We were told so by the white People who practice racism.

          This also applies to the word interracial. You can’t be be half white and half black. You are a non-white person.

          The word interracial also implies more than one race. Mr. Fuller has said many times that black People are not members of a race. We have foot races , but not black People are not members of races. It is important to understand this concept, because it prevents confusion in the minds of the victims of white supremacy, who are all the non-white people of the world.

        • Epiphaney says:

          “…and for those who are offended by my statement about former president Obama, I want them to tell me ONE THING HE DID FOR BLACK PEOPLE DURING THE EIGHT YEARS HE WAS IN OFFICE.”

          Thunk! “Nothing.” I rest my case.

          ALL former presidents did SOMTHING for their people. Obama did NOTHING.

          • Trojan Pam says:

            @ Epiphaney

            I realize Obama ( a non-white person) was powerless and we should have no expectations from him — however, when I hear people say, “he tried but the white folks, Republicans, etc wouldn’t let do anything”

            Then I ask them, NAME ME ONE THING HE TRIED TO DO

            and I get no response.

            My problem with Obama mainly is the refusal OR inability to accept the reality that he was not elected to represent or help black people but was simply a TOOL, a PUPPET of the white supremacists to create the ILLUSION that America “had changed” and that black people made progress

            and where is the evidence of that?????

            So, while I realize he should not be “blamed” for what the white supremacists made him do, I still have a sour taste in my mouth thinking about it

            • Epiphaney says:

              @ Trojan Pam:

              “I get your point.” And, like you, “I knew what Obama was when he was propped up and then got elected. Since post era the 1960’s, these sub-humans have ensured that our black people have not chosen our (if any) elected leaders.

              Thank you for your comments.


      • Timothy says:


        I agree with you that black parents must teach their children about black consciousness and that TV had gone a long way in showing the constant degradation of black people.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Joy

      That is a common theme, the black or biracial or non-black person having a “crush” on the white person which is seldom returned. That is white supremacy at its finest!!

      Sadly, what you described regarding young black people is common all over the country. I fear for them because they have NO IDEA what they are setting themselves up for.

      PLease share the link

  5. Lamin says:

    Assessment is on point. Thanks

  6. Otis X says:

    Thank you for sharing this powerful and timely message.

    The evils of Racism and White Supremacy is growing at an alarming rate to the point that the mask of civility has fallen off the “so-called” “good-hearted white people” that I thought and believed were not of this sick mindset. I often find them now speaking boldly and using straight words defending that which THEY believe is slipping away from them, white privilege.

    It’s gotten to the point that just about all of my conversations ends up with me debating about Racism and White Supremacy and striving to make sense hoping to produce some measure of reality laced with Justice in defense of simple things. I’ve come to the realization that most people daily conversations are really off topic conversations, useless and meaningless because they will do whatever it takes, going out of their way avoiding to deal with Racism and White Supremacy, which further promote this false ideology and belief that white people are superior to all other races. They refuse to wake up and realize that this myth actually ended in 1914.


    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Otis X

      I share your frustration and agree that the majority of people I encounter are obsessed with nonsense. Entertainment, celebrities, gossip, foolishness and certainly very little of any real substance.

      I’ve come to accept the FACT that most do NOT WANT TO KNOW. They want to stay in that protective bubble of ignorance thinking it will protect them from harm UNTIL

      white supremacy comes to their doorstep in the form of job discrimination, police abuse, or some other injustice.

      Not sure what you mean about the myth ending in 1914. Please enhance.

      And share the link!

    • Victor Palmer says:

      Justice or else what?

  7. FYI: The female model in Old Navy billboard is from Eritrea. Now I don’t know if that bit of info makes a difference but I hope that it provides a little bit of insight.

    Another trend I’ve notice is often when Black females are coupled with white males, they often are unattractive or have an obvious physical flaw as to say Black females are deserving of the rejects and throw aways of the white race; I don’t notice that trend so much in the reverse. Black males are often paired with the “quintessential” white female, blonde hair and blue eyed.

    Another something I’ve begun to notice as well. When they do couple Black male and females together with children, the children are oftentimes racially ambiguous. Or, if a Black adult is paired with a Black child it’s usually just the child and that adult, not the typical nuclear family represented of mother-father. They promote the Hades out of Black single parenthood.

    • Oh, and how could I neglect to mention how creepy that Consumer Cellular commercial is? My visceral reaction was fright and nausea. I immediately turned the channel. The thing is that this stuff just does not look correct, forget the fact that it’s just plain unpleasant. I dont knoe about anyone else but I’m often left scratching my head. Now I comprehend why it’s being composed but it’s just so dang awkward to look at, how do the masses fall into the con?

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ thedevilfindswork

      Yes, I’ve noticed that too, that the white male is usually less attractive than the black female and definitely less attractive than the white men who are paired with white females. I agree that this is done to make it appear that the black female is not at the same level as the white female

      but just the opposite is true when the black male is paired with the white female, he is usually very attractive.. I have never seen a “homely” black male paired in a movie or show or commercial with a white female.

      Another good observation. The black person with a black child is usually portrayed as a single parent, especially the black female

      How can these images be so prevalent if this is not being done deliberately?

      We need to open our eyes and wake up our BRAIN COMPUTERS.

      They are telling us HOW POWERFUL black unity and love and family is, otherwise they wouldn’t be attacking it!

      • @Trojan Pam: I appreciate your reply.
        However there are things we can do. A couple of years back, I observed an Old Navy commercial which was offensive to me, therefore Black people. I wrote an email to a contact at Old Navy (it’s been so long I don’t recall who or which department). I had not seen the commercial on air ever again since my initial correspondence. As I indicated, it’s been a while but I’m not sure if this same methodology would have a similar affect in these times. Could be my wishful thinking but I figure if comments are left on respective companies’ Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts, it may combat SOME (emphasis on “might” and “some”) of these image portrayals.

        • @Trojan Pam: Don’t nothing move but the money in this capital controlled society. This cannot be a fight focused on emotionality. The only feeling RWSs feel is when they are hit in their respective pockets.

    • dana carter says:

      I noticed this as well. In the swiffer commercial, there was a bw/wm couple where the wm was missing an arm. There was a chuckie cheese commercial where a bw was lusting after the pizza cook. There are countless commercials where the bw is paired up with a severely less attractive wm. In the chase commercial, there is a young bw paired up with a much older wm. Now, in the commercials where they actually do show black children, not mixed ones, the parent is a single parent or its some kind of welfare or payday loan commercial. Im also seeing ads where the black parent is a single parent but the child is clearly mixed.

      Notice also in the back to school commercials, those commercials are filled with white and non black children with 2 mixed race black children doing hip hop dances. This is just propaganda to eliminate blacks and out their faces on our cultures and inventions.

    • Renee says:

      A few days ago I saw this new Axe deodorant commercial featuring an unattractive skinny Gentile
      (white man). The scene began with the male and an attractive black female driving in a car, the female was doing the drive. I did not hear what was being said. Then the male was out of the car and I’m trying to remember if he did not have a shirt on or if his shirt was open, I just saw that he was skinny and unattractive. And I was really annoyed, cause I was thinking, dang, here they are again showing that a black female is better off with a skinny unattractive white male then she is with a black male. Our people need to stop participating in the brainwashing of our people. It is i important that that we get the understanding of who we are as a people. Please see Maybe we should start petitioning these networks to stop this raist time-bomb or to equally portray black couples and families.

      • chuquestaquenumber1 says:

        That was displayed on the TV show Mistresses.
        Black widow April Molloy had a choice of 3 guys. 2 black.1 white.
        1st. Blair a Black widower who was the headmaster of her daughter’s private school.
        2. Daniel her ex boyfriend who returned in her life.A Black high paid security specialist/former FBI agent who got evidence to get her friend off a murder charge.
        3. Marc a white guy who is not only immature and a vagabond. He is also the brother of the white girl her Black husband faked his death in order to be with.

        Guess who April realized she loved and began a life with?

    • Epiphaney says:

      @thedevilfindswork (and love the name!):

      I recall, when I was just a small kid, the “Blaxploitation” movie era. Individuals can give opinions on this era, and that is okay. However I found that though many of the movies were distasteful and depicted black people in negative imagery, many of the actors and actresses DID embrace their blackness, and one another including standing united fighting the racist power structure.
      Today, “black” movies have become so convoluted that “print by print” one has to dismantle a movie and then critique it.

      Yes, times (and people) have changed…

      • @Epiphaney: And thank you. The name directly comes from a James Baldwin book of the same title. FYI, I also have a blog by the exact name which deconstructs media images featuring Black folk and the diabolic manner in which we’re often featured.

        What I can say is that I don’t believe there has ever been a time that do called Black people have not been presented in a questionable manner. We often take our images in jest however we don’t understand the tremendous impact image has on everything, including politricks. It’s a shame we’re not more independently engage in circumventing the treachery and tricknology as Charles Woods would refer to it as. Thanks for the comment.

  8. “It is rare to see a brown or dark-skinned black female on TV at all — unless she is overweight and portrayed as someone who is sexually undesirable.” This is very true. When whites do decide to put an ATTRACTIVE FIT DARK BLACK WOMAN ON TV they quickly take her off. WHITE PEOPLE ARE SOOOO JEALOUS OF BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ‘MIXED’ WITH THEM…

  9. Mariama says:

    @Pam and Everyone

    Like always, it is great to hear from my like-minded online family. With that said, I am going to say some things that will not get my any popularity points:

    -I did not vote in the last election, because my spirit was aware that something was not right at all. After years of listening to a few knowledgable people (in person and online), I knew that I did not want to vote for any satanic, demonic and elite person posing as a politician.

    – I am kind of happy that Trump won. I see it is as a kind of spiritual karma. As a result of what was done to our ancestors, I could give a s%*t as to what he does to America. I have accepted that the fall of this country is destined. We can cry, pray, jump, scream and shout. Nothing is going to change what the universe has planned. You must reap what you sow. America for all its wickedness towards the indigenous people and our parents, grandparents and great great great grandparents, will have to pay for its crimes.

    -I am also happy that Trump won because may this will serve as a wake up call for the countless blacks who think that they have “made it” because they either have a white spouse/friend/lover etc. Too many of our people have become bamboozled by this and are also hypnotized with all this celebrity worship, money obsession nonsense.

    -I am so sick of this insincere “interracial union,” “transgender rights” and other nonsense being forced down our throats. The black community in my opinion is the one community that the media is trying to bombard with this nonsense. Interracial love in the truest sense of the word is extremely rare. In my heart, I don’t believe that these pairings (black and white) are born out of sincere love. I think that most people (esp blacks) go in these unions with their color complexes, low self-esteem, arrogance or whatever other reason. Personally, I feel sorry for children of these unions who are so completely white-identified that they can’t even think straight. I don’t admire this, I really pity it because you have no ‘real’ culture. Who are you if you don’t even acknowledge your “black side?”

    Enough said for now, I can go on and on.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Mariama

      who said: “I am so sick of this insincere “interracial union,” “transgender rights” and other nonsense being forced down our throats. The black community in my opinion is the one community that the media is trying to bombard with this nonsense”

      I agree 100%. Black people are the main people under attack. We need to start asking ourselves “Why?” And once we accept this fact, we have to have the COMMON SENSE to question any and everything that is thrown at us.

      All entertainment today is PROPAGANDA. There is a “message” in every single commercial, tv program, movie, video, and even the so-called awards ceremonies. Black and white “celebrities” should be seen as CARRIERS for these destructive messages and rather than being admired





      we must make our children a priority (and I’m not talking about food, clothing, school and housing) — or we should stop having them until we are able and ready to do so.

      We are under serious attack and the longer time passes without a response or any form of self-preparation, the more damage is being done.

      there is so much to say but I won’t attempt that here.

      please share the link!!

  10. Mariama says:


    I forgot to mention that the more the media shoves this madness down our throats, the more that I aim to do the opposite. Roman-Greco culture is not our culture. Unfortunately, it took years of understanding for me to see this. We are a different people spiritually, genetically, emotionally and should not adopt their ways.

    We have to have something really powerful and special about us for the media to keep finding ways to attack us. Everything is an attack. I feel your pain because I am in it too and see what is going on. Nothing is real and the world is not what it seems. The black male and female in their natural, authentic form and beauty is a complete THREAT to white supremacy and that is why there is such an attack on us, especially brown and dark skinned folks. Knowing this makes me just embrace and cherish our Lord given features even more.

    These people must secretly covet something that black women have for there to be such a daily attack. I love my people in all their beauty: from the dark, blue black, light, brown and all in between. We truly are a unique people. I don’t watch tv 95% of the time, so these commercials are laughable to me because I see the agenda behind it. I am extremely disturbed that so many black people are falling for this mess. Your “Beauty Con Game” book really helped set me free emotionally and psychologically in ways that I could never imagine. For this, I will always have a special place in my heart for you Pam and the other authors who took their precious time to give us such invaluable information.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Mariama

      Unfortunately, your response to the propaganda is in the minority, The MAJORITY of black people are soaking up these “messages” like a thirsty sponge


      We have become numb to our circumstances and our main reaction is escapism, via materialism, obsession over sexuality and sexual perversity, entertainment, and anything that does NOT make us THINK.

      It is extremely difficult to stay motivated as a blogger or an author when you realize you’re a puff of smoke in a whirlwind of confusion and apathy.

      Again, I beat this dead horse of people who will come to this blog and won’t even share the link even if they agree with the message.

      That to me is baffling but I’ve come to accept the reality that our programming runs DEEP

      So, I will say to you and others again

      please share the link

      • Mariama says:


        I am reluctant to say that I think (I could be wrong) that the majority of our people are GONE. I hate to agree with you on this one. And yes, I will definetely share this link.

  11. diaryofanegress says:

    Miss Pam:

    Just wrote this:

    As to your post…

    The black female is the last stand to the Resistance.

    This is the real reason why all of this leads back to her. As to my estimation, yurugu is pushing us, or trying to, into the arms of our mortal enemy, HARD, by convincing us that the black man won’t be able to provide for us the way he can.

    I saw a video of this TV show where the white male had a steamy sex scene with this black female that rivaled a Sharon Stone movie! They are even trying to out-sex our men by hinting to yurugu’s passionate lovemaking skills!

    I’ve said this before many times.

    When black men get serious and begin to fight for us OPENLY for the world to see, all this insanity will come to an end.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ diaryofanegress

      who said: “The black female is the last stand to the Resistance. When black men get serious and begin to fight for us OPENLY for the world to see, all this insanity will come to an end.”

      I agree, which is why they work so hard TO SEPARATE US

      But it also lets us know that we are MORE POWERFUL than we believe. This power is not about money or material things, it’s about SPIRITUAL POWER AND THE FACT THAT KARMA IS ON OUR SIDE

      I have always believed that the day when black males UPLIFT the black female for all the world to see is when he will GET HIS MANHOOD BACK and he will not need any outside validation which is a very powerful position to be in.

      By respecting the females that brought him into the world he will be able to conquer his enemies in the world

      Unfortunately, I do not see this happening….

      • Mariama says:


        I agree with you 1000%! The day the black man UPLIFTS the black women is the day that he will truly get his manhood back! But like you, I often feel pessimistic about this truly happening. You have pockets of people in our “community” who do this, but I dont think that this is the majority. This truly truly breaks my heart.

      • diaryofanegress says:

        @ Miss Pam

        Well stated.

        Wanna know something disturbing that I’ve noticed?

        (light complexioned) Latino and White males have now jumped on the (fake) bandwagon of defending black women and calling them “Our Queens.”

        They gloat OPENLY when they “steal” us away from our men and parade us around proudly like a prized mare.

        Many black women, who are aching for validation for their femininity, will no doubt fall for the attention and worship but it’s all a well placed trap.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ diaryofanegress

          when your opponents is on the ropes and knocked almost senseless that is the time to move in for the TKO

          anyone with a brain can see all the battered and bruised black female bodies are from the relentless punches we have received not just from the white world and media

          but from many “black” YouTube channels where black males regularly bash, beat, condemn and demonize black females

          all while the white media reminds the defective black female that no one wants her even with her long black or blond weave

          buffeted by the open displays of rejection and contempt from black males who have NO PROBLEM letting the world know that white or Asian or Hispanic females are their “preferred choice” all while ignoring the FACT THAT NO ONE RESPECTS A MAN WHO DOESN’T RESPECT HIS OWN!

          What kind of insanity is this????????

          Yes, we are bleeding all over the place.

          it is very easy to find our bloody trails as we lay on the roads, bruised and bloodied

          of course, that makes us an easy target for a cunning predator

      • Epiphaney says:

        @ Trojan Pam:

        Well, well, well stated! I agree.


    • Mariama says:


      Thank you! From one black woman to the next, your words are always spiritually uplifting!

  12. Suzy says:

    While I whole heartedly agree with almost all of this article, I stop a bit shy of accepting that portrayal of interracial couples is always a negative thing. Yes, I am totally offended by the use of lighter skinned black women in such cases and in the lack of dark skinned black females being cast as attractive and beautiful women. That has bothered me for decades. And the same is true for Asian and Hispanic women whose features are more caucasian being portrayed in those “beauty” roles. Geesh, some Asian women in Asian countries will undergo cosmetic surgery to have their eyes look more European. This portrayal of “beauty” has been reinforced by the media (strongly in commercials) for so many decades that it has “damaged” a lot of females’ self esteem. For that matter, the skinny blond blue-eyed female portrayal even negatively affects white women who do not fit that model. That is not to suggest that those white women experience anything close to what women of color do, but it does show the “power” of the media and the damage it can do, especially in creating and spreading a particular “standard” of “beauty” that is ridiculously exclusive and narrow minded.

    Much of the above is true for the betrayal of black males. However, as the article points out, dark skinned black males are used in such commercials/shows as well, which I have found surprising given that bias of the media and the culture. However, that was something I did think was maybe a positive thing, showing these “acceptable” males of color in such roles. I did not pick up on the other potential negative impacts such roles create in making such males an even stronger “enemy” and target for the racist culture. I agree that there is some truth in that; however, I have, and come from another, perspective that would be somewhat naive.

    Before I go down that road, I will share that I find the combination of such dark skinned males being linked to white females as potentially a negative for its implicit bias regarding a rejection of the beauty of black females.

    However, to clarify my perspective–I am a white female whose first husband, the father of my two sons, was a dark skinned black male. Our “falling in love” happened 37 years ago, and my sons are both over 30. So I have been somewhat pleased to see the use of mixed couples in the media as I see it as potentially a positive move in making such unions “acceptable” in main stream culture. And just as a suggestion of boycotting their products is made here, can you imagine how the overt racists are reacting to this? I am pretty positive they also promote the boycotting of such companies. Can you imagine the anger such commercials create among the white supremacists? While I enjoy thinking of such racists pulling out their hair and screaming, I do agree that there is what this article has proposed, a danger of making dark skinned males more of a target.

    And all of that being said, my sons have dated females (and males in the case of one) of many different races: Asian, Hispanic, and Black. But their long term relationships have all been with Black partners.

    But, heck, I am from parts of California that are fairly multi-cultural and have been for some time. I am sure those in other parts of the country are surrounded by a very different environment.

    I was raised a deep science fiction fan, so I hope for a future when all this is behind us. But even in Star Trek, the united humans had their biases toward the Vulcans or mixed identity Spock. And then there is that scene in Star Wars where the bartender says, “We don’t serve their kind in here” referencing the robots. Alas.

    • Mariama says:


      Not to disrespect any of what you have just said, but I have to tell you one thing: you dont get it. As a white woman, you will never really understand the depth of what Pam, myself and the other posters here are truly feeling. This isnt your struggle and you are trying to invalidate everything that we are saying by using your “interracial union” to sway us from our opinions, observations and experiences. This attack on our African souls have been going on for hundreds of years. And I am highly suspicious of you. I hate to sound unkind, but I notice that so-called, well-meaning white women like you always find a way to insert yourselves into our conversations. As if to say that your appearance and voice alone will divert us from this much needed dialogue. I really resent that.

      • suzy127 says:

        Not to disrespect you or your reaction, but I will reply to your points.

        1. Not to disrespect any of what you have just said, but I have to tell you one thing: you dont get it.

        First of all, I well understand that I have never experienced anything close to what you have experienced. I am well aware of white privilege, and I agree with that term’s application.

        2. As a white woman, you will never really understand the depth of what Pam, myself and the other posters here are truly feeling.

        Yes, I believe I acknowledged that there is no equivalent in white experience: “That is not to suggest that those white women experience anything close to what women of color do.”

        3. This isnt your struggle and you are trying to invalidate everything that we are saying by using your “interracial union” to sway us from our opinions, observations and experiences.

        I don’t see this; you would have to be more specific, but I suspect that I have fallen into a “stereotype” for you that is reinforced when you say, “I notice that so-called, well-meaning white women like you always find a way to insert yourselves into our conversations”

        I will, indeed, leave your conversation, but I do not understand why you would think I am inserting myself. Frankly, I am a total introvert and avoid “conversations” of all types. This article appeared in my Facebook newsfeed because I have liked a lot of entities, probably the Anti-Racist Media one. But I have connected with many such entities because of the connection I have had to the Black race (the mother of two sons, my connections to the family on their father’s side, and so forth like my involvement with, including being a supporter of, Umoja and attending NCORE conferences, all related to diversity on college campuses, writing articles about the need for diversity training among my colleagues, using a lot of Black literature in my classes, and more).

        4. As if to say that your appearance and voice alone will divert us from this much needed dialogue.

        Really, you think that is my intent? Again, I will leave this conversation.

        5. I really resent that.

        Sad that that is your reaction, but you have read things into me, your stereotype of me, that do not apply. Moreover, the reaction tells me that you are judging me through a narrow lens and are “blind” to anything outside of that. I understand, given your experiences, why that would/could happen, but am saddened by the absolute rejection and barrier that it creates.

        I could “resent” your “personal” reaction and “attack” but I always try to remember Booker T. Washington’s comment: “I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” Or in this case to allow any person to cause me anger via their attacks on me. If I walked in your shoes, perhaps I would feel that way too.

      • diaryofanegress says:

        @ Mariama

        Please do ignore this cave dweller.

        They always seem to “find” us no matter where we go and try to tell us what to think and feel because “white is right.”

        I pleasurably ignore ALL comments from them as they are insignificant.

        • Mariama says:

          Thank you! I sure will. I just resent that kind of arrogant intrusion. I felt like she was trying to dictate how we should feel. I am tired of it.

        • Epiphaney says:


          Late on this, but I agree 110% with you and Marianna. I do not venture to their sites and, quite frankly, I have NO interest in their sites. One may not be a “racist,” however they are foot soldiers for racism because if not, MANY MORE that claim that they find racism offensive would “stand up” and be heard. And I have not seen that happen yet! One of the “slick” moves whites always make is that of DEFLECTION from the topic when there is insurmountable evidence. They either have empathy for our plight OR they are usually a “unified front” with a “black mate or female” that either does not like the black female or male and this can be inclusive of not liking his or her own race. ALL of the above I have encountered and, in any given debate whites will deliberately go off topic or “vanish.” In my line of work I come in contact with many different races, both male and female. And another “battle” that we as black people are faced with is that of other races wanting to be an “honorary white” or “white identified” to gain white approval. Dam shame.

          When our people REALLY open their eyes and see these people for what they truly are and that they are NOT going to “save you,” and this we must do for ourselves, only then can we move FORWARD as a people.

          Excellent post!

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Suzy

      Knowing that you NO IDEA what it feels like to be a black female in a black-female hating culture, perhaps I can paint a picture for you that will resonate with you:

      Just imagine,

      whenever you turn on the television or watch a movie all you see are black couples

      And images of black females as the most desirable females in america

      During those rare times when you do see a white female she is always overweight, man-less and unattractive (by society standards)

      Most of the white men on TV and in movies are hugged up and in love with black females and are seldom seen with a white female.

      You never see white couples in love or being romantic on TV, movies, and in commercials

      and in fact, the closest thing to it are the bi-racial couples who now represent the “new and improved white person”

      Whenever a white female is able to get a role in a movie or TV program, she is forced to wear an afro wig and dark makeup in order to appear more attractive on the screen

      Every role she plays with a black male she is a sexual toy that is never loved or taken seriously and even he dumps her eventually for a black female

      Your daughters and sisters and nieces are continually assaulted by these images and the knowledge that they will NEVER be as good a black woman so they darken their faces and wear afro wigs and brown contact lens and risk dangerous surgeries to widen their lips and increase the size of their buttocks in the hopes that they will attract a mate.

      Because they know that as soon as most white men are successful they will marry someone black

      All while over 70% of white females are unmarried, or single parents due to so many white males choosing to be with women of other racial group


      they would either commit suicide or commit homicide.

      what I’ve noticed about whites in general is that they are unable or unwilling to really put themselves in the shoes of their victims because they know they could NOT HANDLE THE MISTREATMENT they dish out.

      • Renee says:

        HalleluYah Sister that was well said. This is the story of our lives, these scenes being played out daily right before our faces and especially before the faces of our children. They learn early about self-hate.In his book, “The Valley of the Dry Bones.” The Conditions that face Black People in America. Randolphf R, Windsor says that the white man uses a psychological tool known as the “power of suggestion.” It is psycho-social brain-washing, that is employed in their mass media today. television, social media etc.He says that psychological suggestion in the mass media is a form of brain-washing and is so pervasive, and as a result black people are more a victim to it, because they read fewer books and watch and listen to the sound box more than other groups. As a result we are seeing its affect on our people,when i worked in middle school I saw more black boy’s dating plain white girl’s even though there were some very beautiful black girlsi n their midst. I also met a few young co-workers who said they would not date black men. I saw a commerical a few days ago. It was an advertising for black singles meet. I liked how then black men said that they loved black women and why. made me so happy. we need more comercials like this. time to start writng and petioning these networks, to let them know what time it is.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ Renee

          You’re right, we’re being programmed — big time. I strongly advise black parents to be more vigilant with their children, turn the TV off except for programs you want them to watch, and to talk about what you see – because, guess what? Our children are seeing the same things but they have zero defenses against this propaganda

          WE must do our part, instead of just complaining about the end result

          Here’s a commercial for a company called Wayfair that has a black couple in it. I might do a post later on advertisers who actually show black males and females together

  13. Such a great and important post!!!! ❤

  14. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Most black people 88% are married to each other. However ,this isn’t reflected on tv. The black couples are always dysfunctional,separated,the absentee parent etc. I was watching an Amazon show Bosch. The black couple was fine the 1st season. The 2nd season Dad and son are cops. Dad Asst Chief. Son Undercover cop. They hatch a plan to get dirty cops. They don’t tell the wife/mom. The son gets killed. Immediately the wife/mom attacks her husband by blaming him for the son’s murder.He comes home to find the locks changed. Mind you he’s an Asst police chief but he’s powerless to enter his own home. No matter how hard he tried in the end she wanted a divorce. I would’ve rated the show 5 stars . Because of the black separation I lowered my rating. Also interesting in the 1st season his wife was played by light skinned biracial actress Michelle Hurd. Marriage was fine. 2nd season his wife was played by dark skinned non biracial black actress Erika Alexander. Marriage ends . Wife now the “angry black woman”.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ chuquestaquenumber1

      Yes, that is a super common theme! the dysfunctional black couple and the ill-tempered, nasty-tongued, disagreeable brown and dark-skinned black female that no sane man would want.

      also, regarding the Cheerios commercial, I never watched the entire thing because I’ve learned to turn off garbage when I see it, so I don’t know about a part 3

  15. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    The Cheerios commercials. Wasn’t there supposed to be a part 3? Since part 2 ended with the mom pregnant. Interesting I went on Whitney Avalon’s( the Cherrios mom) youtube page. I asked her about a 3rd commercial. No response to this day. Also did you notice the lack of chemistry between the actors in those commercials?

  16. diaryofanegress says:

    Miss Pam

    Another aspect of this is the male (sexual) ego.

    By competing for the black man’s affection and his seed, you tell him, non-verbally, that he is a step above the rest. While this may seem to be a positive aspect, it is not.

    Never has a non black female claimed her reasons for wanting a black male to be:

    1. His intelligence
    2. His capacity for providing her with a comfortable home, a good paying job and his ability to protect her.
    3. His witty conversation
    4. His ability to love and be loved.

    It’s ALL about his penis.

    Now, I don’t know about you, but if someone wanted me just for my ladyparts, I’d be offended as fuck.

    But it seems that most, not all…but most black males, are eager to fulfill this sexual fantasy even though he knows he’s being used and the end result is him losing his wealth ( or his LIFE) to the white community.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister DiaryofaNegress

      Great Points.

      The non-black person views the male who is black as intellectually inferior. If someone views a black person as intellectually inferior, then that person doesn’t love that black person. Love is about respect and fetishes aren’t love, but horrendous chaos.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ @ Negress

      speaking of skillfully stroking the black male ego…

      There are two different TV programs — “Impostors” and “A Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce” – where two different, attractive white females are falling in love with equally attractive black males. With all these interracial imagery, it is no wonder that so many blacks males are thoroughly CONVINCED that white females “love them some black men!”


      YET –very few black males are able or willing to look beyond their EGOS and PENIS stroking potential to some obvious facts:

      1. white females make up the MAJORITY of juries in America where black males are unjustly convicted
      2. White females are the most likely to FALSELY ACCUSE a black male of rape or other serious crimes
      3. white females are the main ones rising up the corporate ladder while black males regardless of education are FALLING OFF (or being kicked off)
      4. white female teachers are the most likely to judge black boys as learning disabled and problematic which often leads to harsh disciplinary action. Ritalin, and expulsions.

      Yes, it is an EGO thing based largely on their penises while ignoring the realities that defines REAL MANHOOD

      1, building strong communities and business bases
      2. being able to protect and provide for the people in your community (including the elderly, women, and children)

      This is the DEFINITION OF REAL MANHOOD, not whether your female oppressors want to bounce on your “bone” before she gets back to the business of white supremacy.

      On one court show in less than 2 hours were two separate cases of black males who had impregnated white females and were being sued by these white females for not paying back a loan and not paying child support.

      In both instances, the black father was estranged from his children (a very common outcome) and in the first case the white female had raised her bi-racial son without his father and now the son wanted nothing to do with him.

      I’ve written about this time and time and time again (sigh) of the foolish folly of leaving black children (especially sons) to be raised in a white environment by a white female where the black father’s input is almost nonexistent.

      I would say from my observations that this is the OUTCOME over 80% of the time, and many times, the white female does NOT want the father to be in her children’s life so she can raise them to be totally white-identified.

      Again, this kind of self-genocidal behavior CONTRIBUTES NOTHING TO THE BLACK STRUGGLE and in fact, HINDERS IT

      However for those deeply self-esteemed starved, ego-driven black males the white female will always be the soothing lotion for his battered ego in a system of white supremacy.

      For anyone who says I have singled out the black male for criticism, I would remind them that a much smaller percentage of black females have children with white males and when those relationships (if there was one) ends, SHE will be the most likely one to have full custody, since many white males do not want to be burdened with a non-white child. In fact they are more likely to estrange themselves from their bi-racial child (like Lenny Kravitz) and many of those pregnancies actually end in abortion.

      • chuquestaquenumber1 says:

        Imposters is really interesting. The lead character is a white female con artist. She has conned men and women out of their money. So she’s not only a criminal she’s bisexual. She runs with a crew of 2 other white con artists. While on the latest con( a white male), she meets a black male in a coffee shop(Welsing moment). He turns out to be very wealthy. Of course he immediately has feelings for the white girl. Now her friends tell her that if they fall for anyone not in the life violence would happen. She pursues him anyway. Now if she wasn’t being a racist as well as selfish, why subject this black male you claim to like to harm?

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ chuquestaquenumber1

          because the plot is less important than the propaganda

          and it once again displays the true lack of regard white females have for black males

          and just imagine what the white male who is already feeling like an endangered species feels when he is fed these images

          and how black males are being programmed to pursue and lust after white females in spite of all the physical danger involved (there are black males who are still being hung and murdered for being with white females!)

          It’s a recipe for total disaster.

          However if that white soothing lotion is more important that your survival and the survival of your community, there is nothing I can say or do to change that.

      • Mariama says:


        One thing I have noticed is how so many black males on Youtube are complaining with much bitterness and resentment about shows like “Scandal” and others in which “desirable” black women are paired up with wealthy, powerful white men. These men seem as if they feel betrayed over black women “jumping the interracial fence” in droves. I am hearing the word “bed wench” a lot.

        I find it ironic how these men cannot see how they contributed to some of this madness. And so many black males are bashing black women outright and subtly. They can’t see how their initial constant praise of all things white and light is now backfiring on them. Not all the men, but too many. So, I can’t help but feel that it is kind of hypocritical when they jump up in arms. And by the way, I do not support at all this foolishness with black women going on Youtube and giving Godly praises to white men who just so-called fawn over their natural hair and beauty. Frankly, I am sick of it.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ Mariama

          There is a great deal of hypocrisy on both our parts. Like most men (of all so-called races), black males have double standards when it comes to the sexual behavior of the women in their group.

          A kind of “I can do it but you can’t.”
          “I can have sex with women of all races but if you sleep with a white male you’re a whore” kind of thing

          It’s all part of the sexist culture that is bred into males in a male-dominated society.

          The problem is black people can’t afford to play these games with each other. We are on a sinking ship yet we seem to use every opportunity to beat each other down instead of repairing the ship!

          All this is the byproduct of 500 years of programming. And we have not yet gained the wisdom to ask ourselves, “WHY does the media ONLY focus on tearing black males and females apart?”

          You don’t see the white media encouraging Asian males to publicly denigrate Asian females
          You don’t see the white media encouraging Hispanic males to publicly denigrate Hispanic females
          You don’t see the white media encouraging white males to publicly denigrate white females

          WHY ONLY US?
          WHY, INDEED?

          And instead of asking that super important question, we fall for the bait and allow our enemies to goad us into a fight.

          One thing I am pretty certain of, though. IF an Asian, Hispanic, or white male celebrity did publicly denigrate the women in his group,


          And that my dear people is the difference between THEM and US

          It is ACCEPTABLE to bash black females, especially in today’s black culture. It wasn’t that way 60 years ago before television. Black men defended black females because they represented their wives (most got married), their mothers, grandmothers, neighbors, daughters, aunts, nieces, etc. And black females didn’t bash black males publicly because they represented their husbands (yes, most black women became wives), their sons, fathers, uncles, nephews, etc

          We used to be a PROUD PEOPLE who understood that we had a common enemy (racism) and we NEEDED EACH OTHER

          Now, after integration, IR-dating, and the white media programming us on what to think and say and be,

          we have lost our way (and our damn minds) and are convinced we can go it alone — UNTIL

          we are the victims of police brutality or some other racist injustice or lose our jobs and try to open a business in our community which ultimately fails due to lack of black support

          THEN we wonder: ‘where is the black community when I need them?!?”

          Having invested NOTHING in those communities when life was good and we had that little white lover in our beds

          The truth is, far too many black males aren’t bothered by the endless bashing of black females even when they have black mothers and daughters and in fact seem openly or secretly pleased

          and black females NEVER EXACT CONSEQUENCES BUT JUST TAKE IT ON THE CHIN AND KEEP SUPPORTING THE male “stars” WHO DO IT. Which says a TON about our collective low-self-esteem.

          But not this sister. You do it ONE TIME and my support ends PERMANENTLY. I don’t care how “confused” you are or whether the white people put you up to it.

          We are DONE.

          And if more black females stood up for themselves and each other by withdrawing FINANCIAL SUPPORT from their careers and not allowing their children or men to bring that crap into the house, a lot of this would STOP.

          So, we are all to blame because THIS is something we can do as black males and black females.

          I am sick (yes, I said it) of black people complaining about being disrespected and then turning around and buying a CD or a going to a movie that enriches the people (white and black) that disrespect us. This is the HEIGHT of self-disrespect and if we are not willing to make ONE small sacrifice of not listening to a CD or seeing a movie, then perhaps we are getting the level of DISRESPECT that we deserve.

          • Mariama says:

            Again, agreed 1000% Which is why I could never get into OJ Simpson, Koby Bryant and the likes. I have never heard them publicly disrespect black women, but these types were always a turn off to me. What I find really baffling is that men who I had respect for initially and thought that they were for the “betterment” of the black community, are now doing and saying things that are really troubling me. I trust very very few black leaders. Ie: Tariq Nasheed, Dr. Umar Johnson, particular black male and female Youtubers. I have been extremely extremely disappointed with a lot of what I am seeing. I have stopped listening to these people and others once I suspected that they were either paid agents or pretentious self centered “Hotep” shills looking to make a quick buck. I am seeing alot of this lately and I just can’t believe it. To me, the most genuine leaders have been the ones who don’t plaster their faces on every social media site and remain physically anonymous. I say this because I have noticed that these type of folks want the message to get recognized and not the messenger. If you know what I mean.

            • Trojan Pam says:

              @ Mariama

              I have not heard Tariq or Dr. Johnson because I seldom listen to those type of videos (not saying anything’s wrong with them) but if they’re bashing black females they should be put on SILENT MODE.


              Maybe, they’ve found the recipe for success: put down black females and the white sponsors will come out of the woodwork. I have seen this time and time again, black males (like Comedian DL Hughely who publicly demeaned black females on the Jay Leno show — the story is in my first book) and he was rewarded for doing it.

              I think black people are in a frenzy of confusion and in our confusion we are turning on each other.

              Unfortunately, men in a male-dominated culture (all over the world) have been taught that they MUST BE “better” than women and for the black male the ONLY PERSON he can feel superior to is the black female, so in their ego-starved condition, many will try to put us in our “place” — meaning they must find fault with us by making us feel MORE inferior than they feel.

              Of course, there is plenty wrong with us, just as there is plenty wrong with black males but instead of focusing on the cause of this damage (white supremacy) we attack the safe targets — each other. Why? Because we are too terrified to confront white people as a collective.

              What is also painful to the male ego is it appears that so many more black females are more educated and more successful than many black males (not saying this is true for all)

              In a world that says the men should be on top of the women, this adds a great deal of pressure for the black male to explain why he is the only man on the planet who does not hold a superior position over the female of his group

              again, rather than look at his history of white oppression, some take the easy way out and compete with black females for the handful of crumbs white society throws our way

              I have been puzzled all my adult life why I have dealt with so much black male jealousy that often MIMICKED that of female jealousy and i would think WHY is this black male competing with me the same way a female would compete with me??

              It wasn’t until I was older that I understood that this was a byproduct of white supremacy that explained the confusion I was witnessing.

              And many black females will denigrate the black male for not being more successful (like the white man), clearly ignoring that his lack of success is mostly by design

              And there you have the perfect recipe for BLACK GENDER WARS

          • Courtney H. says:

            @ Mariama & Trojan Pam:

            I agree.

            • Timothy says:

              @Sister Courtney

              I have listened to the video from the Brother and I read the article from the Guardian. I have become a quicker reader now in my early 30’s. The movie Get out is self explanatory in my view. It is about a dark skinned black man dating a young white woman and it shows the many problems that tons of IRs experience. Also, it exposes the truth that many white so-called “liberals” are just as racist as a Klan member. It is meant to be a horror film and it deals with irony. Peele (who is a biracial human being) is involved in IR, but his film shows an IR as being not all perfect. Also, the film has other black people being oppressed and being victims of white oppression. So, even Peele knows the truth about IRs, but he is still in one. The message of Get out is interesting. As black people, we should get out of white acceptance, get out of the system of injustice, get out of self hatred, and get out of relationships with people who hate us as black people.

              Once we get out of oppression and get into our self actualization, things will get better. Could the film be a subconscious retelling of Peele’s relationships with white women? That’s a very important question to ask. The movie deals with many issues from IRs, hypocrisy of many white liberals on issues of race, and the horror of the Matrix. The film is not just a horror film. Reality is filled with horror too. When cops murder black innocent black people at will with no real accountable, then that is a horror filled society. When black children are unjustly suspended on many cases and many black people experience anti-black lies on a daily basis, that is a real, sick horror that must be eradicated. It is obvious that Peele has no allegiance to defend black women, so he made his choice. We make our choice to defend black women and black people in general.

              Get Out is another reminder that we don’t live in a post racial society. I’m an optimist by nature. I’ve been an optimist since childhood. Yet, we must fight and use social activism to bring justice for black people and this won’t be easy. Yet, right is on our side.

              Thank you for showing the link and the video Sister Courtney.

          • Mr. Mitchell says:

            Any black female who has engaged sexually with a white male, as far as I’m concerned, is untouchable and unlovable. Once that line is crossed, the black female becomes tainted and trashed. Nowadays, I (a black male who was never sexually involved with any woman who was not black) assume that most black women I come across in the dating scene has sexually engaged a white male. Interracial sex is so common, it makes sense to make such an assumption. I can’t respect a black woman who has given succor and comfort to my existential threat during a time of war.

            I usually suggest that these black women stick with white men once they cross that line because the damage is done and it’s irreversible.

            • @ Mr. Mitchell: Wow, that’s hardcore. Do you feel that way about Black males who engaged in sexual contacr with white females? I’d love to get your take on that. Btw, I too feel repulsed and disgusted by any Black person, irrespective of gender or orientation who engaged in “gutter sex” (because that’s all it is) with a white person. This statement is coming from a Black female, who has NEVER and expects to NEVER get f*cked by a white person…EVER!!! Also, I’d like to know your thoughts on the subject of rape as well. Are you aware that coercion is a form of rape? Bear in mind, it’s always white people who make the choice to engage in “gutter sex” with a victim of RWS, not the other way around.

              • Mr. Mitchell says:

                Black males who engage in any sexual relations with white females are equally treasonous as black females who engage in any sexual relations with white males.

                Within my small social circle, my black male friends share my mentality: They don’t engage in interracial sex. I literally have 2, and only 2 black male friends. Any black males who engage in interracial sex with white females are shunned by me. We will never be friends.

                With all this being said, it stings me less to see black males with white females than to see black females with white males. Why is that so? That’s so because I desire love from black women. The continuation of my bloodline/lineage/genetics is possible with black women only.

                As per rape, I don’t think black people are vegetables. We can make basic/simple choices to help combat racism. And when I see a black female with a white male, she has made the choice to be with him. She has moral agency.

                @devilfindswork, why do you choose to “NEVER get f*cked” by white males? See? Moral agency.

              • @Mr. Mitchell: I know my history, in addition to utterly not finding white males, and white people attractive in general. They have nothing I desire that much that I would “choose” to be with one.

                In regard to Black males dating white females I share your sentiment in the reverse. To me it’s such a betrayal and so hurtful to bear witness. It’s like shoving a dagger into the soul of Black women when I see it. However on the averse, I have a slight comprehension (not acceptance) of when Black females date white males. From my observation it’s a matter of turnabout being “fair” game. For so long Black females have had to witness and attempt to shrug off Black males dating white, light skinned, and other non-Black females. It’s murderous to the souls of Black females.

                I choose to date Black because not only is it beautiful, but I’m in the market of explaining my existence and plight to anyone. It just doesn’t appear that it’ll be comfortable or logical to date non-Black with all the hate that’s incited in our direction. My biggest hope and prayer for Black people is for us to collectively see and understand the value in Black camaraderie and unification.

        • diaryofanegress says:

          @ Mariama

          My buddy send me this:

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister diaryofanegress.

            I certainly watch many of the videos from the reelblack Youtube channel. It has insightful information.

        • chuquestaquenumber1 says:

          Yet these same black guys will tell you how much they love POWER. A show about a black successful club owner/ drug dealer that disrespects his black wife and wants to be with his true love. A white female(deceptively classified as a Puerto Rican) who. dumped him 16 yrs earlier. However the black husband is more than ready to share his wealth with the white girl, in spite of his black wife helping him build his wealth.

  17. Shanequa says:

    One thing about non black men is they have a code of conduct in a white supremacy society. Black men do not have a code of conduct because their being defeated by trying to have sexual relations with non black women.
    1. Never be in a subordinate ( inferior) to a woman or black Africans.
    2. Non black men should suppress any sexual or romantic interest black women (especially dark skin black women) unless it is out of eyesight of other non black people especially their own women.
    3. Non black men should view relationships with black women as a sexual fling.
    4. Non black men should never let their guard down with black people aviod close friendships with black men.
    5. Non black men should view black men as sexual predators who can’t control themselves around non black women.
    6. Non black men should never treat the black woman as if she’s equal or superior to non black women.
    7. Non black men cannot admit he secretly resents & envies the freedom of black men to be with women of any ethic group without suffering a loss of male peer approval.
    This list is a real reason why non black men wouldn’t put black women on a pedestal because they protect their own.

  18. Shanequa says:

    I have a non black Hispanic male coworker who constantly flirt/fetish black women. I know he has a black babymama, & his wife is black too but she’s not the mother to his child. I laugh at the fact he’s married because he flirts with black women with his wedding ring on in sight. He’s not that even attractive but his flirting do annoy some black women. Furthermore I believe his fetish with black women is more about sex then anything.

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Shanequa

      That male is very disrespectful. No married man should flirt with women at a job. That’s unprofessional and wrong. If black person does some stuff like that, that black person might be fired ASAP. Yes, fetishes are not about real love. They about selfishness, greed, and a sense of arrogance. That person has an arrogance and he feels entitled when black women have the right to their own autonomy and agency involving their own lives.

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Timothy
        I also feel that he thinks he’s superior to black women. I have never seen him flirt with the Hispanic women like he does black women. Also he’s a police officer, I sometimes wonder how he treats black male inmates when he arrest them. In my opinion his fetish for black women is to serve his sexual deviant behavior.

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Shanequa

          That sick person being a cop isn’t surprising. Some of the most vicious, sick predators are police officers like Burge. There are a lot of words to describe evil people like that male. We know what those words are. He has a sense of entitlement and he definitely doesn’t treat Hispanic women with the level of disrespect as he does black women. To that male (who is an outright adulterer by inappropriately flirting with women when he’s married), black women are fetishes and that is the problem. No one should mistreat any black woman. Many people with fetishes have committed sexually deviant acts before. His ego and his blatant evil agenda are totally repugnant. Racism and misoygnoir are our enemies and those evils must end. Thank you for wisdom Sister.

    • Epiphaney says:


      Bingo! That is EXACTLY what it is. In the work place setting, I discovered this early on. This hispanic male desires SEX from a black woman and that’s it. Publicly, he will never elevate a black woman to
      women of all other races and I’d be willing to bet on that.


  19. Timothy says:

    Great Article Sister Trojan Pam.

    I even recently saw a commercial about a movie about a black man in Africa bragging about marrying a white woman (from England) which is based on events from decades ago. There is a rarity of the black couples on TV and movies that show the black couples in loving relationships without massive complications. There is a massive amount of media propaganda that degrades black people. Today, an adult has no excuse to ignore the massive anti-blackness in society in general. We must oppose this virus of anti-Blackness with the activism of helping our people emotionally and psychologically.

    As you have mentioned, we have to do this for the black children. Black children must be educated on their history, culture, and given tools on how to counteract the evil of racism. They should be told the truth firmly that we are at war physically and psychologically. Propaganda from media instruments is like a cancer used to harm the lifeblood of our communities. We must be part of the solution and that entails unconditional promotion of Blackness.

    I will share this link too.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Timothy

      I agree but ignore it we do all the time. Most of us are NUMB to our reality and have NO DESIRE to be informed.

      Like someone once said, “It is impossible to wake someone who is pretending to be asleep.”

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Trojan Pam

        Some of our people refuse to wake up. Anti-blackness is a dangerous drug that has murdered people for a long time figuratively and literally. Some of our people don’t want to accept reality and break out of the Matrix. It’s a sad reality. Many of our people will wake up in the future. I understand your sentiments.

  20. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Unfortunately TV makers are deciding to further their effort to demean black love by going after black teenagers . I’m sure we all heard about the recent controversy regarding Rickey Smiley’s son Malik Smiley. This happened on the TV One network show Rickey Smiley for Real.

    Here’s what happened :

    Several Points.
    1. Malik’s cousin Craig is upset about Malik not liking black girls. Dating only white and Mexican girls. Craig however has this clearly biracial racially ambiguous girl as his date.
    2 A beautiful melanated girl Arinda gets humiliated on national TV by a black male. Rickey Smiley Malik’s dad offered her a apology and money and gifts. However he said he had a hard time reaching Arinda. I believe Arinda’s parents are showing black self respect and not allowing her to take these trinkets after being disrespected.
    3.While wealthy black parents should want the best schools and education for their children,this is what can happen when you put your black child in an all white school. If he’s surrounded by Becky and Marisol ,this is who he’ll desire.
    4. Malik is only 15 He needs to be corrected very soon. Because even black boys his age and younger are getting falsely accused of rape and preying on white girls. Recently there was a black boy suspended from school for having a staring contest with a white girl. The little white girl initiated the staring contest,yet she turned around and said she felt “intimidated”. This white girl was only 12,yet she knew enough about racism that she could get a black boy in trouble.
    5. TV One is a “black owned Network” Rickey Smiley for Real is “run” by black people. Yet They didn’t have the decency to edit the disrespectful remarks and the humiliation of Arinda from the show.
    6.Malik claimed a producer gave him a script and made him say those comments. It’s a “reality show” your words aren’t supposed to be scripted. His dad Rickey is supposedly the “Executive Producer” Rickey obviously isn’t in charge.

    I’ll end here.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ chuquestaquenumber1

      It is soooo easy to get sucked into this fight, I had to delete my first response to you.

      We need to educate our children as to the agenda that is going on and let them know it is an agenda against ALL OF US

      If more of us did this, the damage done to our black children would be greatly minimized.


  21. Daphne Brown says:

    Thank you for such an engaging post and id like to say that we have no substance out here. We both are following every trend on the scene to turn up & play fool its a damn shame what weve come to. Today we gotta start guiding our focus because the media doing it anyway! We gotta set some type of pullye up bc anybody not conversating about whats happening to us as well as between us needs to be enlightened that we don’t waste time talking about irrevelant stuff because we dialoging to build black family back up.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Daphne Brown

      I agree, the media is like the dog whistle training us to do whatever the person holding the whistle tells us to do.

      And you’re right, we aren’t talking about what is happening but will spend HOURS discussing what is going on in some useless celebrity’s life

      That has to stop

  22. diaryofanegress says:

    My buddy just alerted me to this:

    How many times will Octavia play the unwanted mammy figure that no man in his right mind would be sexually attracted to who must come to the aid of a white person in need?

    What does this do to the psyche of our bigger, more voluptuous, darker skinned and OLDER women who are looking for love and (sexual) enticement just like anyone else?

    • Mariama says:

      Its the “Oprah Winfrey” effect. I am beyond sick and tired of this. The “fat” less-threatening, lovable, ( I loves all my white children) type of “mammy.” And especially a dark-skinned mammy. I think that a lot of blacks are comfortable with these pitiful, monotonous images. I pretty much figured how Octavia was going to be in the trailer before I even looked at it. I rarely watch tv and when I do, it is rarely for entertainment but to study. And knowing some of what they do in Hollywood as far as their Satanic rituals are concerned, nothing at all surprise me any more.

      • diaryofanegress says:

        @ Mariama

        Yes! Exactly!

        It’s the threat of a good-looking, black female “stealing” white males away from white society.

        I’ve noticed over the years the number of older, and some youngish, white men who openly chase after black females.

        The amount of vitriol they BOTH get from whites, especially white FEMALES, is pitiful to say the least.

        I don’t watch TV but will watch a movie or clip if someone recommends it to me. From what I learned, they are desperately afraid to openly admit that they desire us.

        This is the reason why I feel they cheat with us while still being married to their white spouses.

        Sorry for the rant but one more thing that I’ve been made aware of. There is a growing movement called MGTOW, pronounced “migtow”, and it means men going their own way.

        Apparently, white males are so frustrated with their situation with white females, they’ve opted to leave them and live a like of bachelorhood.

        • Mariama says:

          And I wouldn’t be surprised with these MGTOW movements if they end up desiring each other. That is another HUGE thing these days. And now with white men creating this movement, what do you have next? Black men following right behind them tails wagging. I don’t understand why black folks always have to follow trends created by white people. Create your own and stop copying that culture which isn’t designed for us. The first thing that I thought of us was Greco-Roman homosexual relationships when I heard of this. But a dynamic that I see a lot of is white men and Asian women (Chinese, Filipino, etc). I see ALOT of that.

    • Samuel L. Jackson takes on the exact same roles. He and Morgan Freeman, whom might I add is currently in a tragic arrangement.

  23. diaryofanegress says:

    TO ALL

    My meditation session begins tonight at sundown!!

    For those of you that have a warrior spirit, please join in.

    Thank you!

  24. gibsongurlz says:

    I also thought it was me that noticed or cared. Black family =Black Power.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ gibsongurlz s

      No, you’re not the only one who noticed. Now, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to roll over and keep silent and keep supporting the TV shows and advertised products that won’t even feature a black family or couple in their ads?

      Please share the link!

  25. Mbeti says:

    I am an African american male age 55
    I agree both with the observations and analysis of this post.

    One of the most painful and difficult parts of my life is my relationship with females.

    However to conclude that these difficultities and pain are exclusive to me (as aposed to all men and women and in regards to race all black people) is obviously riddiculous.

    I find it interesting how the daily experiences of most of my adult life and currently mirror the observations stated in this post.

    1.regular daily instances of travel in which (los angeles- multiple nieborhoods transited to and from)
    Zero black female presence.Yep zero none nada
    White male ,white female, maybe one or two black males.

    2.Big non personal Zero :
    Businesses – I know of no black owned and staffed general business of any type anywhere in los angeles – zero
    No discount stores, resturants hardware , goceries etc

    There are two expections that I don’t need or use – churches and barbershops/hairsalons

    Yet I know and experience consistently all white, asian and latino – discount,hardware,beauty supplies,gorcery,electronics ,computers etc stores.

    3.most black females I do see when I am fortunate enough to see them – hair modified – staighted ,braided ,extensions etc primarily to the euro white standard.
    And some even have a hat,hood,scarf etc as well.

    Has anyone noticed the phebomena of the black female/hair modifed with the white female hair unmodified pairings (and I an not describing a homosexual couple ;these are clearly heterosexual “friends”)
    In encountering and observing such individuals On serveral occassions I have observed the black female make obvious attempts to avoid being seen ,avoid any eye contact and if addressed express extreme disinterest and or hostilty.

    4.tactics of white females
    4a Direct forced eye contact at any and every available obitunitiy

    4b Timed reptitive hair stroking at any preception observation by me.
    Not all white females engage in these behaviors but most do.

    4c the palest whitest white female egaging in these behavior with the support of other white people male and female.
    When ethier approaching or being approached by a group of white people – the palest whitest white female engaging in 4a and 4b immeiatedly while the rest – white males ,darker haired white females seem or pretend not to notice it or me.
    There is obviously more but I will end this comment to no engage in excessive lenght as well as to not focus on one aspect (esp myself) of this large and complex problem.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Mbeti

      A lot of interesting observations that do fit into what I wrote about in my book, “The Interracial Con Game”

      I believe that most black people do not understand how the more subtle forms of racism function

      I believe that most black people instinctively fear “crossing” white people or making them uncomfortable or evoking their disapproval and this affects the way we treat (and mistreat) each other

      I believe most white people are well aware of this fear and use it to get black people to do what they want (be subservient) when they need them to be

      I believe whites collectively function in such a way as to be on the same wavelength when it comes to black or non-white people even when the whites present are total strangers. I have seen this dynamic TOO MANY Times to count

      I have been with black males and have witnessed some white females literally DEMAND the black male’s attention as though to establish themselves as the “superior” female in that particular situation

      I have described in FULL DETAIL the many, many ways that whites manipulate black males and females who do not understand how racism functions in “The Interracial Con Game” and truly feel this is something ALL black people need to understand BEFORE we start talking about building an black economic base, etc, etc,

      There is NO WAY we can build anything together UNTIL we understand what we are dealing with and understand ourselves. We cannot walk until we learn to crawl

      and that means understanding the system of racism/white supremacy and having self-respecting responses to it

      • Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. Take for instance on a recent trip to Vegas, a female friend and I were in line awaiting to get on a ride. My friend was dressed very nicely within a chic, short natural hair cut. This pale, pasty, blue-eyed, blonde haired she-devil stared my friend down. My friend didn’t notice but I did, so I followed suit and stared back at the white wench. My friend knows I’m not keen on white folks, so she made the comment “I can’t take you anywhere”. She was surprised when I replied “agreed” to her comment. The kicker was that I’m a low talker by nature, the white female commented “I wasn’t staring”. My friend said the following which was audible to the white female and her cronies, “I’ve been caught staring. Everyboby does it!” My response was, “no everyone does not”. Technically I did stare but it was retaliatory, not self initiated. It was in response to a perceive and real threat. But upon me staring at the white girl she looked away but attempted to sneak a few extra stares.

    • I live in LA.Just to let you know One United Bank is a black owned bank

  26. […] Source: The War Against Black Male/Black Female Relationships – Part 1 […]

  27. Mbeti says:

    Black African technological equality
    And its relation to military and economic equality.
    There can be no economic independence without technological and military independence and equality if not superiority.

    Indeed once we attain equality the next logical step is to strive for superiority or at least not become unequal as may inevitablly lead to victimization and expiotation.

    Most while disputing the white population claims of inherent biological superiority would deny their technolognical military and economic domaince if not superiority.

    Which we may acknologe is due to their development of industries and infrastructure while blocking preventing and destroying our development of and our industries and infrastructure.

  28. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    Here is a more thorough review of that movie “Get Out.”

    Warning — this review contains spoilers. Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      I have listened to the video about an extensive analysis about the Get Out movie.

      The film is highly popular and it shows how post racial ideologies are just myths. The scenes of the movie are fictionalized, but many parts of the movie are based in reality. When a black person in the film is asked a sexualized question by a white woman, then it relates to real life situations. That same question has been asked multiple times. When there is an older white male claiming not to be racist since he voted for Obama, then that is a reality among many white” liberals” who claim to be down, but they are racists. The older white farther of Rose mimicking slang and so forth is very telling to the degree that stereotypes exist in Western society. Many people picked up on the overt messages and subliminal messages as found in the movie. The black victims in the movie are hypnotized to follow subservience to white people. In real life, many of our black people are programmed and manipulated by anti-black propaganda to go against the interests of our race.

      To fight back against racism/white supremacy, we know have a powerful understanding of what racism is and how does it work to oppress black people globally. Before we build our infrastructure, we must know what we are up against and the tactics of the system as well. The black man (who is the narrator of the video) shows a great deal of understanding and analysis. Peele certainly has shown the experiences of many people in IRs. It is no secret that many whites target black people in real life for economic exploitation, sexual favors, and other nefarious purposes. There are many white women who target black women in sports, entertainment, etc. for sexual purposes and financial reasons. The film made known of the stereotypes about black men and black women that many whites embrace. The movie also is filled with multiple meanings about the epidemic of racism, the problem of self hated, the serious evil of white racism, and the paternalistic racism found among many white “liberals.” In the final analysis, we are black people and we must thrive to achieve excellence not to please white society. We want excellence to please our ancestors, to please our people, and to please our black descendants.

      Thank you for showing the video Sister Courtney. 🙂

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Everybody:

        Here is another review and thorough analysis of the movie:

        Warning — this video contains a lot of profanity. Enjoy! 😀

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Courtney

          Good Afternoon 🙂

          I have listened to the video on the Get Out movie and here are my thoughts. I don’t agree with the view that every clean shaven black person is a corporate sellout, but many clean shaven folks are sellouts. The movie Get Out has sparked a discussion about many issues. The movie Get Out presents the imperfections of IRs and it showed how some of the most vicious racism are shown by white folks who claims to be a “liberal” and “voter of Obama.” The irony of the movie is that Jordan Peele is a biracial man and married a white woman. The movie basically shows many of the secrets involving the sophistication of racism and oppression against black people.

          The narrator is right that white racists steal the culture of black people and then morph it into a different version of what the original culture was. In our generation, there is no excuse for anyone to realize the viciousness of racism. The video was about a review of the movie and the narrator’s views on IRs. Many of the black people who date or marry white people have low self-esteem, have self hatred, and possess many insecurities. The narrator is right that we have to call out racism and use our power to fight against injustice. His analysis was thorough. I don’t agree with the narrator’s usage of the n word and profanity, but he is right to expose the frustration at the mentality of sellouts. A black sellout is basically an agent of white supremacy. Many parts of the movie uses metaphors about the exploitation of the black human body by racists. So, the narrator has shown many truths about the movie and the reality that we face as black people. We have to know how the world is if we want real change. We have to know about racism and the tactics of racists in order for us to develop black liberation. We have to promote Pro-Blackness in public and in private too.

          Thank you for showing the video.

          • Courtney H. says:

            @ Everybody:

            Here is Kimberly Fraizer’s review of this movie:

            Warning — this video contains profanity and is full of spoilers! Enjoy! 😀

            • Timothy says:

              @Sister Courtney

              I have listened to the videos from Kimberly Fraizer. She is in-depth in her analysis and she took her time to show details to many of the major scenes of the movie Get Out. She described the bizarre characteristics of the movie from the hypnosis to the sick words from the white racist characters of the horror movie. The black characters in the film looked brainwashed like MK Ultra as Sister Kimberly Fraizer has said. A lot of parts of the movie relates to things that occur in real life from kidnapping black people, mental manipulation, fetish filled IRs, and other forms of sick exploitation of black people. A lot of these things existed during the Maafa and slavery too. The videos were long, so I watched them early in the morning. LOL. 🙂 It’s a movie that should educate people on many issues. Peele ironically exposed what tons of black people are thinking in public and in private. This movie fundamentally exposes the truth that IRs are never superior to Black Love. Black Love is truly beautiful and we have the right to develop more positive relationships among black men and black women. Respecting black people as equal human beings is a prerequisite of black liberation. I heard of Kimberly Fraizer recently and she does bringing very enlightening views on issues. We reject nefarious anti-black propaganda and we want black women and black men to reach their highest human potential in relationships and in other areas of their lives. Thank you for showing both videos Sister.

              Enjoy your Friday and Have a Great Weekend Sister. 🙂

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Everybody:

      Here is a link that was on New Possibilities’ YouTube channel. It’s hilarious!

      Enjoy! 😀

      • Timothy says:

        @Sister Courtney

        I feel you. We live in a world filled with hatred and turmoil. That is why activism is important in order for relationships to be better among black men and black women. Also, humor builds up the soul and can have a manifold of benefits too. So, thank you for your contribution here. To be honest, we have a long way to go. Self-reflection and self-analysis are key activities to enact as well. For example, we must evaluate our lives critically. We must acknowledge the legitimate actions that we have done and admit our mistakes since no human is perfect. Admitting our mistakes and correcting them is one of the greatest things that a human being can do throughout one’s longevity. Not to mention, as black people, we are clear that when we correct our mistakes, we are not chastising every black person on Earth in a disrespectful fashion. We reject the lie that every black person on Earth is responsible for all evils in the Universe. We do believe that if we want to get better, we must be better by treating black people right, loving our heritage, advancing self-determination (as no one can free us, but us), and instilling in the black youth real values that grows their human consciousness. We want healthy marriages, healthy friendships, and healthy communications among black people. That can be made by honesty and continued effort in this world. This won’t be easy, but a lot of things in life aren’t easy. We accept the challenge to liberate our people.

        Have a Blessed Weekend Sister Courtney. 🙂

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Brother Timothy and everybody:

          Here’s a good video:

          Enjoy! 😀

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Courtney

            Good Afternoon to you Sister.

            I have listened to the video. Here are my thoughts. This topic on black relationships is important to discuss. The Brother has used logic, concretely informative information, and inspiration throughout his video. The truth is that many black males date and marry white women since they have believed in the lie that white women outline the precise standard of beauty (this lie has been advanced by the media and other outlets for a long time). Obviously, Black is Beautiful. The Brother is right that many athletes lust after white women because many of them have been programmed to embrace anti-black self hatred. So, we realize the problems that we face as a community. Part of the solution making process is the presentation of real honesty on our hurt, pain, and broken condition that we experience as black people.

            Also, we have to discuss about these issues and educate the black youth especially on their history, culture, and the evil system of racism/white supremacy. In that sense, the youth can be prepared to what is coming to them in the future. It is wrong to scapegoat every black man for all problems in the world. It is wrong to scapegoat every black woman for all of the problems in the world too. Fundamentally, we have to develop more thoroughly a critical analysis of how we came into this place in the first place in order for us to establish more harmony among black men and black women (which we all desire wholeheartedly). We want the development of resources in the black community and real Black Love to spread globally.

            One example of a hero who stood up for black human rights and great black relationships was Sister Ida B. Wells. She defended the humanity of black women and she stood up for the human rights of black men as well. She fought against lynching courageously. She is a great example of how we should approach things. Growing our positive energy is important too. That is why I recommend anyone, who is black, to exercise, focus on thinking creative thoughts, reduce conflict, read, write, help the poor, study, and eat healthy foods (along with drinking water). Those deeds are important as well.

            Have a Great Day Sister Courtney. 🙂

        • Courtney H. says:

          @ Brother Timothy:

          Thank you for your excellent comments. I agree with everything that you said. I’m also glad that you enjoyed the video. I thought that it was funny, and I agree that comedy can help us deal with serious issues facing our community. Again, thank you for your response.

          May you also have a blessed weekend, Brother Timothy. 🙂

        • Courtney H. says:

          Hi Brother Timothy:

          I know that you live in Virginia, so what do you think of the elections that happened there last night? Thanks! 🙂

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Courtney

            Hello Sister Courtney. 🙂

            Yes, I live in Virginia and it’s getting colder now. The elections shown many things. First, I think that Virginia is a much more progressive state than even 10 years ago. There are more Latinos and Filipinos living in VA. When I was a kid, I saw more Filipinos in my middle school (during the 1990’s) than Latinos. Also, the urban areas of Northern VA, Roanoke, Hampton Roads, and Richmond caused Northam to be elected. A lot of black people live in VA, so many black elected officials were voted in like Fairfax, Daun Hester, etc. The 2017 election blatantly was a total backlash against the agenda of Donald Trump. Trump has shown the face of white racism from his statements to his militarist posture against various nations. We can’t be naive either. We know that we have a very long way to go. Solutions include activism, helping our communities, and forming infrastructure in the black community too.

            Gillespie lost since he faked who he was. He is a lobbyist from New Jersey trying to act like he is reincarnation of Stonewall Jackson. He placed lying ads and tried to advance fear and xenophobia. It didn’t work. People saw through that facade. For him or Gillespie to overtly condone public funding of Confederate statues (when Confederates are traitors and white supremacist terrorists) brought many black people to the polls. Also, Northam also made the mistake of minimizing the importance of the black Lt. Governor candidate of Fairfax for fear of offending white reactionaries. So, we know about the games from the 2 party system. Virginia certainly is more progressive and this election result showed it. Other elections in Virginia had a historic significance too. Nationwide, there were many firsts for black men and black women being mayors in many cities. Black people (our people) are resourceful. Our eyes are on the prize, which is total black liberation. Thank you for asking that very important question.

            Blessings to you Sister. 🙂

            • Victor Palmer says:

              “@Sister Courtney I feel you. We live in a world filled with hatred and turmoil. That is why activism is important in order for relationships to be better among black men and black women. Also, humor builds up the soul and can have a manifold of benefits too. So, thank you for your contribution here. “

              The problem is white People, but black People don’t understand what is the system of racism white supremacy is, and how it works.

              Black People’s are unaware that they were born in a world prison designed exclusively for them. White People understand perfectly who they are and what their position is on this planet.

              Black People are all over the place. They are both confused and miseducated.

              Black People are so miseducated that they mistake discourtesy for disrespect.

              Black People also are very primitive, ignorant, feebleminded, stupid and /or silly. They refuse to admit their ignorance and pretend to know it all when they know nothing.

              Our so called relationships will continue to go nowhere, because of our failure to think.

              • Timothy says:

                @Victor Palmer

                First, it would be fair to show where I agree with you and where I disagree with you. I agree with you that we have a long way to go in this movement for black liberation. Some black people don’t know the sophisticated tactics shown by white supremacists/racists. Racism is a very slick system that using education, religious falsehoods, TV, politics, and other methods to harm the black community worldwide. I agree with you that many black people are confused on how white supremacy functions and many black people have ignorance. Here is what I disagree with you. You seem to use generalizations about saying that black people (all black people) are silly, stupid, ignorant, don’t know about how white supremacy functions, etc. For the record, there are many black people back then and today who are intelligent, freedom fighters, and are working to help our community (like Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Queen Mother Moore, Harriet Tubman, and I can go down the list). Therefore, not all black people are stupid, silly, or ignorant. To assume that is a mistake. White supremacists believe in the myth that all black people are ignorant, stupid, inferior, and lazy. That is a lie. Many black heroes from the past were courageous to resist white terrorism. Today, many black people in our generation know what time it is.

                So, I reject unfair generalizations about black people. I do believe it is time to not only have self-reflection and to be honest about the seriousness of our situation, but to make solutions too. Permanent pessimism is not a solution. That’s a deflection. Real solutions are cited here and by other black scholars like reducing conflict in the black community, studying our true black identity, honoring black women, developing infrastructure, learning STEM, improving our families, and promoting social activism, so black liberation can be a reality in the future.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Courtney

            Keep on living life Sister as human beings like Ella Baker, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Fred Hampton, and other heroic black people (during the present as well) did a lot of thinking, knew about the evil system of racism/white supremacy, and were/are very intelligent. Enjoy this up coming week.

            • Epiphaney says:

              @ Brother Timothy:

              Regarding your comment to Victor Palmer, I agree 100% as there is a misnomer out there that ALL Blacks are a monolithic group. And nothing could be further from the truth. As you’ve stated time and time again, in order for us to move towards black liberation and empowerment, it is essential that we dialogue and be honest with one another FIRST. We may not agree on everything, and that is okay, but for one to talk about our problems and then complain and dismiss us in the same breath? I’d be suspect. At any rate, you got your point across and everybody “ain’t sleeping either.”

              Good Post.


              • Timothy says:


                You’re exactly right. We don’t have to agree with each other on every issue, but we desire the same goal, which is freedom and justice for black people. As black people, we certainly need more honest discussions in order to get onward with our business. We have to be honest with our situation and realize that we have a long way to go. Yet, it is also important not to degrade tor disrespect black people collectively (which is wrong and a tactic of white supremacy). We grow and build by inspiring people, cleaning up house, and developing plans and strategies for justice. You have outlined a great post as well.

                Thank you for your Words Sister.

              • Timothy says:


                Exactly Sister. Enjoy your Day.

              • Victor Palmer says:

                Cognitive Dissonance is one hell of a drug!

              • Timothy says:

                @Epiphaney and Courtney

                Continue to Speak your views. Blessings to both of you.

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Everybody:

        Here is another parody of “Get Out”. It’s funny!

        Enjoy! 😀

  29. dana carter says:

    I agree with the article. It all boils down to the lack of black pride within the Black community added to the eurocentric education Black people grow up with. In my town and surrounding black towns, when non blacks come into the neighborhood, the first thing and practically the only things black people do is to make friends with them, try to get into relationships with them and give them money. The non blacks who come into the neighborhoods only come for business. This is the problem. I know of a young black woman who is married to an arab man who is 30 years her senior. He married her for a green card and now owns multiple stores in black neighborhoods in which he takes the money to support his own people. Only arabs work in the stores but you never see them shop there, only black people. The arab man tried to open a store in a white neighborhood but it closed down due to lack of business. This arab man is absolutely disgusting but you cannot tell his black wife anything.

    Interracial relationships just simply makes racism worse for black people. The smaller and smaller the resources are the worse racism becomes so the tiny tiny bit of crumbs Black people used to get will go to biracials who will most likely identify with their white and non black side. Thats all they are here for, well most of them. You notice, biracial dont really invent anything or do anything innovative? They just have the advantage of being the face of certain movements because Black people are soooo accepting. Most of the work is done by actual Black people. The reason for the lack of innovation from biracials is because greatness only comes from Black people. White people are collectively mediocre. You cannot produce greatness with a white person. The white genes are genes that destroy your spirit and create a watered down group of people who only know how to make it easier for White people to take things from and destroy black people.

  30. Trojan Pam says:

    @ dana carter

    When you can’t validate yourself, you look to others to validate you. Black people have been programmed to believe that ONLY non-blacks (lighter-skinned people) can validate us. Have you noticed that we NEVER look for validation from people darker than us (Africans, dark-skinned Indians or Hispanics)

    ONLY people who are lighter skinned.

    Due to the massive psychological abuse black people experience from childhood to adulthood, some feel the need to have their humanity validated by non-blacks even when those non-blacks despise us. What a terrible trap to place oneself in!

    To need to be liked (or loved) by someone who despises you????

    What you described about the Arab store owner is true of EVERY NON-BLACK MERCHANT in our community. They often don’t hire black people (a few do), they don’t live around or support the black communities they exploit, they are NOT welcome in white areas and will be driven out of business (unless it’s an Asian type restaurant and nothing else), and they would NEVER EVER EVER support a black-owned business.

    I ask black people all the time — “Doesn’t it bother you that nearly all the businesses in our neighborhoods are owned by other ethnic groups?”

    and most of the time I get a shrug or a dazed look as though this a new revelation

    and then they go on their merry way, wallets in hand to buy some greasy fast food, or some smokes, or some hair.

    I’m not ridiculing us, I’m simply reporting what I have seen.

  31. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Recently too many black guys( Trick Daddy Kodak Black Malik Smiley Kanye West etc) add to the dismantling of BM/BW relationships and Black Love by publicly declaring how they prefer white and hispanic women. Truthfully the hispanic women they’re talking about are white women.

    Well here’s what’s waiting for them:

    Now this was no surprise to me. However,too many media outlets hid the identity of the victims. Thankfully I found an official police document,to back up my point.

  32. Trojan Pam says:

    @ chuquestaquenumber1

    Thanks for posting this.

    Unfortunately, I doubt this will make a bit of difference in the desperate pursuit of white females because the need for validation OVERRULES the instinct of self-preservation

    I have seen this time and time again, some black male celebrity gets raked over the coals financially by a average, ordinary white female and he goes right out and gets another one

    Once you are hooked on that soothing lotion, only a minor miracle will pry you free. Some people do wake up and realize the error of their thinking. Others, they sink further into denial, delusion and mental illness

    I have empathy for that need, what I don’t have empathy for is ANYONE BLACK who PUBLICLY denigrates black people of the opposite sex. I feel at that point, you are on your own.

  33. Saleem Hanee says:

    Emigrant European Neanderthals (commonly referred to as WHITE people by the U.S. Census Bureau) always pay (monetarily) Melanin Dominant People to participate in their own demise.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Saleem Hanee

      Yes, but often, we pay for the privilege.

      Look how often we marry a white nobody and pass our wealth (or what could be black generational wealth) to them. This is very common on the part of the melanated male.

      Unfortunately, they don’t have to pay most of us one doggone DIME to participate against our own self-interests

  34. Trojan Pam says:

    @ ALL

    I noticed this several years ago and wondered why–if black men valued black females on any level–why they would support a “Black Men’s” magazine that 9 times out of 10 featured white and Hispanic females on its cover?

    Then I tried to imagine a “White Men’s” magazine featuring even ONE black female on the cover, even a beautiful one? Does anyone remember when Beyonce was put on the cover of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition? And how white people came out in droves to cancel their subscriptions and one white father even said, “How is my daughter supposed to feel about herself when a black female is held up as the epitome of beauty?”


    Whites clearly understand the DAMAGE that is done to their white daughters and sisters and wives self-esteem when a non-white female is uplifted over them

    Here’s the link to a very talented black female blogger (who i fear has finally given up the fight, and I can’t say I blame her) in trying to get us to see past the “lightness”

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Trojan Pam

      “I noticed this several years ago and wondered why–if black men valued black females on any level–why they would support a “Black Men’s” magazine that 9 times out of 10 featured white and Hispanic females on its cover?”

      This is a good statement sometimes I sit an ask myself. Even though most of those magazines are own by non black Africans, I can still see a black own magazine doing the same thing prime example Ebony/Jet Magazine. It’s sad that ever race of men on this planet will uplift their own race of women on a pedestal as well as choose a woman that represent their race but the black man doesn’t. The black man will choose a woman that doesn’t represent the majority women of his own race. One thing about non black men is they have a code of conduct in a white supremacy society. Black men do not have a code of conduct because their being defeated by trying to have sexual relations with non black women.

      One thing for sure is non black men do not treat the black woman as if she was equal or superior to their race of women. Simple minded black men will devalue black women an treat other races of women superior to their own women. Non black men suppress any sexual or romantic interest black women (especially dark skin black women) unless it is out of eyesight of other non black people especially their own women. Simple minded black men will tell the world his fetish for non black women in front of black women. Non black men view their relationships with black women as a sexual fling. Simple minded black men view their relationship with non black women as being love & admire but they are being use by these non black women.

      *****If the black men refuses to show value in his on women then how can he value himself.**** Non black men know when they show value toward their women & themselves together reinforces value uplift their race

      • Trojan Pam says:

        @ Shanequa

        Sentiments like yours and mine and other black females may be difficult to read but I believe it is necessary to hold up this mirror and acknowledge that we have ALL seen this bad behavior countless times.

        Do black females fawn and make a fuss over white males? Yes, some do, but I have NEVER EVER seen a group of black females ignore or shun all black males at a club or party or event. I have never seen multiple black females show up at a black function with a white male on their arm. Make no mistake, WE can have a white man if we want one, regardless of how unappealing some might think we are but many black females are uncomfortable parading their white men around black males. Why?

        Two reasons:

        1. They don’t want to make black males uncomfortable or angry
        2. They know they will be considered that white man’s whore.

        We must tell the truth if we are going to dig our way out a tunnel aptly called GENOCIDE.

  35. dana carter says:


    I think I read this in your book. Many white and non black men in recent years feel that they have open access to black women’s bodies. I cant tell you how many times I have been approached by white and non black men who are always offering money or materialistic things once they get rejected. Speaking of cops, I have seen grown white cops approach teenage black girls by offering materials, gifts, money etc. Most of the time, it done by white men who are no where near wealthy, well off or even high middle class. I once went to a meeting in my town for a local vote coming up. There was this older white man with his black girlfriend there.

    We (black people) were concerned about the neighborhood and had very good convo until a relatively young woman started talking about dating. The minute she started to talk, the White man goes into this who spiel on why black women need to date white men and actually spent the rest of the day trying to convince the younger bw to date wm. Its really disrespectful and insulting. I have been approached by these men assuming that I will accept their advances because they think I value whiteness and want mixed children. When you reject them, they are shocked and start naming off all the positive stereotypes about white people and why its beneficial to be with them.

    • Shanequa says:

      @ Dana Carter
      I mention earlier on this post about a non black Hispanic male coworker that fetish black women. He’s a married man that constantly flirt with black women. You already know his wife is black. One of my coworkers rejected him in a respectful way but he constantly keeps flirting with her. Not only is he flirting with her he flirts with me as well. How I found this out is that the sista & I were talking about the deviant behavior of how some of these men act on the job.

      One thing with this Hispanic male coworker is that he’s been approaching black women who mostly doesn’t date outside their race. One black female coworker made a joke that he kept flirting with black women until one finally decided to take him home. When black women reject non black men these men feel that they are entitle to have black women. It’s like we as black women are not allow to turn them down.

      You stated that, “I have been approached by these men assuming that I will accept their advances because they think I value whiteness and want mixed children.” With all this negative media promotion of black women should date interracial, single black women, black women are least desire, and etc it have in these non black men mind that black women should be willingly to accept any man who wants them. Since black women have been devalue in society & rejected so much these non black men are curious about black women.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ dana carter

      Unfortunately, when men (of any race) see a group of women who are NOT protected, valued, OR respected, not EVEN BY THE MEN OF THEIR GROUP — who represent their fathers, brothers, uncles and sons — they feel it’s open season.

      I talk about this in my 4th book, “The Beauty Con Game”), something that a black male blogger emailed me several years ago:

      Here’s an excerpt:

      Framing: Creating Easy Sexual Access

      “Every week there’s a new study or article that says black women are inferior. Here’s the deal.

      They have a name for it in the PUA community, it’s called ‘framing.’ PUA stands for pick-up artists. By constantly advertising the idea that black women are at the bottom of the sexual attractiveness heap and saying nobody wants them, they become MUCH easier to get because they feel “lucky” that anyone wants them. This is really a strategy designed to produce easy sexual access to black women for white males.”
      I have two nieces, both dark-skinned, who went to college (they grew up in Colorado, and we all know the rampant jungle fever in the Western part of the U.S) and discovered that nearly ALL the black boys wanted white girls. One black boy even had the audacity to ask one of my nieces if she could introduce him to her white roommate(!) They were pretty much ignored all through four years of college.

      Needless to say, it was no surprise when both of them married white men even though initially they wanted to date a black male. And I know that even if they divorce, I doubt they will subject themselves to the rejection of black males again. They will probably marry white because they have no interest in black men now.

      Although it deeply pains me that they made that decision, it is hard to find fault with any black female who finds herself in this position. What do we tell them? To just stay on the shelf until some black male comes to his senses? To give up their child-bearing years and endure years of loneliness and rejection until they can find a black male willing to marry them?

      I cannot in good conscience recommend that.

      • Shanequa says:

        @ Trojan Pam

        You stated “To just stay on the shelf until some black male comes to his senses? To give up their child-bearing years and endure years of loneliness and rejection until they can find a black male willing to marry them?I cannot in good conscience recommend that ”

        My question to you is what do you recommend for black women to do. It looks like we damn if we do, damn if we don’t. An if some black women who do marry non black men these men aren’t going to treat them as a equal especially not equal to women of their own race.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ Shanequa

          It’s a difficult question with no easy answers but a few things do come to mind.

          1. Develop self-awareness. Most of the people I encounter are in serious denial about the way they treat other people. Black females are very much unwilling to look in the mirror, in my experience. There are black men who want to be with black females but do not fit the “looks” or “money” requirements and so are rejected without a thought.

          We (black females) often do not own up to our own faults. That’s where self-awareness comes in. To look in the mirror and ask:

          Am I selfish? Dishonest? Do I lie often? Do I go out of my way to destroy other people’s reputations? Am I greedy? Vain? Inconsiderate? Cruel? Vindictive? Do I rely on artificial enhancements (fake nails, hair, odd hair colors, flamboyant and revealing clothing) instead of enhancing my own natural beauty and present myself in a way that says I RESPECT MYSELF?

          The point is to look at our OWN behavior and tell ourselves the truth about the way we treat other people BEFORE we complain about the way someone is treating us and make the effort to improve our character.

          2. Develop something in our lives that we receive pleasure and gratification from that has nothing to do with a man or our sex life. Become someone interesting. Sometimes, in the pursuit of something nonsexual you may meet new people with the same interests. You won’t meet them sitting in front of the TV set night after night.

          3. Learn to look beyond the surface of a man for something more substantial. Is he smart? Kind? Considerate? Trustworthy? Hardworking? Stable? And learn to develop those instincts that let you know a man is bad news and most of the time WE KNOW he is by the 2nd or 3rd time we see him but we go straight into denial until he rakes our hearts over the coals, something that could have been avoided. Do NOT be a slave to your genitals!

          4. Never, ever attempt to buy a man’s affections. If he cares for you, you’ll know it. If he doesn’t, don’t make excuses, get him OUT OF YOUR LIFE

          5. Regarding dating non-black males, there are men of color who marry black females. I know Hispanic men who have married black women, Indian men (from India) who have married black women, and Asian men who have married black women. The key is to spot the ones who are worth your time and the ones who aren’t. But don’t write all of them off.

          6. Regarding white males, I don’t advocate dating whites in a white supremacy system, but I have three female relatives who married white males. One has been married for over 50 years, another for over 40, and the third, my niece, for over ten years. The cost is usually being very white-identified and in many cases, a detachment from blackness. In my opinion, it is too high a price to pay.

          7. Bottom line, as difficult as it is, WE MUST STOP being sexual pincushions FOR ANY MAN, and before we have sex, we need to get that RESPECT, meaning, he makes you a real part of his life. Don’t let anyone tell you that they can’t wait for sex (not taking about playing games), because if a man is truly interested, he won’t demand sex right away.

          If he does, you know what you’re dealing with and promptly kick his ass to the curb!

          To sum it up, black women are not considered the bottom of the heap by all non-white males. Some in fact prefer us and do marry us. But, the majority, in my opinion are just as brainwashed by white supremacy as black males are and my advice is PROCEED WITH CAUTION.

  36. Kamutef says:

    White people.

    They know that this is their doom. They don’t have much time left. They are on their way out of here. So…they are trying to graft themselves back into the original…it won’t work hahahahahah….but you gotta give the white people credit….they KEEP trying!

    Sorry white people…you were only meant to be here for a short time and then go away forever and theres nothing you can do to stop your time here.

    You were created to serve a purpose and your time is up, has been up and those like myself are sitting back and watching the show.

    You’re finished…may was well stick a plastic fork in you.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Kamutef

      Now WHAT do we do about our situation in the meantime?

      • Trojan Pam,I say look up to GOD,and invest in ourselves.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ sevenkingsblog

          I agree that we must ask our God for help but most of us are still worshiping the same slave religion that kept us submissive and oppressed. I don’t want to disrespect anyone’s beliefs as the black church has been an important fixture in our psychological survival here but I am always reminded of something Malcolm X said;

          “The white man prays to his God and you pray to his God and you wonder why your God doesn’t answer.”

          When you say “invest in ourselves” I’m not sure what you mean. Please enhance.

          • reality_check says:

            You are right. As long as blacks continue in the Christian faith, we will NEVER prosper. And I said NEVER.

  37. Trojan Pam says:

    @ ALL

    What I find disturbing and it happens every time I do it –

    Is when I ask black females to look in our own mirrors and become more self-aware so we can improve our behavior, not a SINGLE black female will make a comment OR admit to what she is doing wrong.

    I never get a response from even ONE black female who says, “Yes, I do the things you talk about and I know that needs to change.”

    The same is true of black males. With all the comments I make about their behavior, I never get a response from a black male who says, “Yes, I do the things you talk about and I know that needs to change.”

    And we ALL KNOW that we are contributors to the confusion and anti-blackness and disrespect among other black people.

    WE KNOW that we are not innocent bystanders, instead we choose to focus on what everyone else is doing wrong.

    If we cannot be honest with ourselves and work to change ourselves, what is the point of counter-racism? How can we hope to defeat this system when we won’t work on ourselves??

    I don’t know it this is (false) EGO, or fear but I do not see how we can move forward when even a little self-awareness is too much to bear

    Over my five, six years of blogging I have made it known over and over again that I am guilty (for lack of a better word) of the same things that I write about.

    I find that by doing so–by being HONEST with myself — that I have become emotionally and intellectually stronger. I haven’t lost one thing by increasing my own self-awareness and will readily admit I am a work in PROGRESS

    It is very puzzling to me….

    and if anyone chooses to respond to this comment, please, please, please, I do not want to hear about what “other people” are doing wrong

    I want some honest feedback about what you’ve noticed about your own behavior and that you recognize the need for change — that is what will help others reading this post.

    • Mariama says:


      In no way am I perfect. And I hope that my posts never came close to even giving that kind of impression. I am happy that you shared this particular frustration. Just by us being here on this blog and exchanging our ideas, fears, frustrations, insecurities, (in my eyes) shows that we are all wounded and a definite work in progress. I KNOW that I am.

      Even though I have a good amount of love and self-esteem, I must admit that at times, I feel deeply insecure about myself. It took years and years of work to overcome this. Being a dark-brown skinned black female, it used to pain me hearing black males openly and secretly disrespect women of “my type” because we didn’t fall into the European imposed ideal of beauty. Trying to “love” myself was a challenge because it felt like I wasn’t good enough.

      And no matter how many compliments I got, there was that “secret” confusion and hurt as to why black men were so conditioned that they would “love” you but not as much because you weren’t light-skinned, etc. And what compounded the hurt, was when they would announce it to the whole world via music videos, movies, and real life face to face contact. I would be rich if I told you how many times that I have been told, “you are beautiful for a dark skinned sister……” It is really crushing. And even though you know deep down inside that this whole European imposed color system is evil and demonic, somewhere in life, it seeps into you whether you want it to or not.

      So because of my anger and hurt, I must admit that I started trusting black males less. Even after marriage, divorce, dating, you name it. As much as I hate to admit it, I thought that white males would treat me better and would not skin-judge me the way some black males did. Not just skin judge, but hair and feature judge. And the darker the black male, the “less” that I would trust him. Because they seemed to be the harshest critics. For the most part, ( I don’t know why)light skinned black males never did this to me.

      At one point, I used to be the black girl who imagined marrying a black man from the darkest to the lightest to the in-between. As I got older, my experiences and observations told me to “proceed with caution” when dealing with black men. So, often, I have to check myself before I “judge” black men. Especially the darker ones. I know now that they are not all against us. I used to feel that way. This is very painful for me to admit. But I feel that so many black males have betrayed black women, especially if she looks more black and authentically “African.” I have had good and bad experiences with darker “brothers”, but the bad ones have been quite hurtful. So, I am still healing and learning not to judge the way that I have been judged. I hope this helps.

      • Trojan Pam says:

        @ Mariama

        Thanks so much for sharing! Your testimony might help others come to terms with their deepest, most hidden feelings.

        I, too, went through a short phase in my late twenties where I didn’t want to deal with black males (although it was more a reaction than my deepest true feelings) Why? I lived in a tough urban neighborhood in Chicago and I had to walk through a gauntlet of black males hanging out on the street and in the alleys and of course, many though black females were there for their entertainment. The disrespect was endless, to the point that I would be full of rage by the time I walked in the door.

        One time, I was riding the “L” train and it was midday so I wanted to have the seat to myself as there were plenty of seats on the train. This black male comes up to where I’m sitting and nearly, deliberately, almost sits on the packages next to me. So, he sits down and proceeds to tell me that he would love to hurt me. Luckily, nothing happened, but it is this kind of TERRORISM that some black males inflict on black females on a daily basis.

        Another time I passed by a construction site and some white guy smiled at me and spoke and the sole black male there said, “She ain’t cute.”

        And at some point, I began to look at white males with interest, and to shun most black males. It wasn’t until I started reading my history, that I regained a love and understanding of black people and more compassion.

        It has been a long difficult climb and sometimes I slip and almost fall off but what keeps me from getting too full of myself is my constant reality checks.

        I had to admit that I cheated on a long-time boyfriend because I thought I could get away with it. I have been dishonest and selfish with men who didn’t deserve it. And I judged black men not by their character but how they looked and whether I wanted to seen on their arm. I was shallow and probably missed a lot of opportunities to be with good men because they were out there, they just didn’t fit my “tastes.”

        I so appreciate what you shared, you never disappoint!

        • Mariama says:


          Thank you again. Sometimes when I listen to you, I forget that you too have been affected. So hearing you admit your faults is humbling. It is really hard to do. I appreciate your tough love approach because it is very genuine. I must admit that I felt guilty when I read your last comment because I knew that it was true. As much as I hate it, I have to admit to you and the others on this blog that is really really hurts to feel inferior…no matter what you have done or “accomplished.” I have never never admitted that to anyone.

          Having an online family like this has done so much for my healing and my journey to “recovery.” I love and appreciate you all!

          • Trojan Pam says:

            @ Mariama

            Yes, I guess my approach can be a little rough but how long have we danced around our issues and the dangers facing us?

            Keep in mind, there is a huge difference between being “inferior” and being “human.”

            The people who try to make you or me feel inferior actually feel the most inferior themselves

            Happy, mentally healthy people don’t go out of their way to make other people feel bad. That speaks volumes about the people that do.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Mariama

            You have shown great words here. Part of healing is definitely admitting our mistakes and acknowledging the problems that we face as one people.

    • Mariama says:


      So, to answer your question. YES, I am guilty too. Guilty of some things that you mentioned and some that you didn’t mention. And I hate it and it pains me that we are all here talking about this. It really troubles me. It pains me that the descendants of the first people on this planet are emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually TRAUMATIZED.

      • Trojan Pam says:

        @ Mariama

        I feel that pain but I know that being HONEST is the first step to HEALING.

        And as hard as it may be, we have to remember that many people are still wounded from childhood and have never dealt with that pain and so are quick to visit that pain upon others.

        The two things I always recommend in dealing with other black people.

        1. Be KIND when and where you can.
        2. Minimize contact when you know there will be conflict

        Take care!

    • Sharon53 says:

      I will be the first to admit I am not perfect by no stretch of the imagination. I have been damaged by this system just like everyone else. However, I know what you mean when you say that not a single black female nor black male will make a comment or admit to what he or she is doing wrong.

      I have noticed this also even in my personal relationships when there is a disagreement.
      I think a lot of people assume that one person is right and one person is wrong in a dispute. However, the truth of the matter is both people are responsible for resolving the matter. And the person that grows the most is the one who can see where he or she has gone wrong because they can correct their behavior. You can’t change what you refuse to acknowledge is wrong. Most people think they are perfectly fine just the way they are. I think this has to do with them being both ego-driven and fearful. When people have been damaged as much as we have, they tend to be both of those things because their self-esteem is at an all-time low. Sometimes they come across as confident because they are so arrogant and manipulative and can get others to ally with them in their foolishness.

      I have a difficult time with this because these people may be someone you have to constantly come in contact with such as a family member or a co-worker and I am expected to tolerate their behavior. I do a self-examination of myself frequently and have done things to correct my behavior so it is hard dealing with people who keep doing the same stuff over and over.

      This is a collective problem with as a people and it is going to take teamwork to fix it and self-examination is a test we all need to take occasionally to remedy the problems.

      • Trojan Pam says:

        @ Sharon53

        who said: :”Most people think they are perfectly fine just the way they are. I think this has to do with them being both ego-driven and fearful. When people have been damaged as much as we have, they tend to be both of those things because their self-esteem is at an all-time low. Sometimes they come across as confident because they are so arrogant and manipulative and can get others to ally with them in their foolishness.”

        That was a very observant comment and one I totally agree with. It is very difficult sometimes to deal with other black people who are severely damaged.

        Until we admit WE have a problem, and that WE are part of that problem, no real change will occur. That’s why I encourage people over and over again to look in our mirrors and be honest. Then work on ourselves to fix what is wrong even if it means taking small steps.

        And if you can’t be honest on this blog, be HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

    • The Alchemist says:

      Social media and blogs are not safe spaces for black women. Some women might be more open to sharing their short comings in a black woman only space. Don’t expect black women to open up in space where black men are lurking. Some men troll black women’s blogs hoping to learn more about us to better develop their manipulation and abuse tactics.

  38. James hall says:

    I am right with you. I am writing a book that I hope will be in the publisher’s hands within the next 60 days. In my book (Monsters Behind The Mask: White Lies, Myths and Hypocrites) I speak about these commercials. I would like to quote you in my book if that is okay? You propose the question is extinction the end goal. Yes!

  39. Trojan Pam says:

    @ ALL

    I am leaving town for several days and will not be able to post responses to you until I return.

  40. @ Everyone: Subscribe to Yvette Carnell’s channel on YouTube. And check out Black Talk Radio Network and check out: The Context of White Supremacy. Please find it in your hearts (and pocket) to donate to these counter-racist media outlets, as well.

  41. “will look nothing like him or his family members
    will not be part of the black struggle against white supremacy
    who will in all likelihood be greatly white identified
    will divorce themselves from their “black side”causing a fracture in the continuation of the black family (whereas whites work hard to maintain a family legacy that continues for GENERATIONS)
    and will in all likelihood marry and breed with a white person until the third generation will look and function as white people, effectively wiping out any connection to their “black side” WHILE INCREASING THE WHITE POPULATION WITH MORE GENETICALLY MELANATED (FERTILE) ‘WHITE PEOPLE.’
    And one of the most important points of all is WHY THE DARKEST-SKINNED BLACK MALE IS USUALLY THE ONE WHO IS PORTRAYED WITH A WHITE FEMALE:  BECAUSE OF HIS MELANIN. By impregnating the white female, the dark-skinned, highly melanated black male is actually INCREASING the fertility of future white generations because there is a great likelihood that his bi-racial children will MARRY AND BREED WITH A WHITE PERSON.”
    Bravo! Wonderful post Pam! You really came back with a bang! So glad you’re back to posting again. I will be sure to share this post.

  42. @Trojan Pam
    You should check out this black woman’s blog. She is a brilliant writer and has very informative posts. Here’s a post she did on “tragic relationships”. Her name is CC Saunders. I think you’ll enjoy her blog.

  43. Victor Palmer says:

    The substantial problem that I see currently is when black people use the incorrect words to describe their 24/7 mistreatment and subjugation under the system of white supremacy racism.

    The incorrect usage of words creates confusion in the minds of the victims of the system of white supremacy racism.

    Words like biracial, diversity, light skinned, interracial, and colorism.

    The biracial implies more than one race. Mr. Fuller’s Compensatory logic says, that the only race is the white race. Black People have never been members of a race. We were told so by the white People who practice racism. This also applies to interracial. The word interracial also implies more than one race. Mr. Fuller has said many times that black People are not members of a race. We have foot races , but not People as races. It is important to understand this concept, because it prevents confusion in the minds of the victims of white supremacy, who are all the non-white people of the world.

    Race is racism
    The concept of race is false!
    The only purpose of being a member of a race is to practice racism.

    Racism is white supremacy, and white supremacy is racism.
    One more thing there are three types of people in the known universe under the system of white supremacy racism.

    1) Non-white people

    2) White people

    3) White Supremacists (Racists).

    Please keep in mind that all of these categories are political categories. The word race was created by the practitioners of racism.

    The political category of white people is just another creation of the system of white supremacy racism, as a result all these political categories and racial classifications are false.

    The racists have classified themselves under the political category of so called white people. Just to show how powerful they are.

    They classify everyone. The racists are not dumb, but they are not wise!

    You can’t keep billions of people confused, miseducated and dominated, as a consequence and be dumb.

    We need to get smart!

    We need to become smarter than them.

    We are ignorant, feebleminded, silly, stupid, naive, and primitive people, but we can Change by studying and reading everything, we need to get smart.

    We need to tell the racists that, so they understand that we are no longer delusional and bragging about the material gains some black people get, when they mortgage their children’s future for their own selfish personal gains, at the demise of people who look like them.

    We need to see that we are weak, in order for us to become strong, because we presently are not!

    This is our true reality, we as a people lack the deep understanding and the practicing of deep self-respect, which is required for the behaviours of self-preservation on especially when we continue to deny reality, and lie to ourselves.

    Black people don’t understand and practice deep self-respect, this is a very serious indication of the deficits in knowledge, that we need to address as a people. We are miseducated and confused people, probably the most confused people on the planet, that includes other non-white people.

    Self- respect is the only true respect, in the known universe.

    Black people have never been members of a race. They were told so by the racists.

    The only reason for being a member of a race is to practising racism.

    Race is racism. Racism is white supremacy. White supremacy is racism!

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ Victor Palmer

      I hear everything you’re saying and I agree about the incorrect use of words

      The problem is, when trying to communicate, it can become impractical to say in nearly every sentence, “the nonwhite person with a white parent and a black parent” instead of biracial. After many attempts, I stopped doing it.

      There are some words I do not use. I don’t say “the black race” and have acknowledged in ALL my books that race is a false concept.

      My biggest “error” when it comes to incorrect word usage is using the term “biracial” and “interracial” and I need to work on NOT using it. I totally agree with that.

      Thanks for sharing.

      • Victor Palmer says:


        Your post is great! I just want you be aware that words are tools. Mr. Fuller talks about that a lot.

        Most people don’t understand that global business of racism is cemented in our minds, as victims of white supremacy through our thoughts? Speech and actions. The words we use everyday affects how we see and interpret the world we live in. So if you say interracial children, instead of non-white children , as a consequence the Compensatory logic cannot counter Act the psychological conditioning from the system of white supremacy that has been inflicted on our minds.

        We will continue to think in terms of how the artificial construct of the system of white supremacy wants us to think.

  44. Victor Palmer says:

    Dating a person or marrying someone who is classified in the political category of white supports the global system of white supremacy racism.

    The non-white person is not equal. The non-white person is relegated as a boy and a girl.

    The person who is classified as white is practicing racism and committing sexual child abuse because the non-white person is a child under the system of white supremacy racism.

    The non-white person is being taken advantage of when made to have sex. The non-white person is a prisoner of war, which makes the person classified as white the warden of the global prison system of white supremacy.

    The non-white person is made to think that racism is over, but his or her mind is subjugated and he or she is being mistreated as a prisoner.

    This is why the system of white supremacy racism needs to be replaced by a system of justice.

    We currently are living in a world of injustice, deprivation, and global exploitation of non-white people in all the areas of people activities, which includes: law, labour, religion, economics, entertainment, politics, education, war and sex.

    Non-white people all over the world have no breathing space from the system of white supremacy racism. Race is racism, white supremacy is racism.

  45. Courtney H. says:

    @ Everybody:

    I know that this is OT, but check this out:

    Enjoy! 😀

    • Timothy says:

      @Sister Courtney

      The video is very interesting and the black narrator is spot on in my view. The Hoteps allying with the alt right is not only disgraceful. It’s treason. The alt right folks hate black people, they are xenophobic, and they believe in outright bigotry. Hoteps are similar to the alt right, because they are sellouts in African attire. There is nothing wrong with African attire. There is something wrong with anybody allying with the alt right movement. This is not shocking since the Hoteps and the alt right are similar since they hate black women, they want public social programs to end, they desire xenophobia (as some Hoteps hate any black person who isn’t African American which is evil and foolish), they abhor black people having direct social activism, and they believe in outright suppression of the progressive freedoms in society. Both movements are filled with haters. The Hoteps are hypocrites by claiming to be for separatism, but they want an alliance with white supremacists, who are the enemies of black people. The Hoteps have a permanent pessimistic mentality, they discourage our people from being involved in social matters and political matters, and they are heavily misogynistic. Both movements believe in a lot of inaccurate, nonsensical belief systems.

      Thank you for the video Sister.

      Goodnight. 🙂

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Brother Timothy:

        Thank you for watching the video and commenting. I agree with you 1000%. It seems like more and more Black YouTubers are beginning to see these hotep for who they truly are. I’m glad, because that shows that a lot of people are waking up to the fact that these are not people that we should be following. These people are anything but pro-Black — they are self-haters, since people who hate others hate themselves.

        I appreciate your wise eords. Again, thank you for commenting.

        Have a blessed day, Brother.

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Courtney

          You’re Welcome Sister. 🙂

          I agree with you. These discussions are important, because we want relationships among black men and black women to improve. TV, movies, and even some pundits on Youtube make it their business to try to disrupt relationships among black men and black women, which is evil. To make relationships among black people (of both genders to improve), then we have to frank, use honesty, admit our contributions, admits our errors, love our neighbors, reduce conflict, and form policies of healing. Freedom is not just about self determination, land, political power, and economic power. Both black men and black women are entitled to have healing in order all of us to move forward while we understand fully the agenda of racism/white supremacy. The machine is against true black unity since black people working together with strong psychological, emotional power can indeed change the world for the better. Yes, I do believe that more black people are waking up in our world, especially in the past 2 years.

          • Mariama says:


            It is always good to hear from you! I have already heard about and read a couple of reviews of this propaganda mess called ‘Get Out”. Movies like this do nothing for black relationships, in fact I think that in a lot of ways it just creates more resentment on the part of black women therefore leading to an even greater divide between the sexes (black male and female). I will save my money before I watch this trash or I’ll just wait to see it when comes on TV. This mess is really brain overload.

            And as for Youtuber Kimberly Frazier, her videos are AWESOME to say the least. This woman is so intelligent and insightful. I am subscribed to her channel and she has so many constructive things that she talks about. I would recommend her channel to everyone on this blog. She too talks about black male/female relationships.

            • Timothy says:

              @Sister Mariama

              It’s always great to hear wisdom from you too.

              You’re correct that the movie has nothing to do with cultivating black relationships, because the movie by definition exposes the confusion and manipulation found in many IRs. In our generation, we reject distractions. The fundamental point is that we have a long way to go in cultivating better relationships in our community. When some black people make it a sick past time to degrade each other, then it’s a problem. When some black people refuse to expose misoygnoir, then we have work to do. When some black people are so in love with Trump (when he advocates agitation against Iran and China plus he made comments that are anti-women, anti-Muslim, and calls for the death penalty of the Central Park Five), then we have a problem in our world. Some people believe that Obama was the greatest President ever, which isn’t true (with the expansion of income inequality, the establishment of anti-democratic laws, and the expansion of the murderous war on terror) and other people believe that the GOP is great (which isn’t true either). There are many reviews of the film which gives a good idea of what the film is about. Ironically, Peele is married to a white woman.

              We desire black men and black women to be really free. Freedom is both an existence of economic and political power for all of us. Also, freedom is a state of mind that is pro-Black, that is a mindset of loving Blackness unconditionally, and a spirit of helping others in our communities. Selfishness doesn’t work because it’s limited and it’s not a real solution. A real solution involves a community of black people since black people exist internationally. The components of community and family is part of our cultural DNA as black people.

              Kimberly Fraizer deserves all of the great superlatives that you have given her. She is a very smart black women with great insights, succinct analysis, and excellent videos on a diversity of issues.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ Timothy

                I think we have to be careful sharing information and videos that provokes antagonism and gender wars between black males and females.

                We all know there is a TON of anti-blackness and misogyny (hatred of women) in our communities. That is NOT new information

                If the info we share is not constructive, it is simply feeding into our dysfunction.

                So, I caution all to think as to whether a link is constructive OR destructive before posting it. That includes myself.

              • Timothy says:

                @Sister Trojan Pam

                You’re right that we should use caution in not sharing information that is not conducive to building stronger relationships among black men and black women. Caution is very important and it is just to keep our eyes on the prize. You’re correct on that point.

              • Mariama says:


                You know what is crazy? (I watch very little tv) I have grown so accustomed to seeing all this interracial propaganda, that when I see a black couple on tv, it looks strange because I am not used to seeing it. That is very sick. And when they do show us in a “positive” light it is very rare. So much of the black relationships now are based on homosexuality, abuse, infidelity and everything negative under the sun. I have really grown to dislike tv. Now, when I watch it, I do it for observation and study. Very little entertainment like I used to. I used to LOVE watching tv.

                Not to get off topic here, but yesterday, I was listening to a show on NPR about an independent black town founded by slaves in 1887. It is called Mount Bayou in Mississippi. This made my day. Former slaves who created their own way of life: school, hospitals, stores, you name it. It was beautiful and that story really made my day. Check it out when you have some time. I would love to visit one day. Have a blessed day Timothy!

            • Timothy says:

              @Sister Mariama

              Television has lived up to its name of being a propaganda engine of showing antipathy against positive black relationships without question. I was a little fortunate growing up. When I was in elementary school, middle school, and high school (from 1988-2001), I did had a chance to look at many shows that show positive relationships among black men and black women like A Different World, Hanging with Mr. Cooper, Living Single, Amen, Roc, Moesha, etc. These shows have fairly shown our issues, and they were never meant to express hurtful, negative stereotypes against black people.

              They showed black romance honestly and even black marriages as well. Today is a different story. Now, we see movies, commercials, shows, news, music videos, and so-called reality TV shows (which aren’t based on true reality since those shows are heavily scripted and producers intentionally agitate conflicts among characters) presenting infidelity, degeneracy, lying, hatred, self-hatred, and other evils. The corporate elite have a vested interest to promote the lie that white people are suitable partners for black people and black folks should just bow down to the system literally. Yet, we worship the Most High not the white collective.

              We honor our Blackness. I’m glad that you have shown the truth that TV isn’t worth our unconditional time. We want to teach, to help others, to help our families, to improve ourselves, and to use our energy in more positive outlets. The fundamental premise of this situation is that we desire more harmonious relationships among black people of both sexes. I will definitely research more about the Mount Bayou community in Mississippi. Thank you for the information. This is a fight for our survival. We want our black population to increase and be filled with the tools (from understanding about the system of racism/white supremacy to STEM fields) to not only increase our material power, but our spiritual wealth. We want more our people to see each other as allies not enemies. We desire our future wealth to be passed onward to people who are black people. Self-determination is about controlling our own destinies and that can only be a reality by the love shown among black men and black women. Unity is great and justice is our aim.

              Enjoy your Weekend as well Sister.

  46. Trojan Pam says:

    @ All

    Please stay on topic, if you have comments or links they should relate to the topic at hand

    “the war on black male/black female relationships”

    If there is another topic you’d like to discuss please make a suggestion

    • Courtney H. says:

      @ Sister Trojan Pam:

      Sorry about that. I think the hoteps would make a good topic, since they have some influence in our community. Thanks!

  47. @Trojan Pam

    It’s always great to hear from you again, sis. How have you been? I share your sentiments above in your post above about how it is hard to be an author and blogger given the apathy that the black collective shows towards it’s rapidly declining state (of being and mind). I just get sooooo tired. I find it haaard to blog at times and just need to escape the insanity. For the last about 16 years I’ve been fighting against racism white supremacy, colorism aka intraracism, colorism, classism, misogynoir (anti-black misogyny), sizeism, texturism, whatever affects black people in and out of the black “community” you name it and I see absolutely no change, in fact I’ve seen the outright REFUSAL to acknowledge AND attempt to change, yet claims of wanting liberation. To me as it is seen by many, anti-blackness amongst black people in ALL forms have become MUCH worse. How can we see a brighter future for the majority of BP? With the changes coming in the world with TRump in office and the possibility of certain threats to our livelihoods I had to start focusing more on me and my family’s future. I just can’t worry myself like that no more like I did once about the black collective’s problems.

    • Trojan Pam says:

      @ TheOriginalBlackWoman

      Good to hear from you as well. Yes, it is becoming more difficult to continue blogging because the interest just isn’t there. A lot of people in the US (not just black people) just want to be entertained and are addicted to escapism type thinking. I have experienced the same things, the increasing apathy, numbness, colorism, anti-blackness, anti-black-female-ness from both black males AND black females, etc, etc.

      And yes, those who claim to be “liberated” or “counter-racists” often only seek to find fault with other black people while contributing nothing of any significance themselves.

      You can’t even get a “like” on a post, that’s too much work (assuming the message resonated with them), yet people will go on YouTube and Facebook and twitter and hit “Like” all day long. That’s okay, I can deal with that but I’m HUMAN and certainly need encouragement like anyone else, right?

      Earlier, I challenged everyone reading this particular post to stop for once pointing fingers and tell US what they are doing that needs to change. I had ONE RESPONSE.

      What does that tell me? I’m not sure, but it says a lot about our collective lack of sincerity and seriousness in replacing white supremacy with a system of justice. If we aren’t willing to look in our mirrors and work on ourselves, what is the point of a blog like this?

      Where do we think change starts? With the Good Humor man? No, it starts with YOURSELF. That’s the most important person you will ever change. And you cannot change if you cannot be honest about what needs to be fixed and if you don’t know, ask for help.

      Moving on…

      This may turn some people off but I don’t see Trump as the major problem. The people who run the deep state, the people who actually RUN the government, are the ones that worry me.

      Even if Trump had good intentions (and I’m not saying he does OR doesn’t), he will NOT be allowed to be a real president. Just like Obama wasn’t a real president BUT the difference is THEY HAND-PICKED OBAMA AND HE WAS ON THEIR TEAM. Trump is not.

      They will derail Trump’s presidency because they didn’t PICK HIM and they don’t have total control over him, so what we will witness over the next several months will be the unraveling of his presidency — NOT because he’s a “bad guy” but he’s not under their full control.

      They will sabotage him, confuse him, demonize him, to teach “the dumb little people” AKA the voters NOT TO BUCK the fraudulent system of handpicking a Democrat cheeseburger over a Republican burger with cheese. In other words to STAY ON THE POLITICAL PLANTATION.

      What the people do not understand – and I could be incorrect since this is MY opinion – is the last presidency we had was one of the most dangerously corrupt presidencies in US history. that’s why they put a BLACK MAN’S FACE ON IT.

      And now they want us to think it was all sweetness and kindness compared to Trump. But once you look at the total amount of damage that was done to the economy, the job losses, the companies and stores that have closed, the sharp rise in poverty, the astronomic rise in the federal debt that will NEVER BE PAID OFF, the continued enrichment of the banks and zero prosecutions, the number of wars we are waging against people of color to the tune of over one million deaths, the looting of Africa —

      all of it starting with the 2008 BANK BAILOUT – the largest single transfer of wealth from the middle and bottom to the top in WORLD HISTORY, all the Trade deals Obama signed that literally sucked over 300,000 jobs out of the U.S., the anti-constitutional laws that Obama signed while in office (check out his executive orders that stripped what little rights we had left), the flood of illegal immigrants to lower wages and put millions of americans, especially black people, out of work, etc, etc, etc,

      (Of course, I realize he only did what he was told to do by the white supremacists because like Bush and Clinton and Hillary if she had been elected are ALL puppets but if that is true HOW then do you give a puppet ANY credit for anything good? You can’t have it both ways.)

      Do people understand how close we were to nuclear war just a few months ago?

      And now the mainstream media and celebrities coming out of the woodwork to bash Trump (all paid and controlled by the people who own the MEDIA, who for some strange reason, some people still trust the media and celebrities… ((scratching head))

      is all about programming the population into thinking they way they want us to think which is NOT AT ALL…

      And now we think Trump is our biggest problem? Have we not been paying attention to the LAST EIGHT YEARS?

      Not this black woman. I will NOT fall for that “Hillary is better” tripe, not for a warmonger who has been instrumental in murdering hundreds of thousands of people of color all over the globe and tells jokes about it.(!)

      And Obama, who joked and said about the pilot-less drones killing innocent civilians all over the non-white world: “I’m really getting good at killing people.” (look it up, he said it)

      If this is the government that people miss, you can have it. I will continue to watch my own back and think for myself.

      • Mariama says:

        @Trojan Pam

        I can almost feel your frustration here. I too have come to the realization, that the majority, if not most black people nowadays can be easily bamboozled if you have the right things to distract them. You can put the truth right in their faces and they still don’t want to see it. The only reason that I am happy Trump is on office is so that folks can wake up and see that racism has never gone away. Frankly, I think that he is comical. With everything that you have mentioned, if a person takes the time to read and research, he too can come to a similar conclusion: the government is really not for us and the world is nothing but a stage full of lots of actors. They show us everyday. I am NOT perfect and I have things that I want to improve on, but I have an open mind and am willing to listen and learn. My mother who lives in Africa was saying that America isn’t our home and that we (black people) need to come back. That is a problem in a lot of ways because the “White man’s ice is colder.” My words for all black bloggers is to just continue to reach those that are willing and ready to listen, though it be few.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ Mariama

          It didn’t take Trump to tell us that, it has never gone away, and I don’t think Trump’s election was just about race or racism, I think many people (including the black people who voted for him) were tired of politicians, period and they saw him as an outsider who was bashing the people in power and the media, and guess what?

          A lot of the things he said WERE TRUE. It’s just that people close their minds and ears when they don’t like someone, while I listen to ANYONE who speaks even a little bit of truth., I will listen to a KKK-er if he reveals some truth and discard the rest.

          See, I don’t have this illusion that Trump is a “bad white person” and Hillary isn’t. Both are white supremacists.

          The biggest difference for me is she was a PROVEN ENTITY that left a trail of evidence as to her political crimes

          Trump was not a politician (just a crooked but a clever businessman, and don’t be fooled by his bankruptcies. Bankruptcy is a STRATEGY used by people and businesses. I’ve known black people who filed bankruptcy to get out of a debt then turned around and bought homes and cars, etc. They used it as a STRATEGY.

          Trump will not save us, anymore than Hillary would have or Obama. This is work WE WILL HAVE TO DO OURSELVES.

      • @TrojanPam

        We certainly do need encouragement to keep doing what we’re doing because it is haaard and it feels like our work is in vain (a lot of the time). But what keeps me going is the readers who inbox or email me to say thank you. I figure if I can just help one person that is good enough because unfortunately we can’t save everybody. Then there’s you, Kushite Prince, Brotha Wolf, Truthangel07, Cree7 DiaryofANegress and my other family of bloggers here on wordpress and other blogging platforms who’ve I became to know and are like my second (online) family. I’ve enjoyed following, supporting and gaining insight and advice from you all throughout the last four years that I’ve been in the blogosphere.

        In the last two years, I have learned some very, very ugly (and very painful) truths about black people, both men and women. 1. The Black “Community” is very, very, very patriarchal and misogynistic towards black women and girls 2. Black People show NO compassion towards black women and girls. 3. Many black people are pro-black in theory, but not in practice. 4. Much of black people’s problem is black people ourselves. There’s more, I could go on and on, but I just named a few. When black people are presented with the truth about ourselves, by a black person who is truthful, you WILL BE meet with anger, hate, accusations of aligning with the “enemy” “a White Supremacist apologist” ” a white man’s whore” a “coon” ” a traitor” anything but a child of God. You may even get death threats……all of this from black people, men and women.

        A dear friend of mine who blogged on tumblr and whose blog was centered around exposing and fighting sexism and misogynoir towards black women and girls (in and outside of the black community) deleted her entire blog last week because of all the backlash she gotten from black people through the years. Black People want black women to remain silent about misogynoir (especially coming from black men) for the sake of unity that we doesn’t exists among us at this time. Talking about misogynoir is a BIG NO NO in the black community. And Guess who were her fiercest opponents……other black women. Let me tell you Pam, I’ve learned a lot about black women in the last year. I have a blog too called fighting misogynoir in which I started examining this problem. I know all about how black people will fight you tooth and nail when you (a black woman) bring up this subject.

        Guuurl, I could go on and on and on…….

        I have engaged in some of these behaviors as well and have acknowledge this because yes we are all guilty of anti-blackness at one time or another. Like you I find myself having to check myself at times because this demon is so ingrained in our psyches. So yeah, I agree with you 100% change starts with self.

        As with all this stuff with donald, hillary, and obama, all I can say is a whole lotta devilment is going on behind the scenes…’s just all frighting.

        • Trojan Pam says:

          @ TheOriginalBlackWoman

          Absolutely, ATTEMPTED SEXISM (since black males can’t practice sexism without power) and the bashing of black females is at epidemic levels in our community, and black females are attacked when we dare to bring it up.

          We are not allowed to talk about domestic abuse, child molestation, rape (another epidemic in our communities) disrespect in public, or ANYTHING that makes the black male “look bad”

          It’s as though, the feeling you get is,

          “You know I already don’t like you black b*tches (which is why i break my neck to uplift non-black females), so you don’t want to do or say anything that will drive me further away from you so keep your mouth shut and stop playing into the white man’s (never the white woman’s) hands…. so just keep your mouth shut and accept whatever collective abuse is dished out so I won’t see you as a traitor.”

          A sort of a unspoken form of “blackmail” —

          And the black female who already feels unloved and unwanted and devalued, is terrified to push the black male any further away than he already is…

          You can see it even in the language of how “racism” is discussed by black males. It is always what the white man is doing to the black man. starting with “The black man this” and “the black man that”

          You almost never hear, “The black man and woman are being mistreated” or hear black males EVER talk about the things that black females go through,

          yet there is CONSTANT DIALOGUE from black females about the black male, the black boys, even to the extent of starting organizations to “save our black boys” and I KNOW this is true because I’ve SEEN IT —

          I have YET to see black males band together in support of black girls or black females. Never seen it and I suspect I never will

          That’s why I BRING IT UP whenever I’m around black people who try to shape the conversation of racism about “what ails the black male” and I make SURE they know WE ARE BLACK PEOPLE, TOO.

          Unfortunately, far too many black females — in our fearful attempts to get along with and appease black males — have been intimidated into silence. Because they have seen the hateful backlash when they DO speak up.

          but my view is this:

          If me speaking MY TRUTH drives you away from me…

          then you were NEVER WITH ME to begin with

          so I’ve lost NOTHING.

          Black females are very bold when it comes to addressing each other (sometimes overly so) but will not speak up in defense of other black females or girls. We will call each other the most foul names (in what deranged universe is being called a “bitch” a good thing????)

          and be so horribly disrespectful toward each other yet will sit quietly while someone is bashing black females.

          This is very disturbing to me….very disturbing

          Regarding the political world, it is a lot of devilment–literally — and I would strongly suggest black people get off that Democrat is good TIT and understand that we have no allies and that we must become the allies of each other.

          And I am totally, totally open to any male feedback about what I have posted.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Trojan Pam

            I have read your words and I here are my thoughts. For many black males, it is unfortunately taboo for them to admit to the reality of the epidemic of rape, molestation, murder, abuse, and other evils against black women and black girls. Many black people want to brush the issue under the rug while tons of black human beings suffer inexcusable mistreatment. That is wrong, because black women have the right to their human rights and autonomy just like anyone else.

            One of the most important part of life is to acknowledge mistakes. The big problem of ego among many black males cause many black males to refuse to admit to any errors. Many black males have dropped the ball in not only refusing to defend black women, but refusing to be an example of social integrity. A real black man will have no problem acknowledging the truth regardless of what it is. Many black men are also doing their part in raising families, helping their community, and fighting the good fight as well. Many black women have done the same as well. Sometimes, the truth is comfortable.

            Sometimes, the truth is uncomfortable. Listening to harsh truths should never cause a man to feel angry at black women. He should be motivated to have self reflection and to activate necessary changes in his life. In certain stages of my life, I had to use self reflection and acknowledging errors in order for me to move forward as a black man. Many black males feel a sense of arrogance to mistreat black women and some black people believe in the falsehood that black Unity means unconditional support for any evil action that some black males have done.

            True Black Unity is honoring honorable behavior done by black people while abhorring evil actions done by some black people. More black men have to step up to the plate and confront people who slander black women. I know individual black men standing up for black women and black girls. Yet, that is not enough. Much more black men must stand up for black women and black girls. That’s true. Some black people make it a sick pasttime to call women, who are black, every name under the sun (and that’s evil).

            Black men not only suffer injustice. Black women suffer injustices from the system of racism/white supremacy too. Black women have every right to talk about their issues, their concerns, and their stories just like Black men have the right to do the same. Solutions require actions from black people of both sexes.

            I don’t worship Democrats or Republicans. I believe in political independence. I do believe in helping the environment (Flint’s water crisis proves that we must believe in environmental justice) and enacting activism in our everyday lives. Your words are certainly accurate and outline the problems that we must confront in our generation.

            • Trojan Pam says:

              @ Timothy

              I apologize for the delay in responding to your post and appreciate that you took the time to respond.

              I agree with you and to be accurate, black women have as much difficulty listening to criticism of our behavior as black males do. If there was some magical way for us to sit down, black men and women, and allow each other to speak RESPECTFULLY of our collective and individual pain and concerns and actually LISTEN instead of becoming defensive, I would do it in a heartbeat.

              Unfortunately, there is so much pain stored up over so many centuries, so much confusion, and the madness that our enemies have sown within our hearts and minds, that I don’t think this is possible on any large scale, possibly not even a small scale

              but one day we will have to come to terms with ourselves and each other, just for the sake of SURVIVAL for the spiritual and psychological war is getting more intense and more deadly and we will be forced to respond.

              Either we fight back (not speaking of violence) or we surrender. It is just that simple and yet is not.

              That is why–in spite of the possibility of offending perhaps well-meaning people–I have to start drawing the line at using this blog to promote the madness of other black people and posting things that only deepen the bitterness between us. However, if someone has a personal opinion or experience and are able to communicate in a way that is not profane or overly abusive, they are free to post their personal opinions and observations here.

              But I cannot and will not allow this blog to be an advertisement for the madness found all over YouTube because it is counterproductive.

              • Timothy says:

                @Sister Trojan Pam

                It certainly is difficult for a honest, non disrespectful discussion among black men and black women to exist, because the pain is very deep (among other reasons). Black women have the right to tell black men about their issues and vice versa. This is not easy. If it was easy, we would have this problem solved a long time ago. The relationships of black men and black women have been a long one. It is the first of human relationships. We have been through the storms and the rain. Also, part of this relationship also deal with solidarity and efforts to fight slavery, fight racism, and to unite in many economic and social endeavors. We want the duplication of the same spirit of love and camaraderie among black men and black women which can change the world positively. I don’t know if this reality could be achieved in our lifetimes. It probably won’t, but we will continue to do our parts, so our future descendants can see the Promised Land for real. Time is of the essence since we want black people to survival literally. We want black people to have their resources grown and we are in a fight for our liberation literally. I certainly appreciate your commentaries.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ Timothy

                Yes, it is very difficult to have an honest discussion between black men and women. Very difficult for the reasons Sharon53 stated in her recent post. Fear, ego and low self-esteem.

                And it is endangering our survival.

            • Victor Palmer says:

              Honestly, I don’t like talking about so called celebrities, but he did choose a non-white women. The problem with his choice of women. There are many black women he could have been with.

              It is not about what non-white women want. It is about what they are allow to get.

              Black men and black women who live under the system of racism white supremacy are prevented from having true relationships.

              We don’t have relationships!

              We have arrangements, it is very important to understand that, you are not equal to a white woman, nor do you have the benefits that they have as women. You are not even considered to be a woman. Racist man and racist woman are allowed to have true relationship under the system of white supremacy.

              Non-white women have to study and learn, understand what the system of racism white supremacy is, and how it works. This self-knowledge helps non-white people understand who they are and where they are within the system of racism white supremacy.

              This self-knowledge helps to prevent confusion. Confusion is used as military tactics of psychological warfare, that is used to control us as black people.

              I can see for myself, that confusing millions of people through miseducation and the mass media, is a very effective weapon against us, because we are miseducated and confused people.

              You can’t always stand over people with guns, so you find away to subjugate their minds and their bodies through their thoughts, speech and actions.

          • Timothy says:

            @Sister Courtney

            The video from Professor Truth certainly isn’t about promoting better relationships among black men and black women. His video is about promoting more tensions among BM and BW. The video advances the myth that the murderer Aaron Hernandez and his evil actions are somehow ought to be blamed used an excuse to demonize black women. That’s ludicrous, because only Aaron is responsible for his evil actions. He omits the epidemic of police brutality, rape, discrimination, etc. against black women. He omits the necessity to understand the truth that without the cooperation of black people among both sexes, we won’t go anywhere. So, his video is filled with emotion and filled with nefarious stereotypes against black women. He omits that white women have falsely accused black women of rape for decades and centuries. So, he exposed himself as a hypocrite. He minimized the role of white women in the agenda of racism. Therefore, he has shown his hand in that video. In the final analysis, the true enemy aren’t black people. It is white racists. Our eyes should be open to deal with the problems that we face as a community.

            Thank you for showing the video Sister.

            • Shanequa says:

              @ Timothy
              I wonder sometimes could Black Truth actually be black especially with his negative opinion about black men & women. Something’s I agree something’s I don’t what he talks about. Also he’s using some type of device for voice his voice because his voice sound like the killer from the movie Scream.

            • Shanequa says:

              His voice sound like the killer voice from Scream. Something’s I agree with & something’s I don’t

            • Trojan Pam says:

              @ Timothy,

              I watched some of the video yet but the comments left on that channel were even more disturbing. Deeply disturbing. It is like witnessing the mass insanity of black people spewing out their hatred, mostly toward black females — even BY other black females (??)

              Therefore, I am taking it down. My blog will not be used to promote these people, or their channels, or more gender wars or the madness going on from You Tubers.

              I am asking EVERYONE to FIRST ask themselves:

              “is this constructive or destructive” in promoting black unity between black males and females?

              If it is NOT, do not post it.

              If a YouTuber cannot communicate without using a lot of ignorant profanity, do not post that link here.

              Let’s be more conscious about the types of contributions we are making. Thank you.

          • @TrojanPam

            I co-sign 100% except, for the attempted sexism. I understand black men don’t have power, but a lot of black men’s anti-black misogyny and sexism IS wrecking havoc, ruining on the lives of black women and girls. Many black men AND black women think that black men practicing misogynistic control over black women WILL level the playing field in terms of power meaning they feel that that it will somehow equal the power that white men have. Black people are soooo thirsty for black men to have the kind of patriarchal, capatalistic power that white men have that they WILL actually encourage misogynoir. They don’t want to encourage black men to heal and re-build their communities. Alll they want to do is sit on Youtube ALL DAY,EVERY DAY and talk (and dream) about building, which ain’t doing them or us a bit of good. That’s why the mistreatment of black women and girls by our “community” is continues to go unchecked.

            Regarding the “community’s” lack of protection for black women and girls, another thing we can look at is how you can’t even get more than 50 black people out to march for black women and girlsmurdered by law enforcement (and definitely by another black person, especially male). When 22-year-old Rekia Boyd was murdered, only 50 people, 50 people showed up to march for her! The same black women who create these organizations and organized protests to demand justice for slain black men and boys are the same ones who will looks at women like me and you like we’ve asked them to jump off of a bridge when we tell them that our daughters are as valuable as our sons or that we should be saving our daughters too. It’s just sooo disheartening and disturbing.

            You said: “Black females are very bold when it comes to addressing each other (sometimes overly so) but will not speak up in defense of other black females or girls. We will call each other the most foul names (in what deranged universe is being called a “bitch” a good thing????)
            and be so horribly disrespectful toward each other yet will sit quietly while someone is bashing black females”

            ALL.OF. THIS!!! Many black women are expressing angst at the way many black women are policing EVERYTHING another grown black woman, think, say, or do. And from what I have experienced myself on and offline from black women this behavior in black women is getting worse. We’re noticing that BOTH black men and women get highly upset at any black woman that doesn’t march to the beat of the black “community’s” drum. She’s called a “bedwench” “a traitor” aligning with “the white supremacist”, everything but a child of God. Yet, these same black folks, many who are “pro-black” won’t address serious issues like the high number of absent fathers, interracial dating, mating among marriage black men.

            Lastly, I remember in one of your books, you have warned the black “community” that the rampant misogynoir is going to drive black women right out of the black “community.” There’s already news about how IR dating, mating, and marriage amongst black women is growing. What can I say.

            • Trojan Pam says:

              @ TheOriginalBlackWoman

              I understand what you’re saying. You’re right, we are so thirsty for (the illusion of) power when in reality our actions, especially those of black males, has the opposite effect. I dare say that black males were more self-respecting and productive in regards to the black community when we lived under a system of segregation. Why? Because we HAD to do for self. And we have to support each other because we knew who the real enemy was. And we married each other because there wasn’t a potpourri of “choices” in spouses.

              I also agree that most of what masquerades as “black consciousness” and “counter-racism” is not. However, I applaud anyone who takes the time to understand the system of racism/white supremacy, to be codified, and to be more constructive in their thoughts, words and deeds. And learning and talking is a beginning but it can’t end there. We must become active participants if we ever hope to dismantle this system.

              There is almost zero talk of humbling oneself or healing our communities. And there is a total avoidance of ANYTHING that affects black girls and black women. I remember my older sister who was active in the revolutionary sixties who once said, “Black males want us to serve them, do the dirty work, keep our mouths shut, and walk ten paces behind them and let them be the men.”

              No one can “let” anyone be a man. Either you are or you aren’t. And in a system of white supremacy black manhood is difficult, if not impossible. However, they forgot one important detail:

              Black women didn’t stop black men from being men. It was the white supremacists who opposed black manhood.

              That being said, we must be careful not to paint all black males with the same brush. Just as we wouldn’t want black males to paint us as the same.

              But, we need to be honest and admit there is a poisonous attitude in our communities that demeans black women based on our genitalia alone and portrays us as inferior to men and sadly, many, many, many black females have bought into this dynamic, not understanding that what you SAY and DO to other black women is a REFLECTION OF YOUR OWN SELF-ESTEEM and character, not the character of those women. I put this in caps because it is that important.

              And then we wonder why WE are continually disrespected as black women as we go about our days disrespecting other black women? As though, somehow, we can separate ourselves from who they are. I assure you, you cannot. It is just a delusion and illusion on our part.

              You’re right that there is no sense of urgency when black females are victimized by law enforcement, even on the part of black women who have mothers, sisters, and daughters (!) I will continue to say that black females are JUST AS VALUABLE as black males, regardless of who likes or dislikes it.

              How absurd to think you are superior to another human being based on your genitals alone rather than basing this “superiority” on what YOU have accomplished.

              Yet, black people will complain endlessly that people judge them based on their skin color (?!?) That is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy.

              Black females slander and mistreat other black females for many reasons:

              1. an internalization of their own oppression as black females
              2. a carryover from slavery and racial memories that are embedded in our DNA
              3. programming by a very anti-female, anti-black female culture in both white and black culture
              4. low self esteem and self-hatred
              5. mental illness which sadly is at epidemic levels in our communities.
              6. to appease black males in the hopes that they will be seen as “different” from those other “black Bs”. (But they soon find out they are just as likely to be abandoned by the father of their children, just as disrespected in their intimate relationships, just as likely to be overlooked in favor of a non-black female, and just as unlikely to get the assistance they need from the male population – like ANY OTHER BLACK WOMAN.

              I predicted long before I wrote my books that the uplifting of non-black females over black females would cause an increase in homosexuality AND interracial dating & marriage among black females and I have seen BOTH occur.

              I am convinced that many black females are engaged in homosexual relationships to protect themselves emotionally and physically from abusive relationships with black males. If they can show black males that they don’t want them, they don’t have to feel rejected. They have already DONE the rejecting.

              I also said that the day that black females give up on black males and are no longer willing to be the unappreciated “beasts of burden”, shouldering MOST of the load for black families, black children, black communities, black adult relatives, and black organizations is the day EVERYTHING ENDS for black people.

              • @ TrojanPam
                What you said here is EVERYTHING! You covered everything and I will be back to give my 2 cents later on. I also would like to email you personally, do you mind?

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ TheOriginalBlackWoman

                No, I don’t mind. My email is

              • James says:

                I suggest we read a book titled “I Sought My Brother” to get a better idea how we treated each other before living under white rule.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ James

                I looked up the book on Amazon (very expensive like a lot of worthwhile books that go out of print) but I discovered my library carries it so I put in an order to have it transferred to my local branch.

                I never heard of this book and look forward to reading it. Thanks

              • strawberryred44 says:

                I first came across “I Sought My Brother” back in 1981. At that time it cost around $25.00. Then it went out of print. Then it came back in print, and I purchased a copy on Amazon in 2016 for around $5.00. Pam, if you unable to find a copy, I will give you one of mine.

                In struggle,

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ strawberryred44

                I will take you up on your generous offer. My address is: Trojan Horse Press, PO Box 245, Hazel Crest, IL 60429.


              • strawberryred44 says:

                Pam I should have “I Sought My Brother” in the mail to you by next week. Another book I recommend IF YOU CAN FIND A COPY is “White Genocide Black Obsolescence? The Question Of Black Survival In White America”. By the way, i occasionally listen to the C.O.W.S and you were a guest speaker. Great job, speaking about Dr. Welsing. I am in dire need of a Black Person to edit my book and help me to make it as POWERFUL as humanly possible. What I mean by that is someone who can make suggestions on how I can do this. Of course, I can pay for the person services, as long as it doesn’t cost a lot. Do you know anyone?



              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ strawberryred44

                Sorry it took a while to respond. I was out of town for a few days.

                I did use a black person who edited books for my first book in 2009. Her name was Eboni. I’m looking for her email, not sure she’s still in business but if I find I’ll post it asap.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ strawberryred44

                Didn’t find the name of the editor I used but I did find something interesting. I never heard of them so I can’t recommend them but here’s the link


              • James hall says:

                Thanks for the info. I mailed the book today via USPS. Thanks

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ James hall

                Please let me know if you use one of the editing services and if you were satisfied with it. There was something about a free sample, I might check that out.

                Also, Writer’s Digest website offers editing services (they’re not a black company) but that’s another avenue you might consider.


                And thanks for the book, really looking forward to reading it!

              • strawberryred44 says:

                Will do, sister Pam.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ strawberryred44

                Also found this site for a black publishing company but I don’t know anything about them


              • strawberryred44 says:

                Pam, I am somewhat familiar with Dorrance Publishing. I know they are expensive.


              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ strawberryred44

                Just received the book in the mail, I’m very excited to read it

                Much thanks for such a generous gift!

              • @James

                I sure will. You’ve couldn’t have told at a better time ’cause I’m currently researching this hidden history right now.

              • @ TrojanPam

                You said: I remember my older sister who was active in the revolutionary sixties who once said, “Black males want us to serve them, do the dirty work, keep our mouths shut, and walk ten paces behind them and let them be the men.”

                If you go and google sexism or sexism and misogyny in the civil rights movement you will find a plethora of articles where black women are really spilling the tea about the misogynoir that REALLY went on behind the scenes. For example, many of the men in the black panther were colorist abusive misogynist. Kathleen Cleaver discussed how many men, including her rapist husband was colorstruck (I suspect that’s THE ONLY reason why he married her) she’s very light skinned. Then women were not allowed to speak much at the 1963 march on washington, there was an article from 2010 or 2011 in which an elderly woman re-counted her experience of her chair being removed from the stage after she was asked to speak. There was one article I read that said even the white men who called themselves freedom fighters were their being misogynist right along with black men. Many black men will unite with white men in sexism and misogyny.

                I agree with you on “letting a man be a man” when black men say this they don’t realizing what their actually saying is that they are weak. This is an attempt to blame all the ills of the BC on black women. I notice many black men want to blame black women instead of white supremacy for the ills of the BC. A man doesn’t have to be made to lead, he just leads.

                Black Women ARE VERY, VERY Patriarchal minded, that’s why black women can’t even discuss issues pertaining to just black women, even at that women’s march in January. Now I know that that march wasn’t really centered around black women or other woc for that matter, but I agreed with many black women who said that since black women were there that was an opportunity for black women to bring attention to the triple oppressions of racism, sexism, and misogynoir, but noooooo black women were there talking about BLM which mostly centers men. Black Women should love our brothers, our sons, our fathers, nephews, etc, but there comes times when women have to have concern for themselves and what affects them as women (we saw how black men focused on ONLY black men at that million man march), black women ARE THE MOST VULNERABLE group of women on the planet, we should be THE MOST concern for ourselves because whateva happens to women in general which group of women will be affected the most, but black women just have a haaaard time understanding this simple fact.

                I don’t understand why black women think that when the anti-black woman brigade bashes black women that they are only talking about SOME black women, their talking about ALL OF US. It’s like how black women have been responding to this crappy rap music for years, “well he ain’t talking about me” THE HELL HE AIN’T. I use to say this stuff when I was younger, until I realize these rappers we’rent separating the “good” black women from the “jezebel” black women. No matter what you’re a hoe. You see what is happening to Ciara, black people are hating on her BIG TIME. She left future and course corrected and got into a relationship with Russell Wilson who was willing to put a ring on and she’s still being called a “whore” To many black people ALL black women ARE whores. All of this makes me think about a black woman who asked is it hipocritical for black people to call out white people’s racism then turn around and treat other black people just as bad if not worse than white supremacist? I think we all know the answer to that is yes! at least I think so.

                You are right about all this internalized misogynoir amongst black women not only self-hatred but IS to please black men. Black Women will throw another black woman under the bus in split second to get a pat on the head or as some sistas say “a scooby snack” from black men, when in reality they still get shitted on like ALL black women by self-hating, bw-hating black men. No matter what they do to another black woman they will never curry favor with these males because these male HATE ALL BLACK WOMEN. These type of black women really think this way until one of the type of black males bring them back to reality, Then they want to come to black women like me and you to talk about “black men this and black men that” I don’t want to hear it then because they’ve already been told.

                You’re not the only one who predicted that this non-black woman worshipping will drive black women out of the black community. Irritated Genie discussed this too, I remember when you published that passage where he discussed this in I belive it was black love is a revolutionary act. There’s a video by Umar Johnson in which he discusses how black men’s IR marriage rate has increased TENFOLD from after the passing of the civil rights act up until 2010-present.
                There’s a journal article out there about it too, I have it saved on my computer.

                IMO, when this happens, which it already is, black people need to take responsibility also because for years black people REFUSED to address the colorist attitude within too many black men. I’ve heard black people say for years that if black women give up it;s a wrap.There’s also a report saying that white men and black women are the fastest growing IR in America. That’s why many black women are now watching the panic reactions of black people as the number of black women dating, mating, and marrying out increases unbothered. There’s campaigns on youtube and social media by BOTH BLACK MEN AND WOMEN saying ANYTHING including telling black women to “give ANY and I mean ANY brotha a chance” including ex-convicts and bi-sexual men to prevent this, but black women are asking where was all this panic and “concern” all these years that many black men have been doing it? Now many black people want to talk about “saving the black family” “black men and women need to work together” “you’re (the black woman ONLY) is committing genocide” and so on and so on. Many black women are not going to hear it tho and they made that clear. Black PEople should have canned ALL this shit years ago. The horse has beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen out the stable and running…….and he’s faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar gone.

              • Mariama says:

                What you have said, says everything in a nutshell. This was very painful for me to read as I am witnessing all of this right now. This bothers my spirit in so many ways that I can’t even explain. Psychologically, I think that I am learing to distance myself from this because when you really look at the black male/female relationship dynamic presently, it can be very depressing. I know that our ancestors would NEVER imagane that they would end up dying for this. I really believe that the majority of black people now are under some kind of demonic spell.

              • Shanequa says:

                @ Trojan Pam
                “I also said that the day that black females give up on black males and are no longer willing to be the unappreciated “beasts of burden”, shouldering MOST of the load for black families, black children, black communities, black adult relatives, and black organizations is the day EVERYTHING ENDS for black people. ”

                We are already seeing this now. Black women are not giving a damn anymore. Back in the day black women had no interest in dating non black men but now they are willing to do it. Also I the media the black male is being gradually replace with biracial men.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ Shanequa

                I hear you and I heard myself in your words. To be honest, I believe black women still care a great deal, otherwise, it wouldn’t hurt so much the chasm between us.

                The reality is WE NEED EACH OTHER. And our goal — after we “exhale” — must be to find ways to come together

                Since most black mothers are single mothers, we must raise OUR SONS to be the kind of men we wanted to marry

                to respect girls and women, in fact, to DEMAND that they respect girls and women.

                And frankly, a lot of us, both fathers and mothers are not doing that.

                As mothers, we MUST BETTER ROLE MODELS for our sons and daughters.

                Let’s be real, black females are not the easiest people to get along with (as you well know) and sometimes we need to see ourselves from outside of ourselves and ask ourselves,

                “If I was a man would want I to deal with me?”

                I’ve asked that question and got an astonishing answer (from myself)

                “I don’t know.”

                I know I have some amazing good points (kind, supportive) but also some bad points (opinionated, know-it-all, a loner, etc)

                I would not be every man’s cup of tea. I know that. And I have issues. I know that, too. I don’t like going out to movies or eating out a lot.

                I prefer conversation to outside stimulation. (am I boring? Maybe)

                My point is, we need to LOOK AT OURSELVES FIRST

                That’s why I advise EVERYONE reading this blog to spend MORE time working on ourselves instead of pointing out what somebody else is saying or doing wrong.

                But, I feel you, sister, it’s like being between a rock and a hard place, trying to have relationships with other black people, and I do think black females must learn to set limits for the men in our lives (don’t be a sexual pin cushion, an ATM, or a baby-making machine)

                And stop babying our boys because there’s entirely too much babying by black females and it’s turning our boys into WEAK, dependent males

                And love our girls more and show them a better example of what a woman should be

                We can’t afford to give up on each other. That is the bottom line.

            • Courtney H. says:


              I agree 1000%!

          • Victor Palmer says:

            I know the discussions are about
            the war against black male and black female relationships, but in reality under the global business system of white supremacy/racism. Black People don’t have relationships under the system of white supremacy/racism.

            The problem with black males is we think we have manhood. We don’t have manhood, because we are subject to white supremacy, which is functional racism.

            We as black males are relegated to be boys, and black females are relegated to be as girls.

            This is why we can’t think and see ourselves the same as the white People who practice racism within the artificial construct of the global business system of white supremacy. It causes us all to be confused. As black males and black females we don’t have marriages and/or relationships. We are also not fathers and mothers.

            Black males have this idea that they are the man of the house. This is not true. As a black male under the system of white supremacy. I have no power whatsoever, because racist man can tell me where to live, work and play.

            Black males are weak. We need to get serious and tell ourselves the truth about our condition on this planet. As black males we need to know that we are weak, so we can make ourselves strong by being honest with ourselves as black males.

            I know it is unpleasant to hear that, especially coming from a black male, but this is why we beat our wives and girlfriends.

            Black males also compensate for their powerlessness by having marathon sex and sleeping with multiple females, to compensate for being prevented from being a man. This sometimes translates to domestic violence and sexual exploitation of black females young and old.

            Black People don’t have relationships. We have arrangements.

            It has been this way since chattel slavery. In my opinion nothing has changed in over a hundred and fifty years. The war is more than just against our interactions between each other.

            The war is between the people who believe in racism and the ones who don’t believe in racism. Many people will say they are against racism, but don’t really understand what that really means.

            Many black People that are live today have a great difficulty in understanding what white supremacy is, and how it works. White supremacy is racism, and racism is white supremacy.

            Race is racism.

            The only purpose for being members of a race is to practice racism. Anyone who is a member of a race is a racist. Black People have never been members of a race. They were told so by the white People who practice racism.

            The only race is the white race. The white People who practice racism created a global business system of white supremacy to mistreat and subjugate non-white people.

            In the context of so called black male and black female arrangements.

            A black male cannot promise a black female anything, because a black male is subject to white supremacy, which therefore makes a black male a boy. True men are not subjects to an evil system. No black female is a woman, and no black male is a man under the system of white supremacy.

            This is why our priorities should only be replacing racism with justice. Since no justice has ever existed in the time that everyone who is live now.

            In the political activity of politics, which our interactions with each other will not be as their suppose be. We need to embrace our reality as it is and stop lying to ourselves as black People.

            As black males and black females, we need to spend time understanding how white supremacy affects this arrangement we have between us.

            The white People who practice racism wage war against us in all areas of people activity which includes: politics, sex, entertainment, education, economics, war, law, religion, and labour. All these areas of people activity is what controls us like drones.

            The practice of high levels of Self-respect, and the development of self-preservation combined with codification, as a result will makes it difficult for us to be controlled, because of our need to praise our emotions, in stead of using logic to drive our thoughts, speech and actions.

            What I am trying to make you all be aware is that the war against us is waged directly and indirectly, not just violence, which would be considered directly, but the deception through the use of words as tools. I was not aware that when someone deceives you and you incur losses that is indirect violence.

            The white People who practice racism main tool against non-white People is deception through the usage of words. When deception through words don’t work, then they use violence.

            I never realized how powerful words can be in controlling the thoughts, speech, and actions of black people all around the world.

            Here is an example in the 60s. The feminists so called movement began. Feminism which really is a form of white supremacy, which is functional racism.

            Replace racism with justice!

            Deceived black females against black males. The deception was to make black females think that the fight for women’s rights was also for black females, but that was a lie.

            We can commandeer this language to serve our purposes through the use of Compensatory logic through cause and effect.

            Our focus shouldn’t be on having better so called ‘relationships’ between black males and black females in a global prison.

            Our focus needs to be replacing the entire system of racism with justice!

            We need to codify our thoughts, speech and actions with compensatory logic!

            We spend so much time looking at each other, and no time looking at the enemy.

            The incorrect usage of words creates confusion in the minds of the victims of the system of white supremacy racism.

            Replace racism with justice!

            • Trojan Pam says:

              @ Victor Palmer

              We hear you. Those who agree, agree. Those who don’t, won’t, no matter how many times the words are posted

              I understand your passion, wanting to be understood and heard.

              But try to imagine, just for a moment, a time when you met a born-again Christian, someone who suddenly saw the light and is now so passionate about their new religion, they can’t help talking to others about it. We’ve all met people like this.

              They’re excited and they want to persuade you to come over to their way of thinking, even to the point of trying to force you to think the way they do and they always judge you when you don’t.

              What I’m saying is–and I have read and listened to Mr. Fuller and Dr. Welsing, both, many, many times, and in fact, have spent over a hundred hours finding and editing their interviews to post on my blog.

              And the one thing I’ve learned from both of them is to reach people where they are. They never preached, they never tried to force their opinions on other people. They were always calm, rational and non-judgmental.

              I don’t know how they did it for so many years but having a deep conviction means you don’t have to force people to see things your way. It just makes so much sense that they will do it on their own.

              I had to learn this when I became a “born-again” counter-racist (and I still don’t claim that title). I would literally try to force my opinions on other people until I realized how wrong-headed it was. (and I am still learning)

              What I love about Mr. Fuller is he admits he doesn’t have the solution to this problem. If I remember correctly, I believe he said, “If anyone had the solution to this problem, it would have been solved a long time ago.”

              That’s why he called his book, The United Independent Compensatory Code System Concept — and told people he was not their leader and not to follow him but to learn to think logically for themselves. Hence, the “Independent”

              And that’s what my blog is about. MY INDEPENDENT attempt to find a way to help dismantle the system of white supremacy and replace it with a system of justice. I learned I had to reach people WHERE they are, not where I think they should be, and to try not to shout and force and preach at people (although I still sometimes do)

              You can’t force your views on people, and at some point you will have to move from reciting verse and quote and move into some form of CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION. That’s when people might begin to take you seriously.

              Mr. Fuller and Dr. Welsing spent thousands of hours of their time doing lectures and writing books and talking to people. They ENGAGED in constructive ACTION

              and that is the one big failing that I have seen within the counter-racist community. Too much talk and too little action.

              In any case, we are all works in progress and again and again, I say as I have always said

              focus more on fixing ourselves before we point that radar beam at anyone else.

              • Victor Palmer says:

                @Trojan Pam

                “We hear you. Those who agree, agree. Those who don’t, won’t, no matter how many times the words are posted.”

                I understand that people will agree and/or disagree.

                My posts are for people to ask questions. It is about learning and exchanging ideas. Ask me as many questions as possible.

                If you are not sure what I mean. Please ask me questions about my posts.

                Please do not assume anything!

                I am not that great of a writer. I struggle with my writing, but if people ask me questions. It will help.

                I only just started writing my own post about a year ago. I will say don’t do this and don’t do that. Ask me why I said don’t do this or don’t do that.

                “I understand your passion, wanting to be understood and heard.”

                I appreciate your comments. My posts are not about feeling good. My intentions of my posts is to educate black People about what white supremacy/racism is, and how it works.

                “They’re excited and they want to persuade you to come over to their way of thinking, even to the point of trying to force you to think the way they do and they always judge you when you don’t.”

                My posts are not for people to agree with me. It is not my intention to judge anyone. I did respond to someone who mentioned dark skinned. And I said that is part of the problem.

                If I said it is part of the problem. The person can decide to ask the question why it is apart of the problem.

                “What I’m saying is–and I have read and listened to Mr. Fuller and Dr. Welsing, both, many, many times, and in fact, have spent over a hundred hours finding and editing their interviews to post on my blog.”

                I would always recommend to keep go back to the Dr. Welsing’s book and Mr. Fuller’s book again and again and again. Not just to write your blog.

                It is been my experience that you may miss the main idea of what they are talking about. I can’t tell you how times. I thought I understood what they meant, but I didn’t understand. Especially this concept of the white race being the only race. It shattered my thinking. I have never been the same since then. I hope that it could be that experience for everyone, except having those ideas go over people’s heads.

                “They never preached, they never tried to force their opinions on other people. They were always calm, rational and non-judgmental.”

                I am sorry if I sound preachy or I sound as if I am forcing my views on to other people.

                Sometimes we as black People need to forget about our emotions and focus on logic.

                Focus on the issue, not the personality

                Mr. Fuller has a recording that says black people are taught to praise their emotions. We need to develop a thickness of skin to where we can have deep discussions to the point where we can be honest about our existence on this planet.

                We can begun by telling ourselves the truth, even when it hurts and it causes discomfort. I am use to that, but I see now not everyone is use to be uncomfortable when discussing very sensitive subject matter.

                “I had to learn this when I became a “born-again” counter-racist (and I still don’t claim that title). I would literally try to force my opinions on other people until I realized how wrong-headed it was. (and I am still learning)”

                I don’t like to label myself, but I am a prisoner of war. Black People have a love of titles. I don’t want to fall into that habit.

                “And that’s what my blog is about. MY attempt to find a way to help dismantle the system of white supremacy and replace it with a system of justice. ”

                My attempt at find a way to help dismantle the system of white supremacy/racism is based on the usage of words by the victims of white supremacy. I realized from studying Mr. Fuller’s work that the the white People who practice racism use words in such a way to confuse their victims, because of my awareness of the words I use. I am less confused. I would like this to be the case for every non-white person on this planet, to be less confused.

                I struggle with learning how to reach people and trying to reach them where they are. It is very difficult.

                “I learned I had to reach people WHERE they are, not where I think they should be, and to try not to shout and force and preach at people (although I still sometimes do)”

                “You can’t force your views on people, and at some point you will have to move from reciting verse and quote and move into some form of CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION. That’s when people might begin to take you seriously.”

                Yes, it is true, but it is their choice of someone wants to listen or not listen, that is ok. I have learnt about self-respect. I thought I knew what it was, but Mr. Fuller and The late Dr. Welsing have taught me what true self-respect is. I think black People need to be willing to learn and to keep learning, and to never feel that they have reached the point that they no longer need to learn anything.

                I get the feeling that you are always learning. I think that is great. Thank you for your suggestions and feedback. It will take me some time to integrate your suggestions and comments.

                I am also a work in progress!

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ Victor

                You are welcome.

          • Victor Palmer says:

            “Absolutely, ATTEMPTED SEXISM is at epidemic levels in our community, and black females are SILENCED”.

            Replace racism with justice!
            I have to mention the above statement whenever a non-white person mentions sexism. The reason is whenever racism is brought up, it usually gets overshadowed by discussions of feminism and sexism.

            Sexism, feminism are all sisters and brothers of white supremacy. Well, racist man and racist woman fight to be be equal with their racist male counterparts.

            This is how racist woman has created a divided and conquered black female against black males. The problem of sexism is based on the false belief that males need to dominate females with violence, but it is a fight between racist man and racist woman, not between black males and black females. This is how words are used to divide and conquer black People in general. Black People have no idea how far the white People who practice racism willing to making up words to cause confusion among non-white people.

            Replace racism with justice!

            • Victor Palmer says:

              I am sorry. The link was suppose to be Mr. Fuller’s link.

            • Trojan Pam says:

              @ Victor Palmer

              I disagree, sexism is rarely discussed UNLESS someone like myself brings it up. Most of the black females I know do NOT talk about sexism. They know it alienates black males and most are too timid to bring it up.

              What you say is all good and fine BUT when someone is being mistreated BECAUSE they are female, that female has the right to talk about it.

              I talk about the issues that black females have as well — and anyone reading my blog knows this.

              I will continue to talk about the issues that affect BOTH black males and females, regardless of any definitions that are tossed into the mix.

              • Victor Palmer says:


                Just to keep us focused.

                Replace racism with justice!

                It is very important for me say that phrase, because every time racism is brought up people tend to want to change the subject.

                As I said before, black males and black females don’t have relationships. We are forced to have arrangements under the global business system of white supremacy/racism. Our interaction are not what they are supposed to be.

                Black males have this idea they have manhood, which makes them believe they can beat black females, because they feel powerless.

                Their powerlessness has nothing to do with black females. Their powerlessness has to do with the system of white supremacy. Black males cannot be men, because they are subject to an evil system. Black males are relegated to be boys.

                If black males want to dominate someone, they should go an dominate racists man and racist woman. If he thinks he is really that powerful.

                I hear you though what you are saying, but sexism is just another way of saying that black males dominate black females with violence, because they are females.

              • Trojan Pam says:

                @ Victor Palmer

                I am already focused, hence the title of my blog post. It is easy to say black people don’t have relationships, but we are still human, we still love, marry, date, have sex, have children, etc. I don’t care if someone calls it an arrangement or a relationship. There are too many issues to deal with to JUST focus on words. If you choose to do that, that’s your choice — but not mine.

                Counter racism rhetoric is a tool, it is NOT the be end of everything. Alone it will NOT defeat the system of white supremacy and the evidence is NO ONE has made even a dent in this system, regardless of the books and tapes and speeches etc that anyone has made.

                I agree that the powerlessness of black males is not the fault of black females (if that’s what you meant) but it has PLENTY to do with the damage it has done to black females and black children.

                Yes, black males do ATTEMPT to dominate (and mistreat) black females due to their impotence and rage in the face of white supremacy. IT is not anyone’s imagination. It is real.

                case in point

                A few years ago, a black male tried to pull open my front storm door while I was in the house. He knew I was home because my interior door was open and I’m pretty sure he knew a woman lived in that house. Had he got inside, the last thing I would have been thinking was “Replace racism/white supremacy with justice!”

                Bottom line, People have a right to feel however they feel when they are being mistreated and they have the RIGHT to speak about it regardless of who it offends.

                Just a few days ago there was a news story about a fifteen year old black female (child) who was being sexually assaulted by several young black males who taped it and actually streamed it live on Facebook.

                What would you tell this female child? “Replace white supremacy with a system of justice!” ?

                Yes, we must understand this system and how it functions and how it affects our behavior, including the words we speak that work against us

                but it makes no sense (to me) to spend MORE time focusing on “words” than focusing on reducing the ACTUAL DAMAGE that is being done to other black people.

                A man and women who are actively engaged in helping other black people overcome and deal with the effects of white supremacy (one of which is unchecked violence in our communities) is infinitely more valuable (to me) than someone who knows all the “right” words. (this is not a dig at you, by the way).

                Just my two cents

              • Victor Palmer says:

                “I disagree, sexism is rarely discussed UNLESS someone like myself brings it up. Most black females do NOT talk about sexism. They know it alienates black males and most are too timid to bring it up.

                What you say is all good and fine BUT when someone is being mistreated BECAUSE they are female, that female has the right to talk about it.

                I talk about the issues that black females have as well — and anyone reading my blog knows this.

                I will continue to talk about the issues that affect BOTH black males and females, regardless of any definitions that are tossed into the mix.””

                @Trojan Pam

                Sexism is a by product of the system of white supremacy.

                Every non-white person needs to have the priority of replacing racism with justice.

                Non-white people are so miseducated and confused that they tend to focus on the symptoms of a greater problem, which in this case is the global business of white supremacy.

                Racism is a global business based on mistreatment and subjugation of non-white people.

                The racist social system is based on extreme violence so the mistreatment and subjugation of non-white people of both genders is a symptoms of a global criminal enterprise by the practitioners of racism who are classified in the political category of white. I don’t think that black females are timid when it comes to talking about what they don’t like, but they do ignore the fact that racism still exist and racism is not just about someone calling you nigger!

                Racism is a global phenomenon that is a self-sustaining system that works through the thoughts, speech and actions in all areas of people activities, which includes: labour, law, economics, politics, entertainment, religion, education, sex and war. The reality is slavery never ended.

                When non-white people are being mistreated and subjugated all over the world. This is what slavery is.

                We are still at war with each other, because of the racist social system, and it is substantially more serious than sexism.

                Sexism is about one gender dominating the other with violence, that is what racism does.

                Racism is a crime against all non-white people!

          • The Alchemist says:

            You said,
            “…Absolutely, ATTEMPTED SEXISM (since black males can’t practice sexism without power) and the bashing of black females is at epidemic levels in our community, and black females are attacked when we dare to bring it up…”

            Everything you described in this comment are forms of SEXISM. The rapes, the molestations, silencing, centering of black male concerns, etc. are all forms of sexism.
            Pam, could you really look a black woman in the face and tell her that the violence she experienced at the hands of black men was not sexism because black men supposedly have no power? That sounds like a form a gaslighting by proxy. Neely Fuller’s theory is not perfect and has flaws.

            • Victor Palmer says:

              I think it would be prudent for everyone on this site to read over the United Independent Compensatory Code / System / Concept: A Textbook/ Workbook for Victims of white supremacy and to study Mr. Fuller’s lectures online at Victor RWS YouTube. Compensatory logic requires the use of words as tools, and constructive thoughts, speech and actions.

            • Victor Palmer says:

              @The Alchemist

              As I said before sexism is a by product of racism white supremacy.

              Sexism is just another form of mistreatment and subjugation of non-white females under the global business system of racism white supremacy.

              Sexism is a symptom of a racist social system that profits from the mistreatment and subjugation of non-white females.

              The black female has always been a target for racist man to direct his sexual perversion and sexual violence against.

              Racist woman has always had distain for black females, because of racist man’s preferences for non-white females.

              As for black males, we are very weak and impotent, because we have had our manhood stripped from us, so we as black males are not men under the system of racism white supremacy.

              Black males are confused and miseducated into believing that he is the man of the house, which is not true.

              He doesn’t decide how and who will educate his offspring.

              He doesn’t decide where he works.

              He doesn’t lead or have the power protect his partner the black female and offspring.

              The black male is the most powerless creature on the planet. When the black male embraces this reality.

              The power of this truth, if he chooses to be honest with himself will break the mental enslavement and bondage of his mind!

              This is why replacing racism with justice needs to be our number 1# priority.

              This is the reality that we fail to accept!

              The black males’s confusion and miseducation has taught him to abuse and dominate the black female to Compensate for his inability to be a man, as a result the black male directs his anger and frustration to the only female on the planet that was designed for him, which is the black female.

              This is reality that we don’t want to believe.

              I believe one of the biggest challenges that we face as non-white people is self-respect under the United Independent Compensatory Code/ Concept/ and System is to tell the truth specially when it hurts.

              The logic of cause and effect within Compensatory logic defines self-respect as not lying to yourself and having the courage to tell yourself the truth and to make a declaration to everyone around that you will tell yourself the truth and everyone around you.

              We black males are relegated to be older boys, that is why racist man calls us boys. It is actually true as most black males interpret that comment or name calling as an insult, but it is true.

              Black males are not men and black females are not women. Black females are older girls under the system of racism white supremacy.

              This is why replacing racism with justice needs to be our only and number 1# priority, but because we are confused and miseducated.

              This why we wander around like pitiful, primitive, feebleminded, ignorant, stupid and/ silly people who are in a burning house, but don’t know the house is on fire, and also if we did realize the house is on fire.

              We won’t know where the fire exits are, because racist man and racist woman deceive us about how to get out of the burning house.

              We keep listening to them, and we don’t understand that they are not our friends.

              This is a war, and not a misunderstanding between friends.

  48. Courtney H. says:

    @ Trojan Pam:

    Thank you!

  49. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    How many people here have followed the reaction to Tyrese Gibson and his new wife?
    If you have would you say it contributes to the dismantling of BM/BW relationships?

    • Victor Palmer says:

      Honestly, I don’t like talking about so called celebrities, but he did choose a non-white women. The problem with his choice of women. There are many black women he could have been with.

      It is not about what non-white women want. It is about what they are allow to get.

      Black men and black women who live under the system of racism white supremacy are prevented from having true relationships.

      We don’t have relationships!

      We have arrangements, it is very important to understand that, you are not equal to a white woman, nor do you have the benefits that they have as women. You are not even considered to be a woman. Racist man and racist woman are allowed to have true relationship under the system of white supremacy.

      Non-white women have to study and learn, understand what the system of racism white supremacy is, and how it works. This self-knowledge helps non-white people understand who they are and where they are within the system of racism white supremacy.

      This self-knowledge helps to prevent confusion. Confusion is used as military tactics of psychological warfare, that is used to control us as black people.

      I can see for myself, that confusing millions of people through miseducation and the mass media, is a very effective weapon against us, because we are miseducated and confused people.

      You can’t always stand over people with guns, so you find away to subjugate their minds and their bodies through their thoughts, speech and actions.

      • Courtney H. says:

        @ Everybody:

        Here is Kushite Prince’s take on this:

        Enjoy! 😀

        • Timothy says:

          @Sister Courtney

          Thank you for the link Sister.

          Happy Friday to you. 🙂

          We want relationships among our people to improve.

          • Courtney H. says:

            @ Brother Timothy:

            You are welcome. Happy Friday to you, too. 🙂

            • Victor Palmer says:

              @ Brother Timothy

              “So, I reject unfair generalizations about black people. “

              Mr. Fuller’s says black people are emotional. They respond to criticism by becoming emotional and defensive, as a result prevents them from learning new things about themselves.

              Please click on the YouTube link to listen to Mr. Fuller’s lectures

              “Permanent pessimism is not a solution. That’s a deflection.”

              Mr. Fuller says, Being proud of your race is illogical.

              Please click on the YouTube link to listen to Mr. Fuller’s lectures

              “Real solutions are cited here and by other black scholars like reducing conflict in the black community, studying our true black identity, honoring black women, developing infrastructure, learning STEM, improving our families, and promoting social activism, so black liberation can be a reality in the future.”

              Mr. Fuller says we should never celebrate we need to mediate

              • Timothy says:

                @Victor Palmer

                My views still stand. You have the right to your views and I have the right to mind. We can agree to disagree on issues cordially and that’s fine with me. Again, I agree with you that we have a long way to go and many black people fail to understand the complex tactics of the system of racism/white supremacy. I disagree with your blatant generalizations about all black people as all black people aren’t stupid or ignorant. Emotionalism and terrorism has been displayed by white supremacists for a long time from hate crimes, the Maafa, the Shoah, the Congolese genocide by King Leopold I, and other acts. Many black people are strategic and don’t use their emotions in an self-destructive fashion. You can’t find any evidence that every black person on Earth is stupid, ignorant,, or without emotional control.

                Malcolm X (who taught us to love Africa and to love our black features) is clear about black people having the right to learn about our identity.

                Dr. King taught us to say the truth that black is Beautiful.

                So, the facts are clear. There is nothing wrong with mediation in our community, but we also need to work to build up our infrastructure, promote justice, honor black women, and do other solutions as black scholars have mentioned for years and decades. Having no hope is a futile existence. Having hope and doing action can make success a reality. Permanent pessimism is no solution. That is a deflection and the epitome of an emotional response to real problems. White supremacists believe that black people collectively are stupid, inferior, prone to emotionalism, and other evil stereotypical lies. I reject those lies. So, I forever love my black identity and my African heritage. No one will tell me otherwise. As for me, I can handle critique without emotionalism and without being defensive. I do correct lies though. It is a lie that every black person is stupid. I like to correct myths. It is disrespect for some to ignore the contributions of black people who have used logic and constructive actions in helping the black community.

                It is true that some black people lack logic and follow nihilism, but not all black people. One thing about Neely Fuller is that he gives advice. He didn’t say to black people that black people will be extinct and black people should just give up entirely. He mentioned that black people should read the signs and act accordingly. I have outlined specific solutions and Sister Trojan Pam have shown solutions too. You know this. No human on this Earth is going to tell me that we have no hope for the future. That is a negative perception to have. You don’t know the future, so we can make a better future with constructive action (so justice is made real). This isn’t easy, but we have the right to try and we will try. We will do action.

        • Victor Palmer says:

          Our priorities as non-white people are confused and lack focus.

          All we do is talk about irrelevant topics that don’t help us to be the kind of people we can be.

          We like to brag and be proud about being black and this behaviour is an indication of the glorification of stupidity and the worship of ignorance.

          We are doomed! It doesn’t have to be this way, but if we continue to take silly things seriously, and look at serious things as silly we will continue to be mistreated and subjugated by the white people who practice racism white supremacy.

          May whatever put us here have mercy on us for our continued ignorance!

          • Timothy says:

            @Victor Palmer.

            Many black blogs and black organizations focus on relevant topics from STEM fields, empowerment, conflict resolution, African history, economics, and inventions. These topics are very important to discuss. It is disrespectful to paint every black person into some negative brush. Black people are not all monolithic and many conservatives fail to see that. I don’t like to brag. I do like to put context on subjects and reject the nefarious talking point that every black person on Earth is silly and black people are doomed completely in the future (when these skeptics don’t know the future in its entirety). The Maroons used strategic deeds and logic to fight Western imperialists. Fred Hampton stood up against police brutality. Steve Biko developed views that promoted black consciousness. Ida B. Wells organized newspapers and other infrastructure to combat lynching. These heroes were not distracted by foolishness. They came up and developed ways to fight evil. These historical facts are shown with logic.

            Being thankful to God for being black is not about egoism. It is about acknowledging the beauty of Blackness. It is about respecting our identity. Black is Beautiful. Respecting our identity from a sociological standpoint is honorable and can create many emotional benefits. Also, we should learn what the racism/white supremacist system is all about and create strategies to combat it. You have shown no evidence that we are doomed in the future. Centuries ago, many skeptics said that overt slavery in the Americas would doom black people and cause black people to be extinct in the future. They were wrong. Decades ago, some said that Jim Crow would exist forever. They were wrong. Years ago, many people have said that black people can’t excel in STEM fields or make massive inventions. They were wrong. So, having no hope is not only a distraction, but it’s no solution. A solution is about building, learning, meditating, and developing infrastructure to help the black community. We can agree to disagree on issues and that’s fine.

            • Victor Palmer says:

              Thanks for reminding me that I am trying to feel strong in front of other black people by showing off what I was told by someone.

              I do this a lot and I don’t realize it. It is a attempt to escape reality and to feel good.

              I am basically doing the same things you are doing.

              Trying to make myself feel good by showing off.

              This is one of the top ten show off “isms” that black People engage in to deny reality and to feel strong in front of other black People.

              Thank you for responding to my post, but let us try to talk about the living, instead of the dead.

              Stop the bragging!

              Try to look beyond the generalizations.

              I admit it took me very long time to look beyond situations that seem to be insulting and unjustified criticisms. It is useful! Try to think.

              Mentioning MLK and Malcolm X doesn’t really mean anything.

              Stop the bragging!

              They are all dead!

              I don’t find them useful anymore, because they are dead!

              You can get so much information from insults and criticism. Try to see…………

            • Victor Palmer says:

              @ Timothy

              Thanks for reminding me that I am trying to feel strong in front of other black people by showing off what I was told by someone.

              I do this a lot and I don’t realize it. It is a attempt to escape reality and to feel good.

              I am basically doing the same things you are doing.

              Trying to make myself feel good by showing off.

              This is one of the top ten show off “isms” that black People engage in to deny reality and to feel strong in front of other black People.

              Thank you for responding to my post, but let us try to talk about the living, instead of the dead.

              Stop the bragging!

              Try to look beyond the generalizations.

              I admit it took me very long time to look beyond situations that seem to be insulting and unjustified criticisms. It is useful! Try to think.

              Mentioning MLK and Malcolm X doesn’t really mean anything.

              Stop the bragging!

              They are all dead!

              I don’t find them useful anymore, because they are dead!

              You can get so much information from insults and criticism. Try to see…………

            • Victor Palmer says:

              Only you can disrespect yourself by lying to yourself. This is why you are miseducated. I am less confused, but I am still confused. I am not better than you. As a non-white person we are all equal within the racists social system of racism white supremacy.

              • Timothy says:

                @Victor Palmer.

                Your response is filled with misconceptions, distortions, and ironically emotion.

                I have made my points clear. You are free to agree to disagree with my views, which is totally fine. You talk about mediation and using logic, but you didn’t logically refute my views on heroic black men and black women at all. I have great examples of black intellectual curiosity, of historic example of the greatness of respecting black identity, and the truth that not all black people are stupid. Therefore, I have shown my views. I didn’t brag about anything. I did show great analysis, logical information, and accurate information in a concise fashion. I don’t disrespect myself and I don’t lie to myself. I have using thinking throughout my life, but you are taking this discussion too personal by your words. You have to take scrutiny. That’s part of life. You have the right to express your ideals and I have the right to express mine.

                Good Day to you.

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